Progress Bar

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Introduction

The Progress Bar widget displays a progress bar.

The widget does the following:

  • Displays a progress percentage in the form of a bar based on a configurable range
  • Offers brand styling for the bar through the Appearance design properties
  • Offers option for a striped bar

2 Usage

The Progress Bar widget requires three values: a Minimum value and Maximum value to describe the full range of progress as well as a Current value to indicate the progression on that range.

These values can be provided in three different ways: as a Static integer value, a Dynamic integer value, or an Expression. An On Click Action can be set onto the progress bar to trigger custom logic during click interactions.

2.1 Label

Configuring the label on the progress bar can be done on the Progress Label tab and has the following options:

  • Whether to show a label or not
  • The type of the label:
    • Text: a custom text
    • Percentage: the Current value converted onto the configured range as a percentage.
    • Custom: a custom widget

2.2 Styling

Under the Appearance tab, the following styling properties can be adjusted for the progress bar:

  • Striped bar: whether the bar should be striped or plain
  • Bar color based on brand styling
  • Size (small, medium, and large)
    • Note that when the size is configured to small no label will be shown due to limited space, and text labels will be included as a tooltip that shows on hover

3 Widgets Below Version 2.0.0


  • Show percentage of progress based on value
  • Render bar types: plain, striped, or animated stripes
  • Use bar Bootstrap colors: success, info, warning, or danger

Place the widget in the context of an object that has attributes for Progress attribute and Maximum value attribute:

  • If Progress attribute is not set, Value static will be used to calculate the progress
  • If Maximum value attribute is not set, the maximum value defaults to Maximum value static

Progress percentage is calculated via (value / maximumValue) * 100.

Depending on the specified Bootstrap style (primary, success, info, warning, danger), the progress bar can appear in the associated colors.

For negative progress values, the bar is drawn from right to left.