Marketplace Home Page

Last modified: July 8, 2024

1 Introduction

The Mendix Marketplace is a vibrant marketplace containing complete sample apps that can be used right away as well as various components (connectors, modules, widgets, and more) that can be used to build your apps more quickly. In the Mendix Marketplace, you can browse all the content, get what you need, and share the content you have created.

The Marketplace home page is your entry point to the various parts of the Mendix Marketplace.

This document describes the different sections of the Mendix Marketplace.

On the right side of the header, you can search for content via the Search Marketplace box.

On the left side of the page, you can see the following categories:

On the right side of the page, you can see the filters such as Content Types to use to filter the Marketplace components. The following filter options are available:

  • Support – the support categories (for details, see the Marketplace Content Support)
  • Visibility – for Public or Private content
  • Content Types – the types of content (for details, see the Types of Marketplace Components section in Marketplace)
  • Category – for specific domains in which components or services share characteristics, functions, or purposes
  • Industry – for specific sectors or business domains in which components or services are used
  • Compatibility – for Studio Pro major versions
  • Rating – how the components have been rated in reviews by users

For details on finding and installing Marketplace content in Studio Pro, see the Finding and Downloading Content in Studio Pro section of Using Marketplace Content.

2 Explore

The Explore category contains the following items:

3 Personal

The Personal category contains the following items:

  • My drafts
  • My content
  • My Subscriptions
  • Shared with Me
  • Saved Content
  • My Reviews

These items are described in the sections below.

3.1 My Drafts

On this page, you can see and manage the drafts for all the Marketplace content you have started.

This page presents details on how many total drafts you have, which drafts are ready to publish or are awaiting approval, and which drafts have been declined.

These are the possible Status entries for each item:

  • Incomplete draft – The draft is incomplete and requires additional information before you can submit it
  • Ready to publish – The draft of the new version of the component is ready to be published to the Mendix Marketplace
  • Waiting for approval – The component is being reviewed by Mendix
  • Declined – The draft was declined after review by Mendix; you can find specific feedback in the email notification and on the draft edit page

On this page, click More Options ( ) on a component to access the following options:

  • Edit Draft – Click this to go to the component’s draft page, where you can continue editing the component details
  • Submit Draft – If your component is ready to be submitted and has no errors, you can proceed with the submission for review
  • Withdraw Draft – Click this to withdraw content from the review process after you have submitted it for approval, which will return the content to the draft state
  • Delete – Click this to delete the draft

3.2 My Content

On this page, you can see the Marketplace content for which you have created at least one version.

Click the name of the component to go its component details page.

Click the context menu to access various options for managing your content:

  • Manage Drafts – Click this to manage the drafts of the component
    • Only one draft version of a component can exist at a time, so when one draft version is in progress, another draft cannot be initiated
    • If there is a draft version in progress, you will see options to Edit Draft or Delete Draft
    • If there is a draft version in progress assigned to another user, you will see an option to Reassign Draft to yourself
    • For more information on creating a draft version, see the Updating Existing Marketplace Content section of How to Share Marketplace Content
  • Edit a Version – Click this to edit the component (for details on editing, see the Adding New Marketplace Content section of How to Share Marketplace Content)
  • Unpublish a Version – Click this to remove one version or all versions of the component
    • If the component is protected content from a content group, a group member can unpublish any version
    • If the component is not the protected content of a content group, you can only unpublish a version that you have published yourself
    • Select Unpublish All My Versions to remove all your versions of the component

You may see the Private label on a component, which means it is your company’s private Marketplace content (for details on how this is configured, see the Adding New Marketplace Content section of How to Share Marketplace Content). This content can be shared with guests.

In addition, you may see a label on a component name for the content group to which the component is assigned as group group content.

3.3 My Subscriptions

You can see all the Marketplace content you have trials for on this page:

The table presents the Names of products you have trials for.

The table also presents the Plan and its Status, and the Expires On date for the subscription.

3.4 Shared with Me

This page contains private content shared with you by other companies who have marked you as a guest.

3.5 Saved Content

This page presents the Marketplace content you have saved.

Click the name of the component to go its component details page.

Click the context menu to access various options for managing this content:

  • Receive/Stop Email Notifications – click this to start receiving email notifications or to stop the notifications if you already have them enabled
  • Unsave – click this to remove the component from your saved content

3.6 My Reviews

This page contains reviews of My Content by other users as well as My reviews that you have written of other content.

4 Company

The Company category contains the following items:

  • Company Content
  • Company Subscriptions
  • Content Group

These items are described in the sections below.

4.1 Company Content

On this page, you can see all the content your company has published as a private Marketplace.

Click the name of the component to go its component details page.

Click the context menu to access various options for managing this content:

The options in this menu are the same as described for the context menu for the My Content section above. However, the Edit a Version and Unpublish a Version options are only available for your own versions of company content.

4.2 Company Subscriptions

You can see all the content shared within your organization on this page, which includes previously purchased products, trial subscriptions, paid subscriptions, or company-level services:

The table presents the Names of the products your company has subscribed to.

The table also presents the Technical Owner of the company subscription. When subscribing for a paid component, you can assign the Technical Owner role to a user in your company.

Finally, the table presents the plan’s Status, the subscription Plan, and the Expires On date for the plan.

4.3 Content Groups

The Content Groups menu item and page are visible to all users. However, only Mendix Admins can create and delete content groups. Both Group Admins and Mendix Admins can manage content group members.

You can configure content groups for various levels of access to your company content. The available configuration tabs for each content group page are described in the sections below.

This table breaks down the roles and permissions for content groups:

Roles Manage Groups (Create & Delete) Manage Group Members Assign Content to Group Manage Content (Edit, Add New Version & Unpublish) View & Download Group Content View Group List
Mendix Admin
Group Admin
Group Member
Organization member (not part of any group)

4.3.1 Content Tab

On this tab, you can assign content to this content group that can only be managed by members of this group. To assign a component to a content group, click Assign Content and select a company Marketplace component from the dialog box:

Click the context menu to access various options for managing this content:

The options in this menu are the same as described for the context menu for the My Content section above. The Unassign from Group button is only available for Group Admins and can be used to remove content from the content group.

4.3.2 Members Tab

On this tab, you can enter the email address of a Mendix Platform user from your company and click Add Member to add them as a content group member. Content group members can manage the content assigned to the group.

Once a member is added, you can select their permission level: Group Member or Group Admin.

To remove a member, click Remove next to their name.

4.3.3 Guests Tab

A guest is a Mendix Platform user from outside your organization who can download the selected private Content of this group. To add a guest, enter their email address in the box and click Add Guest:

The guest will receive an email notifying them of access to the private content. They can then see all the private Marketplace content shared with them in their Shared with Me page.

To remove a guest, click Remove.

4.3.4 Settings Tab

On this tab, you can enter a Group Name and a Group Description.

To delete a content group, a Group Admin or Mendix Admin can click Delete Group.

5 Data

The Data category contains the following items: