Find Widget Child Node

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Description

Finds a Node within a Mendix Widget. Also matches the widget node itself.

2 Supported Widgets

  • All widgets

3 Usage

Pass the name of the parent widget and the selector for the child node you want to find. You can use CSS Selectors and JQuery Selectors to define the path to the child node. Optionally you can provide a WebElement as search context, to narrow down the search for the node, if there are two or more nodes with the same name.

4 Input Parameters

Name Datatype Required Description
Widget Name String yes The name of the parent widget
Child Node Selector String yes The selector for the child node, starting from the parent widget
Search Context WebElement no Limit the search for the node to the given WebElement

5 Return Value

Name Datatype Description
Menu Item WebElement The child node of the Widget as a Web Element.