Standard Actions

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Introduction

The following tables list all standard actions for Mendix. There’s one table per folder/category.

2 DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView

Action Supported Widgets Description
Click DataGrid Row DataGrid Click a DataGrid Row by Column Value
Find/Assert DataGrid Row DataGrid Find/Assert a DataGrid Row by a certain Column Value
Find Item/Row DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView Find a Row/Item in a DataGrid, TemplateGrid or ListView by Index
Find Item/Row (by child element) DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView Finds Item or Row of a TemplateGrid, DataGrid or ListView containing a specified element
Find Selected Item/Row DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView Returns first selected Item/Row object
Get Item/Row Index DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView Gets the Index of a row in a Datagrid, or an item in a TemplateGrid or ListView
Get Row Cell Value DataGrid Gets the Cell Value of a DataGrid row
Get Total Item/Row Count DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView Gets the total grid count from the paging status
Get Visible Item/Row Count DataGrid, TemplateGrid, ListView Returns number of currently visible Items/Rows in a TemplateGrid, DataGrid or ListView
Set ListView Search ListView Sets the ListView Search Text
Set Row Cell Value DataGrid Sets the Cell Value in a DataGrid row
Sort DataGrid DataGrid Sorts DataGrid by given Column

3 Dialog

Action Supported Widgets Description
Cancel Dialog ConfirmationDialog Click Cancel on a Confirmation Dialog
Close Dialog Window, DialogMessage, ConfirmationDialog Click X Button on a Confirmation, Error, Warning or Info Dialog
Confirm Dialog ConfirmationDialog, DialogMessage Click Proceed/Ok Button on a Confirmation, Error, Warning or Info Dialog
Find/Assert Dialog Window, DialogMessage, ConfirmationDialog Find/Assert a Dialog by Title or Type
Get Dialog Message Text ConfirmationDialog, DialogMessage Get the text from message and confirmation dialogs

4 FileManager

Action Supported Widgets Description
Set File Manager FileManager Set a file manager to the given file path to upload a file

5 Generic

Action Supported Widgets Description
Assert Current Page Asserts that a certain page is open, by checking the current page title. Note that the page title may depend on the user’s language! For dialogs use the Find/Assert dialog action.
Assert Validation Message All widgets Asserts a validation message with a certain text
Click/Doubleclick All web elements Perform a click or doubleclick and wait for Mendix activities
Click Widgets All widgets Click on a Mendix Widget (for example, Button, Link, Image) by its name
Click Widget Button ListView, ReferenceSelector Refresh Button / Loadmore / ClearSearchField (ListView) Goto, / Add (ReferenceSelector)
Find/Assert Widget All widgets Find/Assert a Mendix Widget by its given name. It is possible to use a sequence of names as a path.
Get Validation Message All widgets Returns the validation message of a widget
Login Login to Mendix Application with standard login page or on Cloud using MxID
Logout Trigger logout/logoff from application via client API. Use this keyword in teardown of your test cases to end the user session. This will work regardless of the UI state.
Open Application Opens a Mendix application at [Website URL] in a browser with Mendix specific settings

6 GroupBox

Action Supported Widgets Description
Close GroupBox GroupBox close a groupbox
GroupBox is Collapsed GroupBox Get GroupBox Collapsed state: true if collapsed, otherwise false
Open GroupBox GroupBox open a groupbox

7 Input

Action Supported Widgets Description
Assert Checkbox Value CheckBox Assert the value of a Checkbox
Assert Value TextBox, TextArea, DatePicker, DropDown, RadioButton, ReferenceSelector, SearchInput Text, SearchInput DropDown, Label, OnChange Inputbox Assert the text value from a Textbox, Textarea, Dateinput
Dropdown has Option DropDown, ReferenceSelector, SearchInput DropDown Returns true if value is available in drop-down
Get Checkbox Value CheckBox Returns true if the Checkbox is checked
Get Index DropDown, ReferenceSelector, SearchInput DropDown Get index of selected value in a drop-down, for example, an EnumSelect or ReferenceSelector
Get Value TextBox, TextArea, DatePicker, DropDown, RadioButton, ReferenceSelector, SearchInput Text, SearchInput DropDown, Label, OnChange Inputbox Get the text value from a Textbox, Textarea, Dateinput, RadioButton, Dropdowns
Set Checkbox Value CheckBox Sets the value of a Checkbox
Set Value TextBox, TextArea, DatePicker, DropDown, RadioButton, ReferenceSelector, SearchInput Text, SearchInput DropDown, OnChange Inputbox Set the text value of a Textbox, Textarea, Dateinput, Reference Selector, Enum Selector
Set Value (by index) DropDown, ReferenceSelector, SearchInput DropDown Set the value of a drop-down by index, for example, EnumSelect or ReferenceSelector
Toggle Checkbox Value CheckBox Click on a Checkbox to toggle its value

8 Navigation, Menu

Action Supported Widgets Description
Click Menu Item NavigationTree, MenuBar, SimpleMenuBar Click on a Menu Item in a Navigation Tree, Menu Bar and Simple Menu Bar
Find/Assert Menu Item NavigationTree, MenuBar, SimpleMenuBar Find/Assert a visible Menu Item in a Navigation Tree, Menu Bar and Simple Menu Bar

9 System

Action Supported Widgets Description
Find Widget Child Node All widgets Find a Node within a Mendix Widget. Also matches the widget node itself.
Focus WebElement All web elements Focus WebElement and perform a Mendix wait afterwards
Get Current Page Title Returns the Current Page/Form Title.
Mendix wait Inject Mendix Scripts and Wait

10 Tab

Action Supported Widgets Description
Assert Active Tab Caption TabContainer Assert a certain value for the caption of the active tab page
Get Active Tab Caption TabContainer Returns the caption of the active tab page