
Last modified: July 23, 2024


Release date: July 17, 2024

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  • We upgraded the JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server to version 12.6.3.
    • If you connect to SQL Server using integrated security in a module such as Database Connector, you may need to update the JDBC driver in userlib as well.
    • The driver now enables TLS encryption by default, but for backward compatibility the runtime disables encryption, unless DatabaseJdbcUrl is set with the encrypt or authentication properties.


  • We fixed an issue where the name of a userlib dependency in the SBOM was incorrect.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: July 3, 2024

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  • We updated the Gradle included with the Studio Pro installer to 8.5. This is needed for JDK 21 support.


  • We fixed an issue where the build process failed with the error message “JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory.” (Tickets 218611, 218716, 221300)
  • We fixed an issue where cached session data was retained even after a new user signed in to offline applications. Now, the cached session data is cleared upon each sign in. (Ticket 201728)
  • We fixed an issue where SVG files were not precached in a PWA app. (Ticket 220165)
  • We fixed an issue in the Core.retrieveByPath Runtime API, where having a new external object and retrieving over an association from the child’s side would result in an error.
  • We fixed an issue where building would fail if the project path contained quotes.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: June 7, 2024

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New Features

Java 21

We now support Java 21 in Studio Pro.

  • You can now configure your application to use Java 21 in the App Settings.
  • In Preferences you can configure a different JDK for each supported version of Java.
  • Targeting Java 21 allows the project to use language constructs and APIs that were introduced with Java 21.

We recommend that you upgrade apps and Marketplace modules to Java 21.


  • We extended logging during synchronization by tracking execution time of database commands. Warnings are printed when a command takes a long time, which is controlled with the custom runtime setting LogMinDurationQuery. A history of all commands is logged when an exception occurs during synchronization.
  • We changed Studio Pro installer for Windows to check for currently installed Git CLI version and upgrade it if needed (previously installer did not change anything if any Git CLI version is installed).


  • We fixed an issue with searching in protected modules. (Ticket 216100)
  • We fixed an issue where retrieving more than 1000 objects together with a specialization of an associated entity returned incomplete results. (Ticket 211813)
  • We added a check so that reimported modules only keep database IDs for attributes when a generalization of the entity remains in place. (Ticket 212565)
  • We fixed an issue with the File Manager widget. The widget no longer erroneously accepts the .xls extension. If you attempt to use .xls files, they will be rejected by the widget intelligently.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • In some circumstances the build process fails with the error message “JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory.”


Release date: May 23, 2024

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  • We changed the log level of the “tasks cannot be executed anymore due to model changes” message in the task queue from “critical” to “error”. (Ticket 199565)
  • We have improved performance in the following scenario: exporting pages containing multiple widgets using conditional visibility with many different user roles. (Ticket 208302)
  • We added a Support Tools submenu to the Help menu. This submenu contains Performance logging, Profiling, and Optimize MPR tools.


  • We fixed CVE-2024-33500.
  • We fixed an issue where Data Grid 2 did not show data in some columns when different columns were configured with an attribute path using the same association but different specialization or generalization entities. (Ticket 203959)
  • We fixed an issue affecting iOS hybrid apps where users got stuck on a 404 page after logging in or out. (Ticket 210601)
  • We resolved an issue causing files with special characters in their names to download with incorrect filenames. (Ticket 213587)
  • We fixed a known issue where disabling a Scheduled Event through Model Options in the Developer Portal did not work. (Tickets 214392, 215703, 215843)
  • The Java API DataStorage.executeWithConnection(context, function) now properly closes the database connection when called from a Java action executed on a task queue. (Ticket 216659)
  • We fixed an issue where, when migrating a column from float to decimal, the default value would be converted to float before being inserted (which can cause improper rounding).

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: April 18, 2024

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  • We improved the performance of the offline database. (Tickets 212470, 213732)

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
    • Fixed in 9.24.22.
    • Workaround: Making a small change to the model in Studio Pro, such as adding a comment to a microflow, and then redeploying and restarting the app will update the status of the Scheduled Events.


Release date: April 15, 2024

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  • We fixed an issue where executing a DeepLink microflow with a Close page activity or setting navigated you outside of the app. (Ticket 205701)
  • We fixed the initialization of hybrid apps on iOS. (Ticket 213273)
  • We fixed an issue in the OpenApi 2.0 (swagger.json) document for published REST services, where operations that return an object using an export mapping based on an entity message definition had an xml property in the response schema that should not be there.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
    • Fixed in 9.24.22.
    • Workaround: Making a small change to the model in Studio Pro, such as adding a comment to a microflow, and then redeploying and restarting the app will update the status of the Scheduled Events.


Release date: April 11, 2024

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New Features

Java 17

In a first step towards Java 21 support, we have made the following changes:

  • We added the option to select between Java 11 and 17 in the app Runtime settings.

  • Targeting Java 17 allows the app to use language constructs and APIs that were introduced with Java 17.

  • If you choose to run on JDK 17 you should not have to update your apps. If you have any unexpected issues, please revert to Java 11 if possible and wait for Java 21 support to be introduced.

    Mendix recommends you keep older apps and Marketplace modules on Java 11 for now, and upgrade them to Java 21 when that version is supported in a future Mendix 10 release.

Note that new apps are currently still configured to target Java 11.


  • We fixed an issue that occurred when versioned MDA creation downloaded an app from the server (which took a long time) instead of using a local clone. (Ticket 202414)
  • We fixed an issue which occurred when a conditional visibility or editability was configured with an attribute which was not of Boolean or enumeration type. (Ticket 205450)
  • We fixed a runtime error which occurred when data views are nested in a specific way inside a snippet and configured to use an association of its parameter. (Ticket 211459)
  • We fixed an issue where changing the association of an association property in a pluggable widget, for example, a Combo box, threw an error. This occurred when the current selected association was referring to a snippet parameter which was no longer available or referring to a data view no longer in scope. (Ticket 212822)
  • We fixed an issue where offline hybrid apps did not work on iOS. (Ticket 213273)


  • We will drop support for MariaDB 10.4 after July 1 2024, as the vendor has announced the end of support for that version.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
    • Fixed in 9.24.22.
    • Workaround: Making a small change to the model in Studio Pro, such as adding a comment to a microflow, and then redeploying and restarting the app will update the status of the Scheduled Events.


Release date: March 26, 2024

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New Features

WebSQL replacement

We introduced an alternative for WebSQL with this release. After upgrading to this release, opening your offline PWA in your browsers automatically upgrades your WebSQL database to a new SQLite-based database. For this to function correctly, the browser must run in a Secure Context, which means either an HTTPS connection or by accessing your offline PWA via localhost. All functionality will remain functioning as is.


  • We restored the original functionality in Azure file storage, where container name can be specified in com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting. This fixes a known issue. (Ticket 210679)
  • We fixed an issue where the Offset and Limit variable usages were not shown in List Operation > Range in the microflow editor. (Ticket 201374)
  • We fixed the problem that anonymous user objects were kept in the database when their associated anonymous sessions were deleted on application startup after a model update.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
    • Fixed in 9.24.22.
    • Workaround: Making a small change to the model in Studio Pro, such as adding a comment to a microflow, and then redeploying and restarting the app will update the status of the Scheduled Events.


Release date: March 14, 2024

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  • We upgraded Swagger UI from 4.10.3 to 5.11.7. The runtime uses this to show and interact with the OpenAPI documents of published OData services and published REST services. (Tickets 208761, 208854)
  • We added the com.mendix.core.ScheduledEventsCleanupBatchSize and com.mendix.core.ProcessedTasksCleanupBatchSize runtime settings to configure the batch size for the periodic cleanup of ScheduledEventInformation and ProcessedTasks.


  • We fixed an issue where a concurrency error happened when retrieving a session while optimistic locking was enabled. (Tickets 183769, 198138)
  • We fixed a scenario when multiple sign-in dialogs were displayed after leaving Studio Pro running without any user interaction or working offline without any sign-in related user actions. (Ticket 205784)
  • We fixed an issue where restarting the leader node while follower nodes were still executing scheduled events caused the leader node to fail startup. (Ticket 206827)
  • We fixed an issue where custom content in pluggable widgets, e.g. Data grid 2 or selectable objects for the Combo box, were including the objects of the data source in Save changes and Cancel changes actions, even when it was only used for display. (Ticket 207911)
  • We improved the memory consumption in Studio Pro by resolving a memory leak caused by checkable menu items. (Ticket 207357)
  • We fixed an issue where importing a JSON string with a length greater than 20000000 resulted in a runtime exception. We added the mapping.import.MaxJsonReadingLength runtime setting to manually configure the maximum length of a JSON string to resolve this issue. (Tickets 208462, 211077)
  • We fixed an issue where in the Swagger UI pages of published REST services and published OData services when using a default-src content security policy. The use of inline style on these pages resulted in an empty page in the browser and a message on the console: “Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: …”. (Ticket 208922)
  • We fixed the issue that where a document was opened or created in Studio Pro, but the document tab did not receive the keyboard focus.
  • We fixed an issue where dates were wrongly converted when selecting a date using the datepicker in a web app with its language set to Thai on iOS devices using the Buddhist calendar setting. (Ticket 206988)
  • We fixed an issue where resolving a consistency error for a mapping document ran the whole consistency check instead of only the impacted documents.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • Disabling Custom Scheduled Events has no effect and they will still run on their scheduled time. Toggling on a disabled Scheduled Event will also have no effect.
    • Fixed in 9.24.22.
    • Workaround: Making a small change to the model in Studio Pro, such as adding a comment to a microflow, and then redeploying and restarting the app will update the status of the Scheduled Events.


Release date: February 13, 2024

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  • We improved the performance during consistency check for a mapping document. (Ticket 205772)
  • We introduced new custom Runtime settings: ConnectionPoolingTestOnBorrow, ConnectionPoolingTestOnCreate, ConnectionPoolingTestOnReturn and ConnectionPoolingTestWhileIdle. They are false by default and may be set to true to validate connections when borrowed from a pool, created or returned to the pool or when the idle connection evictor runs.
  • We added the custom Runtime setting com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix, which value will be prepended to the key when retrieving or storing files from and to Amazon S3.


  • We fixed an issue where changes made in the Java Script action got lost. (Ticket 202253)
  • We fixed an issue where a data source with an association was not visible when the surrounding data of a snippet was not coming from a direct data view parent. (Ticket 203582)
  • We fixed an issue where a Select button on a data grid threw an error. (Ticket 203690)
  • We fixed an issue when an association property is configured with the same data source for selectable objects and source properties. (Ticket 205039)
  • We fixed an error when a font size in a Document Template had been set to 0. (Ticket 205807)
  • We fixed an issue that caused a rejection of encoded URLs in a request body of POST/PATCH requests for published OData services. (Ticket 207617)
  • We fixed an issue where a database connection that was closed from outside of the Runtime remained registered as active. (Ticket 207645)
  • We fixed an issue where the consistency check for correct ownership of an association was not applied to pluggable widgets. This occurred in cases where association properties were not linked to a data source. (Ticket 207707)
  • We fixed an issue for responsive web offline, in which a data grid, a template grid and a list view with a data source that was configured with an entity path over an association did not correctly apply the constraint(s) in some cases.
  • We fixed an error when Git Config Option ‘core.autocrlf’ was set to ‘input’.


  • We deprecated the usage of slashes in bucket names for Amazon S3 storage. You can now use the new com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix custom setting which value will be prepended to the key when retrieving or storing files from and to Amazon S3.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: January 30, 2024

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New Features

  • We have introduced a new step during the commit process that checks for large files that are being added or changed. We want you to be informed about this, as large files can become problematic for Git.
  • We have also introduced an optimizing storage solution, which is triggered when heuristics indicates at least five megabytes can be saved on the .mpr size.


  • We fixed an issue where the last row did not get imported from an Excel file to the Batch translate dialog box. (Tickets 199182, 202693)
  • We fixed an issue where changes could not be saved or cancelled when using an input reference set selector widget in a data view without an object. (Ticket 201170)
  • We fixed an issue where MxBuild threw an exception when there was a consistency error in the mapping document. (Ticket 203311)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when selecting an association for a pluggable widget (for example, the Combo box widget) inside a snippet with multiple parameters. (Ticket 204133)
  • We fixed a case in OQL where the ON condition of an INNER JOIN was lost if only ID attributes of the entities were used. (Ticket 204833)
  • We fixed an issue in which navigating back in history caused a Combo Box widget using an association to break. (Tickets 205378, 205479)
  • We fixed an issue in the Swagger UI interactive documentation pages for published REST and OData services. These pages no longer allow configuration to be set via query parameters.
  • We fixed an issue in the offline context management to ensure the thread safety.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: January 5, 2024

Go to Marketplace

New Features

  • You can now select which widgets to include when exporting a module. This is useful in case you want to create Marketplace modules that depend on other modules, and you do not want to include their widgets in your module.


  • We upgraded the Azure Blob Storage dependency from 8.6.6 to 12.25.1.


  • We mitigated CVE-2023-29331 by updating third-party dependencies. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We no longer log a warning when exporting to Excel from a data grid. (Ticket 172006)
  • We fixed an issue where changing the microflow of a scheduled event did not have any effect. (Ticket 190445)
  • We simplified the handling of errors in log subscriber message processing. These errors are now always printed on the standard error output instead. For the file log subscriber, this means that repeated errors are no longer written to .err files. (Tickets 196306, 200771)
  • We fixed a memory leak that occurred when opening pages. This caused issues after opening thousands of pages. (Ticket 197048)
  • We fixed an issue where using the ALT + F7 shortcut triggered the tab switcher instead of performing a debugger action. (Ticket 201938)
  • We fixed an issue where a scheduled task was executed before the calling microflow finished successfully. (Ticket 202006)
  • We fixed an issue where a NullPointerException occurred due to specific Java dependencies at the startup of an app. (Ticket 203262)
  • We fixed an issue with the OpenAPI 2.0 contract for published REST services where applying a list parameter to an operation resulted in an invalid swagger.json file. (Ticket 203643)
  • We fixed a bug where the login page settings threw a consistency error about a non-existent page, even though anonymous users were not allowed. These settings are now cleared when anonymous users are not allowed.
  • We fixed the “LibGit2Sharp.NotFoundException: No valid git object identified by ‘some_branch’ exists in the repository” error that occurred while cloning locally.
  • We fixed an issue where after downloading a branch, an “Oops” pop-up window was shown with a “Not a Mendix Git URL” error message.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: December 27, 2023

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  • We changed the servlet and web socket API dependencies for Java actions. We replacedjavax.servlet.servlet-api.jar with org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.jetty-servlet-api.jar, and we replaced javax.websocket.websocket-api.jar with org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.jetty-javax-websocket-api.jar.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: November 14, 2023

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  • We improved the native app loading performance. (Ticket 192424)
  • An app can now publish a REST service on the URL prefix ws/ or odata/, provided it has no published web services or published OData services, respectively.
  • We updated the bundled JDK to version


  • We fixed an issue where the LastLogin attribute was not readable when it should have been. (Ticket 192759)
  • We fixed an issue where the session ID was incorrectly null in WebSockets. (Ticket 195691)
  • We fixed an issue with the Synchronize to device microflow activity. (Ticket 196961)
  • We fixed an issue where using the System.changedBy or System.owner association in an XPath constraint variable resulted in an error during deployment (for example, [MyFirstModule.Order_User=$currentObject/System.changedBy]). (Ticket 197570)
  • We fixed an issue in consumed web services where making requests with attachments failed due to a missing Content-Transfer-Encoding header. (Ticket 199235)
  • We fixed an issue in the metadata of published OData services using OData v4. (Ticket 200743)


  • We dropped support for PostgreSQL 11, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: October 27, 2023

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  • We fixed a known issue where additional commits were created unnecessarily when merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch. (Tickets 197365, 197397, 197756, 198059, 198288)
  • We fixed the iOS bottom navigation bar issue that invaded the SafeAreaView of iPhone devices. (Ticket 187402)
  • We fixed an issue where branch lines were not sorted alphabetically during a branch merging operation. (Ticket 192492)
  • We removed the resource path and parameter details from the “400 bad request” error message to avoid cross-site scripting vulnerability false-positives for published OData services. (Ticket 197293)
  • We fixed an issue where native mobile apps got stuck on the splash screen when there was no internet connection. (Ticket 199646)
  • We fixed an issue where the errors list did not get refreshed when an error occurred while downloading a module from the Marketplace.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: October 16, 2023

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Performance Improvements

  • We improved the performance of the Build deployment structure step when building an app, especially for those apps that contain many expressions referring to a variable other than $currentObject. The time needed for Exporting pages has decreased up to 95%. (Ticket 196806)

Other Improvements

  • We optimized server responses and prevented the returning of unnecessary data.


  • We fixed an issue where queued tasks (including scheduled events) got stuck in the Running state when database connection issues occurred. (Tickets 176015, 177221, 181767, 184886, 193669, 195602, 195879)
  • We fixed an issue where queued tasks got stuck in the Running state if a StackOverflowError or InterruptedException occurred during the execution of the task. (Ticket 187973)
  • We fixed an issue where an H2 heading tag had an empty id attribute when exporting documentation. (Ticket 188128)
  • We fixed an issue where double-clicking the close button of a pop-up window while multiple pop-up windows were open also closed the underlying pop-up windows. (Ticket 188414)
  • We fixed an issue where the action for closing a pop-up window did not work correctly if it targeted an action button and there were multiple instances of that button in the app. (Ticket 192989)
  • We fixed an issue where the excluded JARs configuration was not saved after a commit. (Ticket 194367)
  • We fixed an issue where startup synchronization failed when some files were missing. (Ticket 196961)

Known Issues

  • When merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch, additional commits are automatically created unnecessarily.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: September 26, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • We added support for PostgreSQL 16.


  • We fixed an issue where the drop-down filter in the data grid widget was not closed when the page was scrolled. Starting with this version, multiselect filters in the data grid are closed as soon as the page is scrolled. (Ticket 163319)
  • We enabled the latestHttpResponse parameter in responses from web services in case of failure. (Ticket 193998)
  • We fixed an issue where message transmission optimization mechanism (MTOM) requests included the Content-ID of the main SOAP payload without the required square brackets. (Ticket 196343)
  • We fixed the creation of a new database from Studio Pro when using MySQL or MariaDB.

Known Issues

  • When merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch, additional commits are automatically created unnecessarily.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: September 18, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • You can now use a Share URL from the Catalog to update a consumed OData service.
  • You can now update the contract of an OData service from the Catalog using a file or URL.


  • We fixed an issue where importing large XML schema documents was too slow. (Ticket 170962, 185085)
  • We fixed an issue with calling a microflow action where retrieving a specialization over an association did not work if the other side was the generalization. (Ticket 187667)
  • We fixed an issue where an XPath data source with a constraint that used the id attribute of a variable (for example, [Module.Person_House/Module.House/id=$currentObject/id]) resulted in an error during deployment. (Ticket 194055)
  • We fixed an issue where calling a microflow action did not create an IDResolution log line. (Ticket 194868)
  • We fixed an issue where deployment failed when a Data Grid 2 or a Gallery widget used a database over an association with selection enabled. (Ticket 195832)
  • We adjusted MxAssist Best Practice Bot recommendations MXP003 and MXP007 to not recommend adding an index to an attribute that is uniquely constrained.

Known Issues

  • When merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch, additional commits are automatically created unnecessarily.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: September 8, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • We improved the resizing behavior of the End Event and Decision dialog boxes in the microflow editor.
  • We added a log message to indicate that the Mendix Runtime shutdown was requested through ShutdownAction.


  • We fixed an issue where a text area ignored a value autofilled in Google Chrome. (Ticket 176195)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the Batch Update Button Icons dialog box to throw an exception. This includes addressing the scenario of adding an extra native icon selector when there are native documents and the selected icon is not supported on native. (Ticket 191511)
  • We fixed an issue in the $metadata of published OData services using OData v3 where a self-referencing association resulted in two roles with the same name. (Ticket 193467).
  • We fixed an issue where setting a new AuthToken was not applied until the native app was restarted. (Ticket 195005)
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to use the constrained by functionality with the reference selector and input reference set selector widgets when the configured attribute path did not start from the direct enclosing data container.
  • We fixed a crash that occurred when selecting Edit > Find Usages.
  • We fixed an issue where the grid control did not highlight the selected row.


  • We will drop support for PostgreSQL 11 after November 1, 2023, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • When merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch, additional commits are automatically created unnecessarily.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: August 22, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • We updated the Git that is installed with Studio Pro to version


  • We fixed an issue where a commit, rollback, or delete action did not always send the associated object along. (Tickets 152735, 184397)
  • We now encode file paths before logging them. This solves an issue where a log message could occupy multiple lines in the log. (Ticket 175643)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when updating a widget to its latest version available in the Marketplace where the update returned an error if the latest widget’s supported Studio Pro versions were above the Studio Pro version used to update the widget. Now, it is only possible to update to a widget version that supports the Studio Pro version in use, and not necessarily to the most up-to-date widget. (Ticket 183294)
  • We fixed an issue where having a hidden custom close action button prevented the default rollback behavior. (Ticket 184642)
  • We fixed an issue where creating a non-persistable entity led to errors when the entity contained a system attribute. (Tickets 189835, 190622)
  • We fixed an issue where an app containing an input widget with a page title override on one of its actions triggered an error and could not be opened. (Ticket 192138)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred after double-clicking a node in a tree control where other elements in the app (for example, buttons) did not get selected after a single click, only after a second click.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when merging a branch with a document that had already been port-fixed into the target branch. Double-clicking the conflicting document led to an “Oops” pop-up window.

Known Issues

  • When merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch, additional commits are automatically created unnecessarily.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: July 31, 2023

Go to Marketplace


Performance Improvements

  • We improved offline database performance by optimizing the reading of file objects.

Other Improvements

  • We made it possible to set Localize to No for date and time attributes of external entities. (Ticket 188260)


  • We fixed an issue where the XPath constraint of a data source produced incorrect results if the widget was placed inside a pluggable widget and the constraint used attributes from a page variable (such as `$currentObject’). (Ticket 178210)
  • We fixed the behavior of the Pluggable Widget Filtering API for attributes over association. Now, a filter such as equals(attributeId, empty()) will also match if any of the associations leading up to the attribute are empty. (Ticket 186042)
  • We fixed an error that occurred when calling Core.http().executeHttpRequests() from a Java action when the Services log level was set to TRACE. (Tickets 187228, 187764)
  • We fixed an issue in offline applications where an association was lost if an uncommitted non-persistable entity (NPE) was used in a microflow. (Ticket 187904)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when retrieving an NPE over an association where the entity had a generalization with a calculated attribute. (Ticket 188255)
  • We fixed an issue where the fallback to the default language when viewing non-default languages was not used for a text template property when it was linked to a data source. This resulted in empty text in the client (for example, for the dynamic text property of a data grid 2 column). (Ticket 188724)
  • We fixed an issue where scientific notation was not supported by the parseDecimal function in nanoflows. (Ticket 189270)
  • We fixed an issue where the sort order of a list view could not be selected or edited if it was inside another list view. (Ticket 190576)
  • We fixed an issue that caused an error when deploying an app if a snippet contained a checkbox with an on-change action that used a snippet parameter. (Ticket 191010)
  • We fixed an issue where a data grid 2 module configured with an XPath data source with a not equal constraint did not apply the filters on associations that had been specified in the drop-down filter widget. (Ticket 191292)
  • We fixed an issue where an XPath expression like //A[A_B/B/attr = 'value'][A_B/B = $param] ignored the second constraint when its path ended in an entity name and was a prefix of the other path. Please note that Studio Pro does not allow the form [A_B/B = $param], only the equivalent [A_B = $param] or [A_B/B/id = $param].
  • We fixed accessibility issues affecting data grid filters and the search bar in the list view widget.
  • We fixed an issue related to the accessibility of input labels in login widgets.
  • We fixed an issue that caused an error message to be shown when closing a dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue affecting text boxes where the Enter key-press event was called from pop-up windows, which caused unexpected behavior.

Known Issues

  • When merging a branch into a second branch which already contained all the commits from the first branch, additional commits are automatically created unnecessarily.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: July 6, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • We removed the limitation that stopped you from automatically creating import and export mappings from message definitions with more than 100 attributes.
  • We added a new log node called IDResolution, which provides more details about certain actions being executed on the Mendix Runtime.
  • Cloning another branch of a Git app in which you already have a branch on disk now first makes a local copy and then downloads the latest version from the server (instead of completely downloading the branch from the server). As Git always downloads the entire history (whereas SVN only downloads the latest revision), making this local copy significantly speeds up working with branches for Git apps.
  • We improved the Synchronize to device activity’s performance when it deals with large numbers of objects.


  • We mitigated CVE-2022-34716 by updating third-party dependencies. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We fixed a known issue where the subscription of a business event did not start at the startup of the app when that app had been created with a Studio Pro version lower than 9.24.
  • We fixed an issue where a pluggable widget with a widgets property linked to a data source and an image property configured as a dynamic image was rendering incorrect data. (Ticket 117735)
  • We fixed a memory leak that occurred when opening pages. This caused issues after opening thousands of pages. (Ticket 172126)
  • We fixed an issue where Chrome extensions crashed the client. (Tickets 180229, 180230, 180385, 180405, 180450, 180472, 183144)
  • We fixed an issue in offline-first profiles where a failed synchronization due to committing some invalid changes did not provide sufficient information about the error in the logs or stack trace. (Tickets 183328, 186301)
  • We fixed an issue where no error message was shown when an update of a Mendix Marketplace module failed. (Ticket 183507)
  • We fixed an issue with widget packaging during the export of solution modules that caused widget conflicts on the consuming side. Now, the solution modules are exported without the widgets. (Ticket 183918)
  • We fixed an issue where no consistency error was shown on an invalid expression in a microflow when using an association that could not be traversed. (Ticket 185701)
  • We fixed an issue in published REST services and published OData services that use a combination of custom authentication and another authentication type. When the custom authentication does not authenticate the user but a subsequent authentication type does, the operation was previously unable to read the body of the request. (Ticket 185790)
  • We fixed the issue where the Documentation pane did not show the documentation corresponding to the selected element in certain conditions. (Ticket 185876)
  • We fixed an issue where Validation Assist generated an incorrect validation microflow. (Ticket 186222)
  • We fixed an issue where the compilation of Java actions failed when annotation processors were used. (Ticket 186516)
  • We fixed an issue that allowed for adding custom icons to native pages, as native pages do not support custom icons. (Ticket 186783)
  • We fixed an issue where Studio Pro crashed if you accidentally dropped a container widget onto itself. (Ticket 189191)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the warning pop-up window for the inline snippet action to mention the same affected widget multiple times.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the inline snippet action to crash if the surrounding data widget was not configured.
  • We fixed an issue where a page parameter triggered a warning that it was unused if the only reference to that parameter was inside an XPath constraint.
  • We fixed an issue where a page parameter did not trigger a warning that it was unused if the parameter mapping of an action or data source pointed to an object of the same entity as the parameter.
  • We fixed an issue where the Commit Message field was not focused upon opening the Commit dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue in the OpenAPI contract of published OData services where the server URL contained a double slash.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred with the Machine Learning Kit when the app is deployed on Mendix Cloud. If you still experience issues deploying to Mendix Cloud, please ensure the Machine Learning model has been re-imported.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when the Machine Learning Kit mapping document was moved and the underlying ONNX file was not copied to the new location.
  • We fixed the tooltips that were not displayed for disabled buttons in toolbars all across Studio Pro.
  • We fixed an issue where the navigation editor’s width changed upon performing UI updates (for example, toggling a checkbox).
  • We fixed an exception in the XPath constraint editor that was thrown when the list of autocomplete suggestions was open and an erroneous character was being typed.
  • We fixed an issue where expressions in pluggable widgets were not updated correctly when renaming an element (like a module or an entity), which caused consistency errors.
  • We fixed an issue where the nanoflow debugger did not stay paused after 30 seconds.
  • We fixed missing deprecations for the Counters, Gauges, Sets, and Timers interfaces from the Mendix Runtime API. These interfaces will be removed in Mendix 11. Implementations for these interfaces were only accessible through deprecated methods before.


  • We dropped support for MariaDB 10.3, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: June 7, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • We added getSslContext to the IHttpConfiguration interface in the Mendix Runtime API. This gives the Java code access to the SslContext that should be used to call a service based on the Mendix Runtime settings.
  • We added the custom setting RequestHandling.AllowLegacyCookies to allow for violations of RFC 6265, which is enforced in the most recent Jetty versions (for more information, see RFC6265_LEGACY). Be aware of the fact that enabling this custom setting exposes your app to CVE-2023-26049.
  • We changed the default location for a published OData service to use lower-case.
  • We added an error page for when Studio Pro cannot open your default browser from the login dialog box.
  • We added a private market option to the list of available target markets for Studio Pro.


  • We mitigated CVE-2023-32314 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We fixed an issue where objects were garbage-collected for pages with multiple page parameters. (Ticket 180470)
  • We fixed an issue where the originURI cookie could not be read when using the default index.html. (Ticket 181106).
  • We fixed an issue where importing a file from a version below 9.24 caused many errors to appear. (Ticket 182860)
  • We fixed an issue where attribute widgets (for example, a text box) did not trigger a consistency error if the selected attribute had an invalid source, causing an error when deploying the app. (Ticket 183379)
  • We fixed an issue with getting the device name as the phone’s factory name in mobile apps. (Ticket 183392)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when a nanoflow retrieved a non-persistable entity over an association and the entity had an event handler. (Ticket 183879)
  • We fixed an issue with dojo widgets that was causing custom icon collections not to work. (Ticket 183996)
  • We fixed the colors of the term empty and the symbol - in the XPath constraint editor. (Ticket 183998).
  • We fixed an issue in published REST services where publishing two REST services on the same location caused a consistency error. (This was not a problem where services did not publish resources and operations that resulted in the same operation URL.) (Tickets 185087, 185423)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the warning pop-up window for the inline snippet action to mention the same affected widget multiple times.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the inline snippet action to crash if the surrounding data widget was not configured.
  • We fixed an issue where a page parameter triggered a warning that it was unused if the only reference to that parameter was inside an XPath constraint.
  • We fixed an issue where a page parameter did not trigger a warning that it was unused if the parameter mapping of an action or data source pointed to an object of the same entity as the parameter.
  • We fixed an issue with the Drop-down search field in the data grid widget where the search field did not work correctly with numeric attributes when Allow multi-select was set to Yes.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when the Commit Message field was not focused upon opening the Commit dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue where expressions in pluggable widgets were not updated correctly when renaming an element (like a module or an entity), which caused consistency errors.
  • We fixed an issue in the OpenAPI contract of published OData services where the server URL contained a double slash.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when adding external entities to an app where the generation of enumerations caused an error.
  • We fixed an exception in the XPath constraint editor that was thrown when the list of autocomplete suggestions was open and an erroneous character was being typed.
  • We fixed a Mendix Runtime error that occurred when a microflow was no longer being used in an app after doing a hot reload in Studio Pro.


  • We deprecated the Counters, Gauges, Sets, and Timers interfaces from the Mendix Runtime API. Implementations for these interfaces were only accessible through deprecated methods before. These will be removed in Mendix 11.

Known Issues

  • Converting apps with business event services that were built with Studio Pro 9.23 and below to Studio Pro 9.24 causes a problem where the event name of subscribe events incorrectly also includes the prefix. This breaks the business event functionality and prevents apps from receiving events.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: May 4, 2023

Go to Marketplace


  • We improved data encryption in mobile apps. (Ticket 181442)
  • We reduced the amount of output of Java compilation errors during deployment.


  • We mitigated CVE-2023-30547 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We fixed an issue where the debugger threw an error and disconnected after 30 seconds of inactivity. (Tickets 151937, 169696, 175161, 175542, 178553, 180332)
  • We fixed an issue where non-localized date/time attributes in XPath constraints were not handled correctly, producing incorrect queries. (Ticket 176850)
  • We fixed an issue where an object validation was removed incorrectly. (Ticket 180011)
  • We fixed an issue where the language-sensitive parts on pages were not fully updated when you changed the language via the Language Selector widget. (Tickets 180130, 180670, 180824, 181274, 181713, 181974)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when opening multiple modal pop-up windows at the same time and it was not possible to focus widgets in the pop-up widget that was on top. (Ticket 180137)
  • We fixed an issue where an inherited association could not be published in a published OData service that used links as object IDs. (Ticket 181474)
  • We fixed an issue in XPath constraint suggestions that gave incorrect suggestions when there were whitespace characters after comparison operators (=,<,>,<=,=>,!=). (Tickets 181673, 181908)
  • We fixed a crash that occurred during login that blocked some users from logging in. (Tickets 181864, 183014)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the attribute of conditional visibility settings or the text template parameters of a button inside a reference set selector to not be selectable, which resulted in a consistency error. (Ticket 182203)
  • We fixed an issue in the OpenAPI contract of published REST services where operations that used an import mapping had a schema defined for the other parameters but not the type. (Ticket 182615)
  • We fixed an issue in the OpenAPI contract of published OData services where GET operations no longer specified the $expand parameter when there were no associations to expand. (Ticket 182627)
  • We fixed an issue where deployment failed on the Linux operating system when module names contained upper-case letters. (Tickets 183841, 183872)
  • We fixed an issue where clicking Load more on a list view triggered the on-click event on a surrounding widget. (Ticket 365439)
  • We fixed an issue where creating a non-persistable entity led to errors when attributes were read-only.
  • We fixed an issue that triggered a consistency error on a text template of a pluggable widget inside a snippet with multiple parameters if the template had parameters based on an attribute.
  • We fixed an issue with text controls where the text was sometimes undesirably reverted.
  • We fixed an issue in the grid control where selecting multiple cells using Shift was inconsistent when clicking on the interactable control itself in the cell (meaning, the checkbox).
  • We fixed an issue in XPath constraint suggestions that gave incorrect suggestions when there were multiple predicates (meaning, expressions between the square brackets [[, ]]).

Known Issues

  • Converting apps with business event services that were built with Studio Pro 9.23 and below to Studio Pro 9.24 causes a problem where the event name of subscribe events incorrectly also includes the prefix. This breaks the business event functionality and prevents apps from receiving events.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: April 13, 2023

Go to Marketplace


Performance Improvements

  • We improved the performance of editing published web service operations. Operations that expose large data structures no longer cause Studio Pro to become unresponsive upon opening the editing dialog box. (Ticket 179950)

Other Improvements

  • We added a new way to convert between microflows and nanoflows by right-clicking the microflow or nanoflow in the App Explorer. For more information, see the alternative option specified in the Converting a Microflow to a Nanoflow section in Microflows and in the Converting a Nanoflow to a Microflow section in Nanoflows.
  • We improved the export size of the model. It should now be about half the size in a lot of cases. (Ticket 174121)


  • We mitigated CVE-2023-29017 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We fixed an issue in the domain model editor where an element outside the boundaries of the current view was not scrolled to when there was navigation via Go to options. (Ticket 178829)
  • We fixed an issue where a domain-level validation message could not be translated. You can now use the mendix.lib.Validations.field_issue system text to translate and change this message. (Tickets 180448, 181175)
  • The results of Find Usages now include enumeration values used for conditional visibility. (Ticket 180727)
  • We fixed an issue where an application with excluded .jar files failed to deploy. (Ticket 181931)
  • We fixed the keyboard shortcut behavior for Enter and Space in the tree controls.
  • We fixed an issue where the status of ScheduledEventInformation was Completed when the associated scheduled event failed.
  • We fixed a Mendix Runtime error that occurred when a microflow was no longer being used in an app after doing a hot reload in Studio Pro.


  • We will drop support for MariaDB 10.3 after June 1, 2023, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • Converting apps with business event services that were built with Studio Pro 9.23 and below to Studio Pro 9.24 causes a problem where the event name of subscribe events incorrectly also includes the prefix. This breaks the business event functionality and prevents apps from receiving events.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.


Release date: March 28, 2023

Go to Marketplace

New Features

Custom Icon Support

We added the ability to use custom icon fonts in your apps. This gives you the freedom to choose between using your own icons and Mendix’s own glyph icons

Custom icon support allows you to do the following:.

  • Create icon collections
  • Import icons from icon font files (.ttf)
  • Add tags to individual icons
  • Choose a name for each icon
  • Bulk import icon tags and names from a CSV file
  • Configure icon collections to use a specific class name and a dedicated prefix for the icons
  • Use the icons in widgets, page navigation, pages, building blocks, page templates, snippets, and custom widgets

For more information, see Icon Collection in the Studio Pro Guide.

Other New Features

  • We added a new feature that allows you to convert a microflow into a nanoflow and vice versa. You can easily convert between the two by right-clicking in the microflow/nanoflow editor. For more information, see the Converting a Microflow to a Nanoflow section in Microflows and the Converting a Nanoflow to a Microflow section in Nanoflows.

  • We added a way for you to create a new app from a spreadsheet and import your own data. You can choose the App from spreadsheet template when creating a new app. This functionality generates entities, associations, attributes, and data for the app. For more information, see Starting with App from a Spreadsheet.

  • We introduced a new synchronization mode: Never. When you set synchronization to Never for an entity, its objects will not be synchronized between the Mendix Runtime and the offline database during a Full synchronization. The objects can still be synchronized using Sync-to-device or Selective synchronization, but you will be in control of what is synchronized and when. For more information, see the Customizable Synchronization section of Offline Synchronization.

  • We added a new Range operation action to the List operation activity.

  • We added a new setting in Preferences > Advanced that allows you to Enable software rendering mode. This can help to to work around hardware and driver issues and to improve performance when such issues exist.


Performance Improvements

  • We reduced the CPU usage of Studio Pro that occurs when the application is idle.

React Native Upgrade

We updated our core libraries React Native to v0.70.7 and React to v18.2.0. This update brings many improvements to stability, performance, and security for all Mendix native mobile apps.

Inline Snippet

The context menu option to inline a snippet call has been vastly improved. Leveraging the full power of multiple snippet parameters, Inline snippet now replaces all references to a snippet parameter with the corresponding mapping in the Snippet settings of the snippet call when inserting the content of the snippet. For more information, see the Inline Snippet section of Snippet Call.

There are a few cases where a widget cannot be correctly represented when inlining a snippet, and these now trigger a warning pop-up window that lists the affected widgets and asks you if you want to continue. This makes it significantly easier to inline a complex snippet without introducing errors.

Selecting Attributes

We made the following improvements for selecting attributes:

  • In conditional settings, it is now possible to select an attribute from any surrounding data widget when configuring conditional visibility or editability. This includes snippets with multiple parameters.
  • For the parameters of text templates, it is now possible to select an attribute path from any surrounding data widget or snippet parameter.
  • In association widgets, the reference selector and input reference set selector can now select an attribute from any surrounding data widget. This also allows them to be used in snippets with multiple parameters.

Business Events

We made a major update to your business events modeling experience:

  • Business event service creators and users can now configure multiple event publishers and subscribers. This means you get the full power of asynchronous communication across your enterprise landscape.
  • You can now create business events within the service document itself. Based on the definition of the events and the implementation, entities are created for you automatically.
  • Published business event service and consumed business event service options have been combined into one menu item to help you get going quickly.

Other Improvements

  • We updated the Make It Native app to make it compatible with this Studio Pro version. This means it is no longer compatible with older Studio Pro versions (unless you are using Testflight). Mendix recommends upgrading your app to 9.24 or building a custom developer app.
  • We added support for the following database versions:
    • MariaDB 10.11
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
    • Oracle 21c
    • PostgreSQL 15
  • Studio Pro now builds apps using Gradle. You can switch back to Ant if you disable building using Gradle in Preferences.
  • We added a button to the Open App dialog box that opens the Open App documentation.
  • We now provide more accurate drag-and-drop feedback on domain model and navigation editors, and we fixed the incorrect feedback for a few controls.
  • We updated the data grid and tree controls to allow for scrolling the containing dialog box using the mouse wheel when the cursor is over the controls and the controls do not have a vertical scroll-bar.
  • We improved the resizing behavior of the Entity Access Rules dialog box so that the Documentation field no longer takes a lot of space. Instead, the grid with Member Rights settings adjusts itself to the available space.
  • The Mendix Client now now retrieves non-persistable objects over a direct association without sending a request as long as they have no virtual attributes.
  • We revised MxAssist Performance Bot best practice MXP015 for XPath ordering to avoid false positives.
  • We extended MxAssist Performance Bot best practice MXP003 for a non-indexed attribute used in sorting to include the Integer type.
  • We added a general note to the MxAssist Performance Bot recommendation pop-up messages.
  • Private Git is now always enabled, so there is no need to enable it in the Studio Pro Preferences.
  • It is no longer possible to create new apps with SVN for the version control. You can still download existing SVN-controlled apps.
  • We added support to ML Kit for importing an ONNX file with all static input shapes but some dynamic output shapes.
  • We aligned the status codes and error messages that a published OData service returns for a number of cases where the resource is either not existing or not accessible. In these cases, we now return the status 404 “resource not found.”
  • It is now possible to use enum attributes in consumed OData entities.
  • A solution upgrade is now possible on all branches.
  • We made Count the default aggregate list function.
  • A workflow user task that has failed due to no users targeted by a microflow can now be retried after users are assigned manually.
  • We updated the Dojo library to version 1.17.3.


  • We fixed a known issue with opening or creating layout documents where an “Oops” pop-up window was produced. You can now safely enable the New Properties pane preview setting in Preferences > New Features.
  • We fixed a known issue where generating task pages for user tasks that had outcomes with captions defined on them resulted in outcome buttons with empty captions on the generated page.
  • We fixed a known issue with the M2EE Admin Console start-up when running from Eclipse.
  • We fixed an issue where a data grid column with an attribute from a reference set showed empty entries for inaccessible objects in the comma-separated cell output in the client. (Ticket 141001)
  • We fixed an issue where Data Grid 2 became slower with pagination. (Ticket 164178)
  • We fixed an issue where icons on the document changer and on document tabs were missing. The icons are now displayed again. (Ticket 171390)
  • We fixed an issue where fields in the App Settings dialog box were not visible when the dialog box opened. (Ticket 172556)
  • We fixed a bug that occurred when opening the properties of the Show message activity in the microflow editor. (Ticket 174522)
  • We fixed an issue where calling a microflow or nanoflow after selecting a file in the file manager cleared the file. (Ticket 176285)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when the Export to image option was not enabled for the domain model, workflow, microflow, nanoflow, rule, and document template editors. (Ticket 177392)
  • We fixed an issue with consumed OData services where retrieving the associated entities that had equivalent key fields and values led to unpredictable query results. (Ticket 177537)
  • We fixed an issue where the sorting of a microflow or association data source in a pluggable widget (for example, Data Grid 2) resulted in unnecessary network requests. (Ticket 177792)
  • We fixed an issue in published web services where a client addressing a service with a slash logged an error. Such a URL is always incorrect, so this now results in a client error and a debug log message. (Ticket 178489)
  • We fixed an error that was shown when modifying excluded document templates. (Ticket 178508)
  • We fixed an issue where templating was not being applied to JavaScript files in the theme folder, making it difficult to set up a content security policy (CSP) properly. (Ticket 178688)
  • In Studio Pro 9.23, we changed the mechanism to parse XPath constraints, which required the following fixes:
    • We fixed an issue where negative numbers resulted in an “Unknown function ‘-’.” error. (Ticket 180161)
    • We fixed an issue where special characters (such as !, #, %, ^, &, *) got lost while typing.
    • We fixed an issue where the autosuggestion list did not contain [%CurrentUser%], [%CurrentObject%], or [%UserRole_...%] suggestions where it could suggest them.
    • We fixed an issue where the autosuggestion list showed the wrong suggestions after a System.owner/ or System.changedBy association.
  • We replaced a third-party dependency to prevent false positives from security-vulnerability scanning tools.
  • We fixed a bug in MxAssist Performance Bot where the missing index best practices MXP003 and MXP007 did not successfully complete the inspection, causing recommendations to be hidden.
  • We fixed a bug where MxAssist Performance Bot recommendations were not marked as read when they were opened from inside a document.
  • We fixed an issue where importing a module from Studio Pro 9.20 or below did not correctly convert a snippet entity to a snippet parameter if the entity was defined in a domain model outside of the imported module.
  • We fixed an issue where importing a module from Studio Pro 9.17 or below did not correctly convert a page parameter if its entity was defined in a domain model outside of the imported module.
  • We fixed an issue where after double-clicking a module in App Explorer and then quickly doing a right-click in another part of the UI that showed a context menu, the wrong context menu was displayed.
  • We fixed the visual presentation of focus on toolbar items so that it looks consistent with other UI controls in Studio Pro.
  • We fixed an issue where the icons of excluded documents were not semi-transparent in the Go To dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue where elements on a properties dialog box were not positioned correctly when the dialog box was maximized.
  • We fixed a bug in the grid control where copy-pasting a row in the grid only yielded partial results (meaning, it skipped values from drop-down columns).
  • We fixed an issue where information dialog boxes stated that the selected document was missing or ambiguous but did not mention the type and name of the object.
  • We fixed an issue where pressing Delete deleted a row in a data grid when a cell was in edit mode.
  • We fixed an error in the text editor that occurred after adding a character like & and then immediately selecting a value to autocomplete.
  • We fixed an erratic instance of text selection behavior that occurred in a disabled text box.
  • We fixed an error that appeared after a validation message in the Properties dialog box of a workflow activity.
  • We fixed an error that appeared after clicking OK in the JSON structure dialog box.
  • We fixed an error that appeared when you changed the access rules of an entity.
  • We fixed an issue where double-clicking the scroll bar in the Branch Lines grid led to opening a branch.
  • We fixed an error that was shown when a settings file was copied from another computer or a user.
  • We fixed an issue in the logging of calls to external services, which displayed the timeout setting as the remote port number. The logs now explicitly state the timeout value in seconds.
  • We fixed an issue where an error in the expression editor was not shown upon opening a dialog box.
  • We fixed the inconsistent behavior of selecting rows while holding Shift in the grid control.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when adding a string attribute in an entity in the domain model where it was possible to add a default text longer than the maximum text supported.


In the Mendix Runtime API, we did the following:

  • We deprecated Core.isSubClassOf method variants. You can instead use the IMendixObject.isInstanceOf(IMetaObject), IMendixObject.isInstanceOf(String), IMetaObject.isSubClassOf(IMetaObject), or IMetaObject.isSubClassOf(String) methods to achieve the same result.
  • We deprecated the setter methods that were for internal use. We have provided constructors as an alternative for these methods wherever applicable.
  • We deprecated the com.mendix.core.Core.deleteAsync methods. You can use the synchronous version or run the synchronous version in a task queue if needed. In addition, we introduced a delete method with events and with the useDeleteBehavior parameter as a replacement for calling deleteAsync with useDeleteBehavior set to false.
  • We deprecated the async methods from com.mendix.core.Core(changeAsync, commitAsync, instantiateAsync, rollbackAsync). These operations directly influence transactional behavior, for which the behavior is not stable if done asynchronously. If you do need to interact with the transaction, do so synchronously using the change, commit, instantiate, and rollback methods in the existing context.

Breaking Changes

  • We removed support for the FileID parameter in the File API.
  • Due to a regular update of our Jetty server component, cookies are now correctly parsed according to the RFC-6265 standard. This can cause incorrectly formatted cookies to no longer be accepted.

Known Issues

  • Converting apps with business event services that were built with Studio Pro 9.23 and below to Studio Pro 9.24 causes a problem where the event name of subscribe events incorrectly also includes the prefix. This breaks the business event functionality and prevents apps from receiving events.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.