Mx Model Reflection

Last modified: July 3, 2024

1 Introduction

The Mx Model Reflection module allows you to access information about the domain model and about microflows of your app from your app. For example, you can loop through all the attribute names of an entity type in a microflow.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

The typical usage scenario is selecting and showing entities from your domain model to use for another configuration.

2 Configuration

After importing the module, add _USE_ME > MxObjects to one of your pages (you can directly use _USE_ME > MxObjects_Overview which contains MxObjects, and add the page to the navigation of your app). Run your application for the synchronization. You are able to enable synchronization for each module. For both security and performance purposes, you do not want your entire domain model structure available in your app.

If you want the synchronization to get triggered automatically after your app starts up, use the microflow ASu_CheckMetamodel from the Private > Event flows folder as your after startup microflow, or make sure this microflow gets triggered from your own after startup microflow.

2.1 Token Configuration

The display pattern in the token is optional. If you do not specify a value, the module will use the original behavior.

For attributes of the decimal type, the display pattern DecimalFormat is used (for more information, see Class DecimalFormat).

For dates, the SimpleDateFormat is used (for more information, see Class SimpleDateFormat).

For all other attributes, the functions from java.util.Formatter are used (for details on the patterns, see Class Formatter).

All the patterns use the locale from the context. Based on the user’s language, the pattern will change its behavior if necessary.

2.2 Display Pattern Example (Using En_US Language)

  • Long attribute with a thousand separator:
    • Pattern: %,8d%n
    • Value: 12345678
    • Result: 12,345,678
  • Date attribute:
    • Pattern: MM/dd/yyyy
    • Value: 2nd of July 2016
    • Result: 7/6/2016
  • Decimal attribute with a thousand separator of 2 decimals:
    • Pattern: #,##0.0
    • Value: 12345,678
    • Result: 12,345.68

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