Radio Button List

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Introduction

The Radio Button List widget enables rendering an attribute or association as a radio button list. The widget is used with enumeration values, Boolean values, and references, and it is a useful replacement for the default drop-down menu or reference selector widget.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

Visualize all the possible options in your user interface, instead of just forcing your end-user to open a drop-down menu to view all available options.

1.2 Features

  • Display the list in a horizontal or vertical direction
  • Specify the text of labels for a Boolean attribute
  • Attach a microflow for the on-change event

1.3 Limitations

  • On change has no effect on the form. The workaround is to add a microflow to the on-change property of the widget. This microflow must contain a change activity. The change activity must have Refresh in client enabled.

2 Installation

Download the widget into your app and add either Association Radio Button List or Attribute Radio Button List to a data view on a page. Configure the properties dscribed below to determine how the widget will behave in your application.

3 Properties

3.1 General Properties

3.1.1 Display Tab

  • Direction – determines if the radio button list will render horizontally or vertically

3.1.2 Events Tab

  • On change – this is the microflow that will be invoked for an on-change event

3.2 Attribute Radio Button List Properties

3.2.1 Data Source Tab

  • Target attribute – an attribute of the enumeration or Boolean type, the values of which will be rendered as the radio button list

3.2.2 Display Tab

  • True label (Boolean attribute) – the label that will be shown if your Target attribute is of the Boolean type and the attribute value is True
  • False label (Boolean attribute) – the label that will be shown if your Target attribute is of the Boolean type and the attribute value is False

3.3 Association Radio Button List Properties

3.3.1 Data Source Tab

  • Data source type – the method used for retrieving objects – XPath or Microflow
  • Entity to list – the entity containing the attribute that should be rendered as the radio button list
  • Sort order – determines if the values of the sort attribute will be sorted in Ascending or Descending order
  • Label attribute – (string) the attribute whose contents will be used as the label
  • Association – the association to be set to the selected option

3.3.2 Data Source (Microflow) Tab

  • Data source microflow – the microflow returning a list of objects

3.3.3 Data Source (XPath) Tab

  • XPath constraint – the constraint applied to the list of objects to be retrieved

4 Example

An example for a radio button list is based on an association: There are two entities defined, CompanyDepartment and Employee. The application requires the option to refer an employee to a department. In this case, Employee is the owner of an association between the two entities (Employee_CompanyDepartment).

The configuration of the widget’s required properties would be the following:

  • Entity to list: CompanyDepartment
  • Label: Name (string attribute of CompanyDepartment)
  • Association: Employee_CompanyDeparment/CompanyDepartment