Consume Registered Assets

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

The Catalog is a catalog of OData services exposing datasets that you can use in your apps. In Mendix Studio Pro, these exposed datasets are added as external entities through the Integration Pane. The integrated Catalog search functionality in Studio Pro is available to find suitable datasets to use in your apps.

2 Using Registered Assets in Your App

You can use the Catalog or the Integration Pane in Studio Pro to find registered data sources. Click Copy Data Source URI to obtain the OData service URI, which can be used in other enterprise applications.

The following sections summarize important points to consider when using OData services and registered datasets in your apps in Studio Pro.

2.1 Services

When a new version of the OData service for an external entity is registered in the Catalog, the consumed OData service can be updated in the consuming app. For more details on updating a consumed service see the Updating or Switching a Consumed OData Service section of Consumed OData Service.

It is good practice for publishers of a service to deprecate a service version if it contains breaking changes.

2.2 Consumed External Entities

When you use an external entity from a published OData service through the Integration Pane in Studio Pro, you are consuming the dataset from the service deployed to a specific environment.

When security is enabled for your app, you can define access rules for external entities just as you would for persistable and non-persistable entities. You can define access rules based on user roles (for more details, see Security and Controlling Access to Information).

You can associate external entities with both persistable and non-persistable local entities. However, the external entity cannot be the owner of an association. This means that the association has to be from a local entity to the external entity in the domain model, and the value for the association owner must be set to Default.

Mendix entities that are specializations in the originating app will be published and consumed as discrete entities that include the inherited attributes and associations. When the generalized entity is also exposed in the same service as the specialized entities, the inheritance relationship will not be present in the metadata contract or when both are consumed.

2.3 Datasets

Data for external entities is in the database of the app that publishes the OData service, not in the consuming app’s database. The dataset that is associated with the consumed entity is maintained in the publishing app.

Access to the data is through the published REST OData service, with reading, querying, and updating or inserting of the data by the consuming app.

3 Operations Affected by Using External Entities

The following operations are affected by using external entities in a consuming app:

  • Aggregations – you can count a list of external entities, but you cannot show other aggregations such as sum, average, minimum, and maximum.
    • OData v3.0 does not support these operations; the only exception is that you can use the aggregate list microflow activity, which for all aggregations except Count will retrieve everything and perform the aggregation in memory
  • XPath – you can use XPath to filter external entities; all XPath constructs are supported, except the following:
    • Three conversions from date/time: day-of-year-from-dateTime, weekday-from-dateTime, and week-from-dateTime
    • Aggregations: avg(), max(), min(), and sum()
    • Using an association between a local and an external entity
    • Comparing attributes to other attributes (you can only compare an attribute to a literal value or a variable)
    • Exist expressions (filtering on whether an associated object exists)
    • Filtering in the middle of a path (such as [Module.Car_Person/Module.Car[Brand='BMW']/Module.Car_Plate/Module.Plate/Number='123'], where[Brand='BMW'] appears in the middle of the path)
    • Expressions with reverse() (as mentioned in Querying Over Self-References)
  • OQL – you cannot define OQL queries on external entities (for example, in datasets)

4 Registered Datasets in OData Services from Non-Mendix Systems

For registered OData datasets from non-Mendix apps, the restrictions described below apply.

4.1 Keys

All datasets must have a key. The key can have one or more properties with the following conditions:

  • The properties cannot be nullable (so they must have isNullable="false" specified)
  • Only the following types are allowed: Byte, SByte, Int16, Int32, Int64, Boolean, Decimal, Single, Double, and String
  • If the property type is String, a MaxLength must be specified

The key attributes are not available as attributes of the external entity.

4.2 Supported Metadata Features

When importing metadata in a consumed OData service in Studio Pro, all unsupported constructs are ignored. The following constructs are supported:

  • Only entities that are published in the service feed can be imported. Entities that only appear in the metadata file and not in the service feed cannot be imported as external entities.
  • Attribute types have to be primitive (not complex, collections, or enumerations). The types of the attributes in your app are based on the types of the attributes in the OData metadata:
    OData Type Mendix Type
    Binary Binary (refer also to the FileDocuments section below)
    Boolean Boolean *1
    Byte, SByte, Int16, Int32 Integer
    DateTime, DateTimeOffset, Time DateTime
    Decimal, Double, Single Decimal *2
    Int64 Long
    String, Guid String
    (Other) (Ignored)

The following conditions apply:

  • When the OData endpoints contain operations, these are not imported in the consumed OData service; you can use a Call REST service activity to call these operations
  • In Mendix, Booleans cannot be null; when the service returns a null, the value is false
  • Attributes marked as FC_KeepInContent=false are not supported
  • Decimal values outside the range of a Mendix decimal are currently not supported; when the service returns a value outside of the range, there is an error

4.3 FileDocuments

External entities with binary attributes are not imported as FileDocuments. That means that their use is limited.