Team Server

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

Team Server is where all the committed versions of Mendix apps are stored. Mendix Studio Pro is integrated with the Team Server, and actions like creating a new app (including a versioned model repository), updating an app, committing changes, and merging model versions are all available from Mendix Studio Pro as single-click actions.

When you commit your app model changes to the Team Server in Studio Pro, you can select user stories that you have been working on. Team Server automatically creates links between user stories and the model changes, allowing you to navigate from commits to the associated requirements.

After opening your app in Apps, on the Team Server page, you can see a URL to access you app, revision history, and revision details.

2 Versioning with Git

In the Versioning with Git section, Scrum Masters can migrate apps from SVN version control system to Git. For more information, see Migrate to Git.

3 Team Server URL

The Team Server URL can be used to manually access the repo (using the Git/SVN command line). For SVN you can also browse URLs using the browser.

The URL can have the following form:

  •<your AppID>.git if it is a Git-enabled app
  •<your AppID>/ if it is an SVN-enabled app that you access using your Mendix credentials
  •<your AppID>/ if it is an SVN-enabled app that you access using a personal access token (PAT) — this will be the case, for example, if your company has enabled BYOIDP SSO

If you are connecting to Git, or connecting to SVN using a PAT, you need to create a PAT as described in the Personal Access Tokens section of Mendix Profile. The PAT must include the following scopes:

  • mx:modelrepository:repo:write, mx:modelrepository:repo:read, and/or mx:modelrepository:write under Model Repository – for accessing the Git Team Server
  • mx:modelrepository:write under Model Repository – for accessing the SVN Team Server

When connecting, your username is your Mendix account username, and your password is the PAT you created. When connecting to Git, you can also use the word pat as your username.

To clone/checkout your repository using the command line, you must include your PAT as part of the command.

For Git, the command has the form git clone https://pat:{USERPAT}{APPID}.git, where {USERPAT} is your PAT.

For SVN, the command has the form svn checkout --revision "{REVISION}" --username "{USERNAME}" --password "{USERPAT}"{APPID}/branches/{BRANCH}

4 Revision History

For each revision, you can see the following information:

  • The message in the revision commit
  • The date of the revision commit
  • The name of the team member who committed the revision
  • The branch to which the revision was committed
  • The Mendix Studio Pro version used
  • The revision number

You can also access the revision history in Studio Pro. For more information, see the History section in Using Version Control in Studio Pro.

5 Revision Details

When you click Details for a revision, you can see the stories related to that revision.

Related stories will only appear if you select them in the Commit dialog box of Mendix Studio Pro when committing:

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