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Mathematical Function Calls

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Mathematical function calls include a limited number of mathematical operations on numbers, such as returning the largest value or rounding a number up.

If you need more elaborate functions (such as the square root, sin, cos, tan, numberOfPermutations, factorial, or fibonacciNumber), then consider using the community-supported Math module available in the Mendix Marketplace.

2 max

Returns the largest value from the specified arguments.

2.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Two or more values All numeric type (Integer/Long or Decimal) or all Date and time

2.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The largest value from the specified arguments. If the arguments are of type Date and time, the result will also be of type Date and time.
If the arguments are numeric, the result will be of the most precise type.
For example, if both an Integer/Long and a Decimal argument are specified, the result will be of type Decimal.

2.3 Example

If you use the following input:

max(5, 1, 5, 6.7)

The output is a decimal:


3 min

Returns the smallest value from the specified arguments.

3.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
Two or more values All numeric type (Integer/Long or Decimal) or all Date and time

3.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The smallest value from the specified arguments. If the arguments are of type Date and time, the result will also be of type Date and time.
If the arguments are numeric, the result will be of the most precise type.
For example, if both an Integer/Long and a Decimal argument are specified, the result will be of type Decimal.

3.3 Example

If you use the following input:

min(5, 1, 5, 6.7)

The output is a decimal:


4 round

Rounds a number to a certain precision.

4.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
A number Integer/Long, Decimal
A precision (optional) Integer/Long

4.2 Output

In the Project Settings, your option for Round numbers can be set which determines how half numbers (0.5) are treated:

  • For the Half away from zero option (also called “commercial rounding”), +2.5 becomes +3 and -1.5 becomes -2
  • The Half to the nearest even number option (also called “bankers’ rounding”) is the default rounding mode used in IEEE 754 computing functions and operators; for example, +23.5 becomes +24, as does +24.5; and -22.5 becomes -22, as does -21.5

The second optional parameter determines the precision of the rounding. The default value is 0. The result will be of the most precise type possible. For a precision of 0, the result will be of integer/long type, and for all other precision values, the result will be of the decimal type.

4.3 Example

If you use the following input:


The output is of type Integer/Long:


Another example of an input is:


The output is a decimal:


5 random

Generates a random number >= 0.0 and < 1.0

5.1 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
A random number of a decimal type between 0.0 and 1.0. Decimal

5.2 Example

If you use the following input:


The output is:


6 floor

Rounds down to an integer (returns the largest integer which is less than or equal to the input).

6.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
A number Integer/Long, Decimal

6.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The input value rounded down to the nearest integer. Integer

6.3 Example

If you use the following input:


The output is:


Another example of an input is:


The output is:


7 ceil

Rounds up to an integer (returns the smallest integer which is greater than or equal to the input).

7.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
A number Integer/Long, Decimal

7.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The input value rounded up to the nearest integer. Integer

7.3 Example

If you use the following input:


The output is:


Another example of an input is:


The output is:


8 pow

Raises a number to a certain power.

8.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
A number Integer/Long, Decimal
A power Integer/Long, Decimal

8.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The number to the power, as in, n^p. Decimal

8.3 Example

If you use the following input:

pow(2, 3)

The output is:


Another example of an input is:

pow(2.5, 3)

The output is:


Calculation of ‘pow’ with a decimal power might be less accurate, as the standard Java libraries do not support these calculations with high precision. Use a specialized library in a custom Java action if high precision is required for this case.

8.4 (square) root

To get the square root of a decimal, use 0.5 as the second parameter:

  • pow(16, 0.5) results in 4

Or, use a division for a specific root:

  • pow(27, 1:3) results in 3
  • pow(16, 1:4) results in 2

9 abs

Calculates the absolute value of a number (meaning, not negative).

9.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
A number Integer/Long, Decimal

9.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The absolute value of the input, which is never negative. Corresponds to taking the square and then the positive square root. Integer/Long or Decimal

9.3 Example

If you type in the negative value as an input:


Or, if you type in the positive value:


The output in both cases is: