Mendix Cloud Status

Last modified: June 19, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix hosts a variety of services in the cloud. These include the environments for apps that are deployed to Mendix Cloud, as well as various online services (such as app Buzz).

The status of each of these services is reported on the Mendix Platform Status page.

2 Mendix Cloud Statuses

You can check the status of Mendix Cloud by going to the Mendix Platform Status page. This page tells you if there are any issues with Mendix Cloud that may impact your apps.

You can expand the status of the cloud to see the status of a particular region. For example, you can expand Mendix Cloud to see the status for Mendix Cloud EU.

Free apps are deployed to Mendix Cloud Free Tier EU.

3 Current Issues

When a cloud is not operational, details are posted to the Mendix Platform Status page, explaining why the issue has occurred and the steps being taken to restore service.

At times, a cloud might be operational but still have issues that prevent some activities from taking place (such as deploying a new version of an app). This sort of issue is also displayed on the Mendix Platform Status page, together with updates on how the issue is being resolved.

4 Scheduled Maintenance

Mendix announces scheduled maintenance on the Mendix Platform Status page. These announcements note the dates, times, and impact of any maintenance activities that are scheduled.

5 Subscription

You can subscribe to updates to the Mendix Platform Status page. This keeps you informed about all new incidents and planned maintenance.

You can elect to receive emails or subscribe to the RSS or Atom feeds.

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