Workflow Elements

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

A workflow is composed of elements that you can drag on a path from the Toolbox or that you can see in the working area of the editor (. Below is a categorized overview of all elements. The following categories are used:

2 Workflow Parameters

A workflow parameter is input data for your workflow. The WorkflowContext parameter is a business-related data that travels through the workflow:

Workflow Context Example

3 General

Elements in the general category help you control the workflow path, for example, add parallel paths or end them.

The elements of this category are described in the table below:

Graphic Element Description
Start Event
Start event The starting point of a workflow. Workflows are triggered either by the Call workflow on-click event on pages or by the Workflow call action in microflows.
Click the start event to open workflow properties.
Annotation An annotation is an element that can be used to put comments to a flow. For example, you can add a comment for your team that one of the user tasks needs to be changed later.
You can add annotations to the workflow or to individual activities. To add the annotation to the workflow, drag and drop the annotation in the editor’s working area. To add the annotation to the activity, drag and drop it inside the activity.
Decision Makes a choice based on a condition and follows one and only one of the outgoing paths.
Parallel Split
Parallel split Adds two parallel paths to your workflow.
Jump Activity
Jump Allows you to jump to other activities in the workflow.
End event
End event Ends the path of the workflow

4 User Tasks

User task – a central element in a workflow that allows you to assign a task to a certain user or a group of users using filters or microflows.

User Task

5 System Actions

Elements in this category allow you to call a microflow or another workflow.

The elements of this category are described in the table below:

Graphic Element Description
Call Microflow
Call microflow Calls a selected microflow.
Call Workflow
Call workflow Calls a selected workflow.