Amazon Bedrock

Last modified: July 26, 2024

1 Introduction

The Amazon Bedrock connector enables you to enrich your Mendix app with generative AI capabilities by connecting it to Amazon Bedrock.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that makes foundation models (FMs) from Amazon and leading AI startups available through an API, so you can choose from various FMs to find the model that is best suited for your use case. With the Amazon Bedrock serverless experience, you can quickly get started, easily experiment with FMs, and seamlessly integrate and deploy them into your applications using AWS tools and capabilities. Typical use cases include the following:

  • Chatting with an AI assistant, including a chat history.
  • Building an AI agent to answer questions about proprietary data.
  • Generating images based on text prompts and displaying them in the Mendix app.
  • Generating embedding vectors for text inputs.

1.2 Prerequisites

The Amazon Bedrock connector requires Mendix Studio Pro version 9.24.2 or above.

To authenticate with Amazon Web Service (AWS), you must also install and configure the AWS Authentication connector version 3.0.0 or higher. It is crucial for the Amazon Bedrock connector to function correctly. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS Authentication connector, see AWS Authentication.

You must also install the GenAI Commons module. To make integration of generative AI capabilities as easy as possible, the Amazon Bedrock connector depends on the generic domain model and operations provided by the GenAICommons module.

1.3 Licensing and Cost

This connector is available as a free download from the Mendix Marketplace, but the AWS service to which is connects may incur a usage cost. For more information, refer to AWS documentation.

The pricing of the Amazon Bedrock Connectors is dependent on the Foundational Model that you use. You can find information about the pricing in the Foundational Model overview in the AWS console.

Depending on your use case, your deployment environment, and the type of app that you want to build, you may also need a license for your Mendix app. For more information, refer to Licensing Apps.

2 Installation

Follow the instructions in Using Marketplace Content to import the Amazon Bedrock connector into your app.

3 Configuration

After you install the connector, you can find it in the App Explorer, in the AmazonBedrockConnector section. The connector provides a domain model and several activities that you can use to connect your app to Amazon Bedrock. Each activity can be implemented by using it in a microflow. To ensure that your app can connect to the AWS service, you must also configure AWS authentication for the connector.

3.1 Using Amazon Bedrock Models

To use Amazon Bedrock models, keep in mind some specific requirements, as listed below.

3.1.1 Model Lifecycle

Amazon Bedrock models have a lifecycle that consists of the Active, Legacy, and EOL stages. For more information, see Model lifecycle. Models are no longer available for use after they reach the EOL state. To ensure that your application functions as intended, make sure that you regularly monitor the state of the model that you are using. For example, you may want to use an API call to retrieve the status of the model and alert you once it reaches the Legacy state.

3.1.2 Server-Side Validation

Amazon Bedrock has server-side validation for specific models. For example, the Completion API for older Claude models requires all prompts to be in the following format:

Human: <PROMPT>

For more information, see Inference parameters for foundation models.

3.2 Configuring AWS Authentication

In order to use the Amazon Bedrock service, you must authenticate with AWS. To do so, you must set up a configuration profile in your Mendix app. After you set up the configuration profile, the connector module handles the authentication internally.

As of version 3.0.0 of the AWS Authentication Connector, all the resources and logic required to set up authentication are centralized inside the AWS Authentication Connector module.

The AWS Authentication Connector supports both static credentials and temporary credentials. For more information and detailed instructions please refer to the AWS Authentication Connector documentation page.

3.3 Configuring a Microflow for an AWS Service

After you configure the authentication profile for Amazon Bedrock, you can implement the functions of the connector by using the provided activities in microflows. For example, to list all foundational models, implement the List Foundation Models activity by doing the following steps:

  1. In the App Explorer, right-click on the name of your module, and then click Add microflow.
  2. Enter a name for your microflow, for example, ACT_ListFoundationModels, and then click OK.
  3. From the Toolbox, drag a Create Object activity to your microflow and create an object of type ListFoundationModelsRequest.
  4. In the App Explorer, in the AmazonBedrockConnector (other) section, find the ListFoundationModels activity.
  5. Drag the ListFoundationModels activity onto the work area of your microflow.
  6. Double-click the ListFoundationModels activity to configure the required parameters.
  7. For the ENUM_Region parameter, provide a value by using a variable or an expression. This must be of the type ENUM_Region of the AWS Authentication connector.
  8. For the Credentials parameter, provide a Credentials object from the AWS Authentication connector:
    1. In the App Explorer, in the AWSAuthentication > Operations section, find the GetStaticCredentials or GetTemporaryCredentials action.
    2. Drag the one you would like to use to the beginning of your microflow.
    3. Double-click the microflow action to configure the required parameters and provide a value for the AWS Region. For the ListFoundationModels parameter, provide the ListFoundationModelsRequest created in step 3.
  9. The ListFoundationModelsResponse object is returned by the ListFoundationModels activity.
  10. From the Toolbox, drag a Retrieve activity to your microflow and place it after the ListFoundationModels activity.
  11. Double-click the Retrieve activity and make sure By Association is selected.
  12. Select the FoundationModelSummary_ListFoundationModelsResponse association, which will return a list of the type FoundationModelSummary.
  13. To further use the response information, you can create an implementation module with copies of the ListFoundationModelsResponse and ModelSummary Entities. This way, you can use your custom user roles and access rules for those entities and keep them when updating the connector.

3.4 Invoking Specific Models by Using the InvokeModel Operation

Depending on your needs, you can just reuse the operations inside of the AmazonBedrockConnector (GenAICommons) section. You can also find guidance on how to implement the required structures in the GenAICommons documentation. To help users understand what needs to be done to invoke specific models using the Invoke Model instead, the example microflow EXAMPLE_TitanImageGeneratorG1 within the connector and the Bedrock Showcase app invokeModel topic and showcase can serve as an inspiration.

These examples can be used as a reference together with the documentation found on this page, in the Bedrock console, and offered by the provider of the model.

To invoke a specific model, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the model with which you want to interact by using the Invoke Model operation.

  2. In the Model Parameters section of the Amazon Bedrock user guide, find the request and response JSON structures of the specific model that you want to invoke.

  3. Create your domain model inspired by the JSON structures that you found. You can use a tool to visualize Json structures if needed, such as JSON Crack.

  4. In Mendix Studio Pro, create a JSON structure by doing the following steps:

    1. Right-click on the target folder.
    2. Click Add other > JSON structure.
    3. Create a structure for the request JSON.
    4. Repeat the previous steps to create a structure for the response JSON.
    5. Open the created JSON structure.
    6. Paste the request or response JSON into the created structure.
    7. Click OK.
  5. Generate export and import mappings for the request and response JSON structures. The export mapping creates a JSON from the request-related objects (specific to the model that you want to invoke). The JSON must be added as the request body of the InvokeModelRequest object provided as input parameter to the Invoke Model operation. The import mapping maps the response returned by the Invoke Model operation to your model-specific response objects. To create import or export mappings, perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click the target folder.
    2. Click Add other > Import/Export mapping.
    3. In the dialogue window, select the Schema source.
    4. Click JSON structure and select the appropriate request/response JSON structure.
    5. Select the relevant schema elements.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Map the relevant elements to the correct attributes by double-clicking the shown entities and choosing the correct entity attributes for the correct elements.
  6. Create a microflow that invokes a specific model using the Invoke Model operation, such as in the following figure (for Claude v. 2.1):

3.5 Invoking an Agent with the InvokeAgent Operation

Agents in Amazon Bedrock can perform certain automated tasks such as API calls and data source interactions. For more information, see Agents in Bedrock.

To invoke a Bedrock agent for your Mendix app, do the following steps:

  1. Create the agent, as described in Create an agent in the Amazon Bedrock documentation.

  2. Deploy the agent to create an alias, as described in Deploy your agent in the Amazon Bedrock documentation.

  3. In your Mendix app, create a new microflow and add the InvokeAgent operation as a microflow step.

  4. Either pass an InvokeAgentRequest object as a parameter to the flow, or create one within the microflow. Ensure that the following attributes are populated for the request:

    • Agent ID
    • Agent Alias ID
    • Input text (the prompt to send to the agent).
    • The session id (by reusing this value in a subsequent request, it is possible to continue a conversation).
    • Make a choice on ‘EnableTrace’ to enable or disable the tracking of the reasoning process.
    • Set ‘EndSession’ to specify whether or not you want to have the option of continuing the conversation in another request.
  5. Enter the desired region as a value of the AWSAuthentication.ENUM_Region type.

  6. Select a Credentials object. You can put it in scope with the AWSAuthentication.GetStaticCredentials or the AWSAuthentication.GetTemporaryCredentials microflow.

  7. Select a microflow that takes an AmazonBedrockConnector.InvokeAgentResponse object as an input and handles that response. This is necessary because InvokeAgent is an asynchronous operation which means that it will not necessarily finish when the process that it was invoked from finishes. By giving the operation a handler microflow, the response can be handled as soon as it arrives. For an example handler microflow, see AmazonBedrockConnector.InvokeAgentResponse_Handle in the connector module. This microflow logs the response, so you can also use it just to investigate the response.

4 Technical Reference

To help you work with the Amazon Bedrock connector, the following sections of this document list the available entities, enumerations, and activities that you can use in your application.

4.1 Domain Model

The domain model is a data model that describes the information in your application domain in an abstract way. For more information, see Domain Model.

4.1.1 GenAICommons AmazonBedrockConnection

This entity holds the necessary information to perform Bedrock operations such as the invokeModel action. It is a specialization of the Connection entity of the GenAICommons.

Attribute Description
Region The region where the AWS data centers are located that shall be used for execution. This value is of type AWSAuthentication.ENUM_Region enumeration.
UseStaticCredentials This Boolean specifies whether static or non-static credentials (temporary) shall be used.
ModelFamily This enumeration specifies the model family of the large language model to use. AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension

This entity extends the GenAICommons.Request with attributes specific to Anthropic Claude Messages API.

Attribute Description
Version This attribute specifies the anthropic version.
Top_k The Top_k attribute can be used to reduce repetitiveness of generated tokens. The higher the value, the stronger a penalty is applied to previously present tokens, proportional to how many times they have already appeared in the prompt or prior generation. AnthropicClaudeResponse

This entity is a specialization of the GenAICommons.Response entity and contains additional attributes that are specific to the Anthropic Claude Messages API.

Attribute Description
ResponseID A unique identifier of the response.
StopSequence A stop sequence that was specified for the request and then generated by the model. AnthropicClaudeMappingHelper

This helper entity solely serves the purpose to create a flat entity to produce the correct export mapping.

Attribute Description
Version See Version of the AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension entity
TopK See Top_k of the AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension entity
TopP See TopP of the GenAICommons.Request entity
Temperature See Temperature of the GenAICommons.Request entity
MaxTokens See MaxTokens of the GenAICommons.Request entity
SystemPrompt See SystemPrompt of the GenAICommons.Request entity
ToolChoice See ToolChoice of the GenAICommons.Request entity RetrieveAndGenerateRequest_Extension

This helper entity extends the GenAICommons.Request entity with attributes specific to the ‘RetrieveAndGenerate’ operation. It inherits from the AWSAuthentication.AbstractRequest entity.

Attribute Description
SessionId The SessionId attribute describes the unique identifier of the session. Reuse the same value to continue the same session with the knowledge base.
KmsKeyARN The KMSKeyARN attribute describes the ARN of the AWS KMS key encrypting the session.
RetrieveAndGenerateType The RetrieveAndGenerateType describes the type of resource that is queried by the request. The only supported value currently is “KNOWLEDGE_BASE”

It can be added to the request using the Request: Add Retrieve And Generate Request Extension operation. RetrieveAndGenerateResponse

This entity extends the GenAICommons.Response entity with attributes specific to RetrieveAndGenerate.

Attribute Description
SessionId See RetrieveAndGenerateRequest_Extension.SessionId. KnowledgeBaseTool

This entity extends the GenAICommons.Tool entity and holds information about the specified knowledge base. A KnowledgeBaseTool object must be used to specify the knowledge base to use for the Retrieve And Generate operation.

Attribute Description
KnowledgeBaseId The KnowledgeBaseId attribute describes the unique identifier of the knowledge base that is queried and the foundation model used for generation. TitanImageOptions_Extension

This entity extends the GenAICommons.ImageOptions entity with values specific to Titan Image models. To add an instance of this entity to an GenAICommons.ImageOptions object, the exposed Image Generation: Add Titan Image Extension operation can be used.

Attribute Description
NegativeText The NegativeText attribute is a string containing a prompt describing what not to include in the image. TitanImageResponse

This entity extends the GenAICommons.Response entity with values specific to Titan Image models.

Attribute Description
Error The Error attribute contains the error message if the request violates the content moderation policy. TitanImageMappingHelper

This helper entity summarizes data from several associated entities into a single entity where it can be formatted to produce the correct export mapping. CohereEmbedOptions_Extension

This entity extends the GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions entity with attributes specific to the Embeddings_SingleString and Embeddings_ChunkCollection operations for the Cohere Embed model family.

Attribute Description
InputType Prepends special tokens to differentiate each type from one another. It expects a value of the ENUM_InputType_CohereEmbed enumeration.
EmbeddingTypes Specifies the types of embeddings you want to have returned. Optional and default is None, which returns the Embed Floats response type. It expects a value of the ENUM_EmbeddingsTypes_CohereEmbed enumeration.
Truncate Specifies how the API handles inputs longer than the maximum token length. It expects a value of the ENUM_Truncate_CohereEmbed enumeration. CohereEmbedResponse

This entity inherits from and extends the GenAICommons.EmbeddingsResponse entity with attributes specific to to the Embeddings_SingleString and Embeddings_ChunkCollection operations for the Cohere Embed model family.

Attribute Description
Response_Type This value is either ’embedding_floats’ or ’embedding_by_type’ if CohereEmbedOptions_Extension.EmbeddingTypes has been specified.
_Id An identifier for the response. CohereEmbedMappingHelper

This helper entity solely serves the purpose to create a flat entity to produce the correct export mapping.

Attribute Description
InputType See InputType of the CohereEmbedOptions_Extension entity.
EmbeddingTypes See EmbeddingTypes of the CohereEmbedOptions_Extension entity.
Truncate See Truncate of the CohereEmbedOptions_Extension entity. TitanEmbeddingsOptions_Extension

This entity extends the GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions entity with attributes specific to the Embeddings_SingleString and Embeddings_ChunkCollection operations for Titan Embeddings v2 API.

Attribute Description
Normalize This boolean attribute specifies whether to normalize the output embeddings to unit vectors. It defaults to true. TitanEmbeddingsMappingHelper

This helper entity combines attributes from the GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions as well as the TitanEmbeddingsOptions_Extension, in order to simplify the export mapping.

Attribute Description
InputText See InputText of the GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions entity.
Dimension See Dimension of the GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions entity.
Normalize See Normalize of the TitanEmbeddingsOptions_Extension entity. RetrieveRequest_Extension

This helper entity extends the GenAICommons.Request entity with attributes specific to the Retrieve operation. It inherits from the AWSAuthentication.AbstractRequest entity.

Attribute Description
KnowledgeBaseId The KnowledgeBaseId attribute describes the unique identifier of the knowledge base to query and is a required parameter.
NextToken The NextToken attribute describes if there are more results than can fit in the response, the response returns a nextToken.
QueryText The QueryText attribute describes the text of the query made to the knowledge base.

It can be added to the request using the Request: Add Retrieve Request Extension operation. RetrieveResponse

This helper entity extends the GenAICommons.Response entity with attributes specific to the Retrieve operation.

Attribute Description
NextToken The NextToken attribute describes if there are more results than can fit in the response, the response returns a nextToken. RetrievalResult

This helper entity extends the GenAICommons.Reference entity with attributes specific to the Retrieve operation.

Attribute Description
Score The Score attribute describes the level of relevance of the result to the query.

4.1.2 No GenAICommons dependency ListFoundationModelsRequest

This is the request entity of the ListFoundationModels action. It is a specialization of the AbstractRequest entity of the AWS Authentication Connector

Attribute Description
ByCustomizationType Filter the received foundation models by customization type (enum)
ByInferenceType Filter the received foundation models by inference type (enum)
ByOutputModality Filter the received foundation models by output modality type (enum)
ByProvider Filter the received foundation models by an Amazon Bedrock model provider (string) ListFoundationModelsResponse

The ListFoundationModelsResponse entity collects (through association) the details needed to invoke all available foundational models that AWS provides in its response. The details per model are stored on the ModelSummary entity. FoundationModelSummary

The FoundationModelSummary entity stores the details (per model) needed to invoke all the available foundational models.

Attribute Description
ModelARN The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that identifies the foundational model (string)
ModelID ID assigned by Amazon Bedrock to their specific foundational models; it is used to invoke the model in question (string)
ModelName The name of the foundational model (string)
ProviderName The provider name of the foundational model (string)
ResponseStreamingSupported Indicates whether the model supports streaming (Boolean) FoundationModelLifecycle

The FoundationModelLifecycle entity stores details about whether a model version is available or deprecated.

Attribute Description
Status The Status attribute describes whether a model version is available (ACTIVE) or deprecated (LEGACY). OutputModality

The OutputModality entity contains the output modality that the model supports.

Attribute Description
OutputModalityType The type of the output modality. InputModality

The InputModality entity contains the input modality that the model supports.

Attribute Description
InputModalityType The type of the input modality. SupportedInferenceType

The SupportedInferenceType entity contains the inference type that the model supports.

Attribute Description
InferenceType The type of the inference. SupportedCustomization

The SupportedCustomization entity contains the customization type that the model supports.

Attribute Description
CustomizationType The type of the customization. InvokeModelRequest

This is the request entity of the InvokeModel action. It is a specialization of the AbstractRequest entity of the AWS Authentication Connector

Attribute Description
ModelId The ModelId attribute describes identifier of the model and is a required parameter.
SavePrompt The SavePrompt attribute describes whether to save this prompt in your prompt history. The default value is false.
RequestBody The RequestBody Attribute describes the JSON request body of the specific model to invoke. InvokeModelResponse

This is the response entity of the InvokeModel action.

Attribute Description
ContentType The ContentType attribute describes the MIME type of the inference result.
PromptId The PromptId describes the identifier of the prompt. Only is available for prompts that are saved.
ResponseBody The ResponseBody attribute holds the JSON response body of the specific model. RetrievalConfiguration

The RetrievalConfiguration entity holds information about how the results should be returned.

Attribute Description
NumberOfResults The NumberOfResults attribute describes the number of results to return. Location

The Location entity holds information about the location of the data source.

Attribute Description
DataSourceType The DataSourceType attribute describes the type of the location of the data source. S3Location

The S3Location entity holds information about the S3 location of the data source.

Attribute Description
URI The URI attribute describes the S3 URI of the data source. ReferenceLocation
Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the Location entity. SessionConfiguration

The SessionConfiguration entity holds information about details of the session with the knowledge base.

Attribute Description
KmsKeyARN The KmsKeyARN attribute describes the ARN of the AWS KMS key encrypting the session. Citation

The Citation entity contains a segment of the generated response that is based on a source in the knowledge base, alongside information about the source.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes. GeneratedResponsePart

The GeneratedResponsePart entity holds information about a part of the generated response that is accompanied by a citation.

Attribute Description
Text The Text attribute describes the part of the generated text that contains a citation.
Start The Start attribute describes where the text with a citation starts in the generated output.
End The End attribute describes where the text with a citation ends in the generated output. RetrievedReference

The RetrievedReference entity holds information about a sources cited for the generated response.

Attribute Description
Text The Text attribute contains the cited text from the data source. CitationRetrievedReference (#citation-retrieved-reference)

The CitationRetrievedResponse entity holds information about the citation, which contains a segment of the generated response that is based on a source in the knowledge base, alongside information about the source.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the RetrievedReference entity. RetrieveAndGenerateLocation
Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the Location entity. ListKnowledgeBasesRequest
Attribute Description
MaxResults The maximum number of results to return in the response.
NextToken If the total number of results is greater than the maxResults value provided in the request, enter the token returned in the NextToken field in the response in this field to return the next batch of results. ListKnowledgeBasesResponse
Attribute Description
NextToken If the total number of results is greater than the maxResults value provided in the request, enter the token returned in the NextToken field in the response in this field to return the next batch of results. KnowledgeBaseSummary
Attribute Description
KnowledgeBaseID The unique identifier of the knowledge base.
Name The name of the knowledge base.
Status The status of the knowledge base.
UpdatedAt The time at which the knowledge base was last updated.
Description The description of the knowledge base. StartIngestionJobRequest

This is the request entity of the StartIngestionJob action.

Attribute Description
DataSourceId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the data source to ingest.
KnowledgeBaseId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the knowledge base to which to add the data source. GetIngestionJobRequest

This is the request entity of the GetIngestionJob action.

Attribute Description
DataSourceId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the data source to ingest.
IngestionJobId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the ingestion job to retrieve.
KnowledgeBaseId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the knowledge base to which to add the data source. GetIngestionJobResponse

This is the response entity of the GetIngestionJob action. StartIngestionJobResponse

This is the response entity of the StartIngestionJob action. StartIngestionJob
Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the IngestionJob entity. GetIngestionJob
Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes, but it inherits from the IngestionJob entity. IngestionJob

This is the response entity of the IngestionJob action.

Attribute Description
DataSourceId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the data source to ingest.
IngestionJobId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the ingestion job to retrieve.
KnowledgeBaseId The Text attribute contains the unique identifier of the knowledge base to which to add the data source.
Status The Text attribute contains the status of the ingestion job.
StartedAt The Timestamp at which the ingestion job started.
UpdatedAt The Timestamp at which the ingestion job was last updated. FailureReason

The FailureReason entity holds the reason an interaction failed.

Attribute Description
Text The Text attribute describes reason the interaction failed. IngestionJobStats

The IngestionJobStats entity contains information about the failure of the interaction.

Attribute Description
numberOfDocumentsDeleted The Long attribute holds the number of documents that were deleted.
numberOfDocumentsFailed The Long attribute holds the number of documents that failed to be ingested.
numberOfDocumentsScanned The Long attribute holds the number of documents that were scanned.
numberOfModifiedDocumentsIndexed The Long attribute holds the number of modified documents in the data source that were successfully indexed.
numberOfNewDocumentsIndexed The Long attribute holds the number of new documents in the data source that were successfully indexed. ModelInvocationInput

The ModelInvocationInput contains parameters that specify the input to the pre- or post-processing step.

Attribute Description
OverrideLambda The OverrideLambda attribute holds the ARN of the Lambda function to use when parsing the raw foundation model output in parts of the agent sequence.
ParserMode The ParserMode attribute specifies whether to override the default parser Lambda function when parsing the raw foundation model output in the part of the agent sequence defined by the promptType.
PromptCreationMode The PromptCreationMode attribute specifies whether the default prompt template was overridden.
Text The Text attribute holds the text that prompted the agent at this step.
PromptType The PromptType attribute specifies the step in the agent sequence. Parameter

The Parameter is a generalization for orchestration trace parameter objects.

Attribute Description
Name The Name attribute holds name of the parameter.
_Type The _Type attribute specifies the parameter type.
Value The Value attribute specifies the parameter value. InvokeAgentAttribute

The InvokeAgentAttribute holds all attributes needed to create a request to invoke an agent.

Attribute Description
Key The Key attribute holds an attribute key.
Value The Value attribute holds an attribute value. InvokeAgentRequest

The InvokeAgentRequest holds all attributes needed to create a request to invoke an agent.

Attribute Description
InputText The InputText attribute holds the prompt text to send to the agent.
AgentId The AgentId attribute holds the unique identifier of the agent to use.
AgentAliasId The AgentAliasId attribute holding the alias of the agent to use.
SessionId The SessionId attribute holds the unique identifier of the session. Use the same value across requests to continue the same conversation.
EnableTrace The EnableTrace attribute specifies whether to turn on the trace or not to track the agent’s reasoning process.
EndSession The EndSession attribute specifies whether to end the session with the agent or not. SessionState

The SessionState entity is associated to objects that hold information about the session.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes. SessionAttribute

The SessionAttribute entity inherits from the InvokeAgentAttribute entity and holds information about the session.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the InvokeAgentAttribute. PromptSessionAttribute

The PromptSessionAttribute entity inherits from the InvokeAgentAttribute entity and holds information about the session.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the InvokeAgentAttribute. InvokeAgentResponse

The InvokeAgentResponse is the response object of the invokeAgent operation.

Attribute Description
OutputText The OutputText attribute contains the ‘bytes’ part of the response as text. InvokeAgentCitation

The InvokeAgentCitation contains a segment of the generated response that is based on a source in the knowledge base, alongside information about the source.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the Citation. TracePart

The TracePart is a generalization which contains information about the agent and session, alongside the agent’s reasoning process and results from calling API actions and querying knowledge bases and metadata about the trace.

Attribute Description
AgentAliasId The AgentAliasId attribute holds the corresponding value from the InvokeAgentRequest.
AgentId The AgentId attribute holds the corresponding value from the InvokeAgentRequest.
SessionId The SessionId attribute holds the corresponding value from the InvokeAgentRequest. AbstractTrace

The AbstractTrace contains one part of the agent’s reasoning process and results from calling API actions and querying knowledge bases.

Attribute Description
TraceId The TraceId attribute holds the unique identifier of the trace.
TraceType The TraceType attribute holds the enumeration value of the trace type. FailureTrace

The FailureTrace contains information about the failure of the interaction.

Attribute Description
FailureReason The FailureReason attribute holds the reason for the failure of the interaction. PreProcessingModelInvocationOutput

The PreProcessingModelInvocationOutput contains information about the foundation model output from the pre-processing step.

Attribute Description
IsValid The IsValid attribute actually comes from entity PreProcessingParsedResponse. Specifies whether the user input is valid or not.
Rationale The Rationale attribute holds the text returned by the parsing of the pre-processing step, explaining the steps that the agent plans to take in orchestration, if the user input is valid. PreProcessingModelInvocationInput

The PreProcessingModelInvocationInput contains the foundation model input for the pre-processing step.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the ModelInvocationInput. PostProcessingModelInvocationOutput

The PostProcessingModelInvocationOutput contains information about the foundation model output from the post-processing step.

Attribute Description
ParsedResponse The ParsedResponse attribute holds details about the response from the Lambda parsing of the output of the post-processing step. PostProcessingModelInvocationInput

The PostProcessingModelInvocationInput contains the foundation model input for the post-processing step.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the ModelInvocationInput. PostProcessingModelInvocationInput

The PostProcessingModelInvocationInput contains the foundation model input for the post-processing step.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the ModelInvocationInput. InvocationInput

The InvocationInput contains information pertaining to the action group or knowledge base that is being invoked.

Attribute Description
InvocationType The InvocationType attribute specifies whether the agent is invoking an action group or a knowledge base. ActionGroupInvocationInput

The ActionGroupInvocationInput contains information pertaining to the action group or knowledge base that is being invoked.

Attribute Description
ActionGroupName The ActionGroupName attribute specifies the name of the action group.
ApiPath The ApiPath attribute specifies the path to the API to call, based off the action group.
Verb The Verb attribute specifies the API method being used, based off the action group. RequestBodyContent

The RequestBodyContent holds the parameters in the request body for the Lambda input event.

Attribute Description
ContentKey The ContentKey as returned in the RequestBodyContent RequestBodyContentParameter

The RequestBodyContentParameter is a parameter in the Lambda input event (for the request body).

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the Parameter. InvocationInputParameter

The RequestBodyContent holds the parameters in the request body for the Lambda input event.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the Parameter. KnowledgeBaseLookupInput

The KnowledgeBaseLookupInput contains details about the knowledge base to look up and the query to be made.

Attribute Description
KnowledgeBaseId The KnowledgeBaseId the unique identifier of the knowledge base to look up.
Text The Text is the query made to the knowledge base. Rationale

The Rationale contains the reasoning, based on the input, that the agent uses to justify carrying out an action group or getting information from a knowledge base.

Attribute Description
Text The Text attribute specifies the reasoning or thought process of the agent, based on the input. OrchestrationModelInvocationInput

The OrchestrationModelInvocationInput holds the input for the pre-processing step.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the ModelInvocationInput. Observation

The Observation contains the result or output of an action group or knowledge base, or the response to the user.

Attribute Description
ActionGroupInvocationOutput The ActionGroupInvocationOutput attribute contains the JSON-formatted string returned by the API invoked by the action group.
FinalResponse The FinalResponse attribute contains details about the response to the user.
ObservationType The ObservationType attribute specifies what kind of information the agent returns in the observation. The following values are possible. RepromptResponse

The RepromptResponse contains details about the agent’s response to reprompt the input.

Attribute Description
RepromptSource The RepromptSource attribute specifies what output is prompting the agent to reprompt the input.
Text The Text reprompting the input. ObservationRetrievedReference

The ObservationRetrievedReference holds information about a sources cited for the generated response.

Attribute Description
N/A The entity does not contain any attributes but it inherits from the RetrievedReference. ListAgentsRequest
Attribute Description
MaxResults The maximum number of results to return in the response.
NextToken If the total number of results is greater than the maxResults value provided in the request, enter the token returned in the NextToken field in the response in this field to return the next batch of results. ListAgentsResponse
Attribute Description
NextToken If the total number of results is greater than the maxResults value provided in the request, enter the token returned in the NextToken field in the response in this field to return the next batch of results. AgentSummary
Attribute Description
AgentID The unique identifier of the agent.
AgentName The name of the agent.
AgentStatus The status of the agent.
Description The description of the agent.
LatestAgentVersion The latest version of the agent.
UpdatedAt The time at which the agent was last updated. GetAgentRequest
Attribute Description
AgentID The unique identifier of the agent. GetAgentResponse
Attribute Description
N/A - Agent
Attribute Description
AgentARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent.
AgentID The unique identifier of the agent.
AgentName The name of the agent.
AgentResourceRoleARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role with permissions to invoke API operations on the agent.
AgentStatus The status of the agent.
AgentVersion The version of the agent.
CreatedAt The time at which the agent was created.
IdleSessionTTLInSeconds The number of seconds for which Amazon Bedrock keeps information about a user’s conversation with the agent.
UpdatedAt The time at which the agent was last updated.
ClientToken A unique, case-sensitive identifier to ensure that the API request completes no more than one time.
CustomerEncryptionKeyArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key that encrypts the agent.
Description The description of the agent.
FoundationModel The foundation model used for orchestration by the agent.
Instruction Instructions that tell the agent what it should do and how it should interact with users.
PreparedAt The time at which the agent was last prepared. AgentFailureReason
Attribute Description
Text Reason the agent-related API that you invoked failed.
Attribute Description
Text Contains a recommended action to take for the agent-related API that you invoked to succeed.

4.2 Activities

Activities define the actions that are executed in a microflow or a nanoflow. For more information, see Activities.

4.2.1 GenAICommons-Based Operations ChatCompletions (Without History)

The ChatCompletions (without history) activity can be used for any conversations with Anthropic Claude or Amazon Titan. There is no option to keep the conversation history in mind. This operation corresponds to the ChatCompletions_WithoutHistory_AmazonBedrock microflow.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
Userprompt (string), AmazonBedrockConnection, GenAICommons.Request, FileCollection GenAICommons.Response

GenAICommons.Request and FileCollection can be empty, in which case they are not sent to the Bedrock API. ChatCompletions (With History)

The ChatCompletions (with history) activity can be used for any conversations with Anthropic Claude or Amazon Titan. It is possible for it to keep the conversation history in mind. This operation corresponds to the ChatCompletions_WithHistory_AmazonBedrock microflow.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
GenAICommons.Request, AmazonBedrockConnection GenAICommons.Response

For Anthropic Claude, the request must be associated to an AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension object which can be created with the Request: Add Anthropic Claude Request Extension operation. In order to pass a conversation history to the flow, the list of previous messages must be associated to the input request. This operation can easily be replaced or combined with the ChatCompletions (with history) operation inside of the OpenAI connector.

Some capabilities of the chat completions operations are currently only available when using Anthropic Claude version 3 models:

  • Function Calling - This operation supports the function calling (or tool use) capability of Anthropic Claude version 3 models using the Claude Messages API. You can use function calling in all chat completions operations using Anthropic Claude version 3 models by adding a ToolCollection with a Tool via the Tools: Add Function to Request operation. For more information about function calling, see the Function Calling Documentation.

  • Vision - This operation supports the vision capability of Anthropic Claude version 3 models. With vision, you can send image prompts to Claude, in addition to the traditional text prompts. You can use vision by adding a FileCollection with a File with the Files: Initialize Collection with File or the Files: Add to Collection operation. RetrieveAndGenerate

The Retrieve and Generate activity can be used for conversations leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation through a knowledge base. This operation corresponds to the RetrieveAndGenerate microflow. The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
GenAICommons.Request, AmazonBedrockConnection GenAICommons.Response

The request object passed to this operation must include a KnowledgeBaseTool object, which can be added to the request using the Request: Add Knowledge Base Tool to Collection operation. Chatting with History

The RetrieveAndGenerate operation only allows a single user message to be part of the request. Unlike the ChatCompletions operation, it is not supported to send a history of messages to the model.

The history can be enabled using the SessionId parameter on the RetrieveAndGenerateRequest_Extension entity. By reusing the same SessionId value, the model will run in the context of the session. Image Generation

The Image Generation operation can be used to generate one or more images. This operation corresponds to the ImageGeneration_AmazonBedrock microflow. Currently Amazon Titan Image Generator G1 is the only supported model for image generation of the Amazon Bedrock Connector.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
UserPrompt (String), AmazonBedrockConnection (object), GenAICommons.ImageOptions (object) GenAICommons.Response (object)

GenAICommons.ImageOptions can be an empty object. If provided, it allows you to set additional options for Image Generation.

GenAICommons.ImageOptions can be created by using the Image: Create Options operation of GenAI Commons.

To retrieve actual image objects from the response, the Image: Get Generated Image (Single) or Image: Get Generated Images (List) helper operations from GenAICommons can be used.

For Titan Image models, the Image Generation: Add Titan Image Extension operation can be used to configure Titan image-specific values (currently only NegativeText). Embeddings (single string)

The Embeddings (single string) activity can be used to generate an embedding vector for a given input string with one of the Cohere Embed models or Titan Embeddings v2. This operation corresponds to the Embeddings_SingleString_AmazonBedrock microflow.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
InputText, AmazonBedrockConnection, GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions (optional) GenAICommons.EmbeddingsResponse

For Cohere Embed and Titan Embeddings, the request can be associated to their respective EmbeddingsOptions extension object which can be created with the Embeddings Options: Add Cohere Embed Extension or Embeddings Options: Add Titan Embeddings Extension operation. Through this extension, it is possible to tailor the operation to more specific needs. This operation can easily be replaced or combined with the Embeddings (single string) operation inside of the OpenAI connector.

Currently, embeddings are available for the Cohere Embed family and or Titan Embeddings v2. Embeddings (chunk collection)

The Embeddings (chunk collection) activity can be used to generate a collection of embedding vectors for a given collection of text chunks with one of the Cohere Embed models or Titan Embeddings v2. This operation corresponds to the Embeddings_ChunkCollection_AmazonBedrock microflow.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
GenAICommons.ChunkCollection, AmazonBedrockConnection, GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions (optional) GenAICommons.EmbeddingsResponse

For each model family, the request can be associated to an extension of the EmbeddingsOptiond object which can be created with either the Embeddings Options: Add Cohere Embed Extension or the Embeddings Options: Add Titan Embeddings Extension operation. Through this extension, it is possible to tailor the operation to more specific needs. This operation can easily be replaced or combined with the Embeddings (chunk collection) operation inside of the OpenAI connector.

Currently, embeddings are available for the Cohere Embed family and Titan Embeddings v2. Retrieve

The Retrieve activity allows you to query a knowledge base and retrieve information from it. This operation corresponds to the Retrieve microflow.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
GenAICommons.Request, AmazonBedrockConnection GenAICommons.Response

4.2.2 GenAI Commons Helper Operations Create Amazon Bedrock Connection

Use this microflow to create a new Amazon Bedrock Connection object.

This operation corresponds to the AmazonBedrockConnection_Create microflow.

| ENUM_Region (enumeration), UseStaticCredentials (Boolean), ModelId (string) | AmazonBedrockConnection (object)| Request: Add Anthropic Claude Request Extension

Use this microflow to add a new AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension object to your request. This is useful to include parameters that are unique to Anthropic Claude models.

This operation corresponds to the AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension_Create microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.Request (object), Version (string, optional), Top_K (Integer, optional) AnthropicClaudeRequest_Extension (object)

Version and Top_K can be empty, in which case they are not sent to the Bedrock API Request: Add Knowledge Base Tool to Collection

Use this microflow to add a new KnowledgeBaseTool object to your request. This is useful for adding additional parameters when using the Retrieve And Generate operation.

This operation corresponds to the RetrieveAndGenerateRequest_Extension_Create microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.Request (object), KnowledgeBaseId (string) none Request: Add Retrieve And Generate Request Extension

Use this microflow to add a new RetrieveAndGenerateRequest_Extension object to your request. This is required in order to use the Retrieve And Generate operation successfully.

This operation corresponds to the Request_AddKnowledgeBaseTool microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.Request (object), KmsKeyARN (string), SessionId (string), Enum_RetrieveAndGenerateType (enumeration) RetrieveAndGenerateRequest_Extension (object)

KmsKeyARN, SessionId, and Enum_RetrieveAndGenerateType can be empty, in which case they are not sent to the Bedrock API. Image Generation: Add Titan Image Extension

Use this microflow to add a new TitanImageOptions_Extension object to your GenAICommons.ImageOptions object. This will allow you to configure the NegativeText attribute.

This operation corresponds to the TitanImageOptions_Extension_Create microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.ImageOptions (object), NegativeText (string) TitanImageOptions_Extension (object) Image Generation: Set Image Size (Titan Image)

Use this microflow to set the Height and Width attributes of your GenAICommons.ImageOptions object to any valid image size supported by Titan Image models. The ENUM_ImageSize_TitanImage enumeration contains all valid height-width combinations to choose from.

This operation corresponds to the ImageOptions_SetImageSize_TitanImage microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.ImageOptions (object), ENUM_ImageSize_TitanImage (enumeration) none Image Generation: Set Randomness

Use this microflow to set the Seed and CfgScale attributes of your GenAICommons.ImageOptions object. These attributes can be used to influence the randomness of the image generation.

For more information, please refer to the specific model documentation such as Titan Image Generator G1.

This operation corresponds to the ImageOptions_SetRandomness microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.ImageOptions (object), Seed (integer), CfgScale (decimal) none

Seed and GfgScale can be empty, in which case they are not sent to the Bedrock API. Embeddings Options: Add Cohere Embed Extension

Use this microflow to add a new CohereEmbedOptions_Extension object to your EmbeddingsOptionsobject. You can use it to include parameters that are unique to Cohere Embed models.

This operation corresponds to the CohereEmbedOptions_Extension_Create microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions (object), InputType (enumeration), EmbeddingTypes (enumeration, optional), Truncate (enumeration, optional) CohereEmbedOptions_Extension (object) Embeddings Options: Add Titan Embeddings Extension

Use this microflow to add a new TitanEmbeddingsOptions_Extension object to your EmbeddingsOptions object. You can use it to include parameters that are unique to Titan Embeddings models.

This operation corresponds to the TitanEmbeddingsOptions_Extension_Create microflow.

Input Output
GenAICommons.EmbeddingsOptions (object), Normalize (boolean) TitanEmbeddingsOptions_Extension (object) Request: Add Retrieve Request Extension

Use this microflow to add a new RetrieveRequest_Extension object to your request. This is required in order to use the Retrieve activity. It requires Connection, and RetrieveRequest as input parameters.

To use this activity, you must set up a knowledge base in your Amazon Bedrock Environment. For more information, see Knowledge Base.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), RetrieveRequest (object) RetrieveResponse (object)

4.2.3 Other Operations ListFoundationModels

The ListFoundationModels activity allows you to get all the available foundational models which Amazon Bedrock provides. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials and ListFoundationModelsRequest as input parameters.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), ListFoundationModelsRequest (object) ListFoundationModelsResponse (object) InvokeModel

The InvokeModel activity allows you to invoke a model from Amazon Bedrock. This activity provides the generic parts that are equal for the invocation of every model. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials and InvokeModelRequest as input parameters.

The InvokeModel operation provides a versatile interface for integrating with Amazon Bedrock models. Each available model in Amazon Bedrock has its own set of model-specific parameters required to be passed into the InvokeModelRequest. The Amazon Bedrock Connector contains two example implementations to showcase how to use the InvokeModel operation to invoke specific models. The Amazon Bedrock example implementation available on the Mendix Marketplace provides a more extensive reference implementation of how to configure the model-specific parameters into the generic InvokeModel operation.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), InvokeModelRequest (object) InvokeModelResponse (object) ListKnowledgeBases

The ListKnowledgeBases activity allows you to list the knowledge bases in an account and get information about each of them. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials, and ListKnowledgeBasesRequest as input parameters.

To use this activity, you must set up a knowledge base in your Amazon Bedrock Environment. For more information, see Knowledge Base.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), ListKnowledgeBasesRequest (object) ListKnowledgeBasesResponse (object) StartIngestionJob

The StartIngestionJob activity allows you to begin an ingestion job, in which the contents of the data source S3 bucket is preprocessed and synced with the vector database of the knowledge base. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials and StartIngestionJobRequest as input parameters.

To use this activity, you must set up a knowledge base in your Amazon Bedrock Environment. For more information, see Knowledge Base.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), StartIngestionJobRequest (object) StartIngestionJobResponse (object) GetIngestionJob

The GetIngestionJob activity allows you to retrieve information about a ingestion job, in which the contents of the data source S3 bucket is preprocessed and synced with the vector database of the knowledge base. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials and GetIngestionJobRequest as input parameters.

To use this activity, you must set up a knowledge base in your Amazon Bedrock Environment. For more information, see Knowledge Base.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), GetIngestionJobRequest (object) GetIngestionJobResponse (object) InvokeAgent

The InvokeAgent activity allows you to invoke an agent from Amazon Bedrock, so that you can orchestrate tasks involving foundation models and enrich the process with organizational data and user input. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials, InvokeAgentRequest, a ResponseHandlerMicroflow and a ErrorHandlerMicroflow as input parameters. The microflow parameters are necessary since InvokeAgent is an asynchronous operation. The ResponseHandlerMicroflow is required to have exactly one input parameter of the InvokeAgentResponse entity type. It is called in a background threat once the response is available. The ErrorHandlerMicroflow is required to have exactly one input parameter of type String. It will be called when there is an error during the asynchronous process and the error type will be passed to it’s string parameter. The Amazon Bedrock Connector includes sample response handler and error handler microflows to help you set up handlers for your implementation.

For more information, see Agents for Bedrock

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), InvokeModelRequest (object), ResponseHandlerMicroflow (microflow), ErrorHandlerMicroflow (microflow) none Handling the asynchronous InvokeAgentResponse

The InvokeAgentResponse object is passed as a parameter to the ResponseHandler microflow. This microflow can perform any custom logic with the InvokeAgentResponse, for example storing it in the database. The microflow is called in another background thread, so the client is not automatically notified when the response is processed. If you want to display the agent’s response to the user of your app, you can use one of the following methods: Polling

The easiest way to make sure the client gets a response is to constantly poll for it until it is available. This can be done using the Microflow Timer Widget, which allows you to configure a microflow or nanoflow to run every X number of seconds.

This approach is only recommended for testing and for applications that do not have a large number of concurrent users. It is not preferred for scaling. Websockets

WebSockets is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single, persistent connection. Unlike traditional HTTP connections, which are request-response based and stateless, WebSockets enable real-time, bi-directional communication between a client (such as a Web browser) and a server.

The open source EZ Websocket Module from the Mendix Marketplace provides an easy way to implement real-time server-to-client communication using WebSockets without external dependencies. Pusher

The platform-supported Pusher Module is built around the Pusher Channels offering. This module requires a Pusher account. Pusher Channels is a paid service, but it also has a Free Sandbox Plan. This module allows you to trigger a Notify event on the server to immediately trigger an action in the client application. Working with action groups and lambda functions

Without action groups, the agent will still access associated knowledge bases, but will not be able to perform tasks that make agents an extension of simply invoking a model. Action groups are what make agents so powerful.

For example, it might be beneficial for the agent to dynamically retrieve more information via a REST endpoint or other source, rather than storing all possible information in a knowledge base. To achieve this, a lambda function must first be specified for the REST request and then associated with the agent as part of an action group.

If you would like to add lambda functions to your agent, please refer to the AWS documentation. ListAgents

The ListAgents activity allows you to list the agents in an account and get information about each of them. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials, and ListAgentsRequest as input parameters.

To use this activity, you must set up an agent in your Amazon Bedrock environment.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), ListAgentsRequest (object) ListAgentsResponse (object) GetAgent

The GetAgent activity allows you to retrieve information about an agent. It requires ENUM_Region, Credentials, and GetAgentRequest as input parameters.

To use this activity, you must set up an agent in your Amazon Bedrock Environment.

The input and output for this service are shown in the table below:

Input Output
ENUM_Region (enumeration), Credentials (object), GetAgentRequest (object) GetAgentResponse (object)

5 Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues while using the Amazon Bedrock connector, use the following troubleshooting tips to help you solve them.

5.1 Error Code 400 - Bad Request

The service returns the error code 400 - Bad Request.

5.1.1 Cause

Your AWS organization may not have been granted access to the model which you are trying to invoke.

5.1.2 Solution

To solve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. In your Amazon Bedrock environment, navigate to Model Access for the region in which you would like to work.
  2. If the status of a model is Available, enable access to this model for your AWS organization by doing the following steps:
    1. In the top-right corner of the overview, click on Edit.
    2. Select the check boxes by the models which you want to access with your credential set.
    3. Click Save Changes.

After the status of the models changes to Access Granted, you can use it with the Amazon Bedrock connector.

5.2 Error code 403 - AccessDeniedException

When invoking a model, the error code 403 - Access denied indicates that you do not have access to the targeted resource.

5.2.1 Cause

Possible root causes for this error include the following:

  • You do not have access to the model in the specified AWS region.

5.2.2 Solution

To solve this issue, ensure that you have selected an AWS Region where you have model access. You can see an overview of the models accessible to you in the AWS Management Console, in the Model Access section of your Amazon Bedrock environment.

5.3 Error code 404 - ResourceNotFoundException

When invoking a model, the error code 404 - Resource not found indicates that the targeted resource was not found.

5.3.1 Cause

Possible root causes for this error include the following:

  • The model which you are trying to invoke is not available in your specified AWS region.
  • The model which you are trying to invoke is deprecated.

5.3.2 Solution

To solve this issue, verify the following:

  1. Ensure that you have selected an AWS Region where the targeted model exists. You can see an overview of the models accessible to you in the AWS Management Console, on the Overview page of your Amazon Bedrock environment. Make sure the region specified in the AWS Console matches the region you have configured in Mendix.
  2. Ensure that the model that you have selected is not deprecated and that the model-id is currently available in Amazon Bedrock.

6 Appendix

6.1 Knowledge Base

In Bedrock, a knowledge base denotes a substantial storehouse of data and information. This serves as a foundational resource, enabling the AI system to glean insights and effectively comprehend and respond to natural language queries.

For more information about knowledge bases, see Knowledge Base in the Amazon Bedrock documentation.

6.1.1 Creating a Knowledge Base

Setting up knowledge bases is usually a one-time configuration, which can be done with the AWS Console. In order to get the best results, you should consider whether you want to use one of the chunking strategies available on AWS when creating the knowledge base, or whether you want to pre-process the data beforehand.

Chunking is the practice of breaking large chunks of data into smaller segments. Chunking the data allows the embedding algorithm to process the given data in chunks, thus increasing efficiency. Chunking can also introduce a structure that helps the model understand which data belongs to the same context. You can use the default chunking strategy, or create a custom strategy if there is a specific way in which the model data should be split.

For example, when building a chatbot that gives restaurant recommendations, you should set up the knowledge base with a list of restaurant reviews. In this case, using the default chunking into 300 tokens might result in chunks containing reviews for different restaurants, which is not optimal. You will likely have better results if each chunk corresponds to reviews for one restaurant, as with that strategy it is less likely that the model will then associate a review with the wrong restaurant. You can achieve the required results by pre-processing the data so that there is one file per restaurant, and using the No chunking option when setting up the knowledge base.

For more information about creating the knowledge base, including a list of the available chunking strategies, see Create a knowledge base.

6.1.2 Adding Data from Your App

After a knowledge base has been set up, information from your app can be added in a file to the relevant S3 bucket, and then used during subsequent inquiries. Which information is used and how that information is exported depends on the customer’s use case and is up to the Mendix developer to implement. For more information, see Set up your data for ingestion.

Amazon Bedrock only processes the information that existed during the last sync, so the data source must be synchronized whenever a new file is added to your S3 bucket or the existing files are changed. For more information, see Sync to ingest your data sources into the knowledge base.

The sync can be done from the information page of your knowledge base in the Amazon Bedrock Console, or by using the StartIngestionJob action in the Amazon Bedrock Connector.

6.2 Safeguards

AWS has introduced safeguards for Bedrock (currently in preview). When available, there will be two features: Guardrails and Watermark detection.

The guardrail feature will allow you to:

  • Filter harmful content with configurable thresholds based on your responsible AI policies.
  • Determine how to handle personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Deny topics.

The watermark detection feature will make it possible to tell if an image has been created using Amazon Titan.

More information about guardrails can be found in this AWS blogpost and in the AWS documentation.

6.3 Advanced Prompts for Agents

By default, an agent is configured with the following base prompt templates, one for each step in the agent sequence:

  • Pre-processing
  • Orchestration
  • Knowledge base response generation
  • Post-processing

By customizing the prompt templates and modifying these configurations, you can fine-tune your agent’s accuracy. Additionally, you can provide custom examples for a technique known as few-shot prompting. This involves providing labeled examples for specific tasks, which further enhances the model’s performance in targeted areas. For more information about advanced prompts, see Advanced prompts in the AWS documentation.

You can also use placeholder variables in agent prompt templates. For example, in the orchestration prompt template, the $prompt_session_attributes$ placeholder variable can be used to ingest the information from the PromptSessionAttribute entity into the prompt, if it was specified as part of the InvokeAgentRequest. For more information about placeholder variables available in agent prompt templates, see Prompt placeholders in the AWS documentation.