
Last modified: February 22, 2024


Release date: May 2, 2023

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  • We improved the performance of editing published web service operations. Operations that expose large data structures no longer cause Studio Pro to become unresponsive upon opening the editing dialog box. (Tickets 179950, 183039)


  • We mitigated CVE-2023-30547 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We fixed an issue where the language-sensitive parts on pages were not fully updated when you changed the language via the Language Selector widget. (Tickets 180130, 180670, 180824, 181274, 181713, 181974)


Release date: April 13, 2023

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  • We mitigated CVE-2023-29017 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.
  • We fixed an issue that caused Studio Pro to crash when an entity was added to a published business event service. (Ticket 178764)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when opening multiple modal pop-up windows at the same time and it was not possible to focus widgets in the pop-up widget that was on top. (Ticket 180137)
  • We fixed an issue where a domain-level validation message could not be translated. You can now use the mendix.lib.Validations.field_issue system text to translate and change this message. (Tickets 180448, 181175)


  • We will drop support for MariaDB 10.3 after June 1, 2023, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.


Release date: April 4, 2023

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  • We added support for the following database versions:
    • MariaDB 10.11
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
    • Oracle 21c
    • PostgreSQL 15


  • We fixed an issue where a reference selector with an XPath data source using a Constrained by condition incorrectly cleared its value if it was inside a data view listening to a widget and the selection of that widget changed. (Ticket 162340)
  • We fixed an issue where historical dates stored in a non-localized date attribute were off by several seconds in certain time zones. (Ticket 165972)
  • We fixed an issue where a newly created object displayed in the client could not be retrieved over an association in a microflow. (Ticket 170969)
  • We fixed an issue where pluggable widgets (such as Data Grid 2) with a microflow or nanoflow data source sorted an AutoNumber attribute alphabetically instead of numerically. (Ticket 172287)
  • We fixed an issue where fields in the App Settings dialog box were not visible when the dialog box opened. (Ticket 172556)
  • We fixed an error that appeared when you clicked quickly on a tree control cell. (Ticket 172770)
  • We fixed an issue that caused an error in the runtime and the client if a pluggable widget was retrieving data over an association that was not accessible for the current user. (Tickets 173477, 173663)
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where comparing a number with null resulted in a “400 Bad Request” message. (Ticket 175746)
  • We fixed an issue in consumed OData services where retrieving an external entity with the XPath [NULL = NULL] (or an XPath using variables with the same effect) resulted in an error. (Ticket 175746)
  • We fixed an issue where the list view search did not work if an AutoNumber attribute was included in the search. (Ticket 176396)
  • We fixed an issue in consumed OData services that caused an error to occur when filtering on Boolean attributes in a data container widget. (Ticket 176502)
  • We fixed an issue with consumed OData services where retrieving the associated entities that had equivalent key fields and values led to unpredictable query results. (Ticket 177537)
  • We fixed an issue where the sorting of a microflow or association data source in a pluggable widget (for example, Data Grid 2) resulted in unnecessary network requests. (Ticket 177792)
  • We replaced a third-party dependency to prevent false positives from security-vulnerability scanning tools.
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where serialization stopped when an error occurred, with no way for the client to discover that. Now, there is an error appended to the resulting JSON.
  • We fixed an issue that caused an association property of a pluggable widget to malfunction if it was linked to a data source and configured with more than one association step.
  • We fixed an issue where importing a module from Studio Pro 9.17 or below did not correctly convert a page parameter if its entity was defined in a domain model outside of the imported module.
  • We fixed an error that appeared when you changed the access rules of an entity.


  • We dropped support for MariaDB 10.2, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Breaking Changes

  • We removed support for the FileID parameter in the File API.


Release date: January 30, 2023

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Performance Improvements

  • We reverted some changes we made in 9.18 in the SQL that is generated for XPath queries. While these changes were intended to improve performance, they caused performance regressions in some cases.

Other Improvements

  • We improved the invalid decimal value error message by including the attribute name. (Ticket 171827)
  • In Studio Pro, the toolbar shown at the top of the page editor now features a button to configure the parameters of the page.


  • We fixed CVE-2023-23835.
  • We fixed a known issue that occurred when navigating between dockable panes Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane where releasing Ctrl did not close the pane-selection dialog box if the editor or pane was focused. (Ticket 163193)
  • We fixed a known issue where one-to-one associations were cleared incorrectly when there were multiple copies of the same object in microflow variables. (Ticket 168024)
  • We fixed an issue where Refresh on show for tabs was enabled but data was missing after revisiting the tab. (Tickets 150260).
  • We fixed the Space bar functionality within a data grid for checkbox cells. You can now toggle multiple checkboxes (Ticket 165926).
  • We fixed an issue where creating a deployment package on Mendix Cloud failed for an app with over-the-air (OTA) updates enabled. (Ticket 169390)
  • We fixed an issue where the Oops dialog box appeared when opening the domain model editor in certain cases. (Ticket 170735, 170571)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the native date input to not render properly on custom backgrounds. (Ticket 170882)
  • We fixed an issue where a native mobile app was stuck on the splash screen after an end-user logged out. (Ticket 171288)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when editing a SCSS file and closing the editor with unsaved changes. (Ticket 171763)
  • We fixed an issue where an argument of an On change action that was mapped to a snippet parameter threw an error when trying to deploy the app. (Ticket 174249)
  • We fixed an issue in offline navigation profiles where retrieving an object that had a generalization to a base entity type returned the base type instead of the specialized type that had been retrieved. (Ticket 174251)
  • We fixed an issue where passing an object from a pluggable widget data source as an argument to a nanoflow data source caused an error if the nanoflow tried to change an attribute of the object. (Ticket 174605)
  • We fixed an issue where switching to None closed the pages of the Show page microflow activity. (Ticket 174834)
  • We fixed an issue where the time zone was displayed incorrectly as +2 (when it should have been +3) for Amman, Jordan and Damascus, Syria.
  • We fixed an issue where error checking did not finish correctly and outdated errors were still visible in the Errors pane after they were fixed. In addition, the progress bar and text message in the Studio Pro status bar was visible until a new change was made.
  • We fixed an error that appeared when switching documents in the App Explorer.


Release date: December 7, 2022

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  • We upgraded to HSQLDB 2.7.1. As a result, Java functions can no longer be registered in the database.
  • We extended the configuration module API for pluggable widgets. We now pass the Studio Pro version to the GetPreview function so that it is possible to create Structure mode previews based on the version.


  • We fixed an issue with Arabic date/time format handling in HSQLDB. (Ticket 141313)
  • We fixed an issue where the Retrieve Action dialog box was not resizable. (Ticket 147222)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when there were too many options for radio buttons, they could not fit in a single row, and they were thus spread within multiple rows instead of getting cut off. (Ticket 163486, 166056)
  • We fixed an issue where selecting a row using Space in the Module Roles dialog box did not work. (Ticket 165926)
  • We fixed an issue in published OData resources that use a microflow to handle insert, update, or delete operations. Validation messages reported by these microflows now result in valid JSON being returned to the client. (Ticket 167967)
  • We fixed an issue where a REST call caused a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory exception. (Ticket 168614)
  • We fixed an issue where an attribute property of a nested pluggable widget was not editable when it was using an attribute from the outer data source. (Ticket 168679)
  • We fixed an issue where the progress bar did not disappear when a list view was reloaded multiple times. (Ticket 169514)
  • We fixed an issue where selecting an attribute path containing a reference set on a legacy custom widget resulted in a consistency error. (Ticket 169656, 169756, 169758, 169774, 169811)
  • We fixed an issue where DateTime fields got incorrect values in OData services when receiving multiple simultaneous requests. (Ticket 170287)
  • We fixed an issue where uploading an image with an unsupported EXIF orientation tag failed. (Ticket 170543)
  • We fixed an issue that prevented client log nodes from being initialized and appearing in Mendix Cloud facilities, which was affecting native logs being sent to the Mendix Runtime. (Ticket 170826)
  • We fixed an issue in the DATEDIFF() function for HSQLDB where it was off by 1 day due to time zones.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where finished branches of splits are no longer erroneously marked as newly added (which helps to reduce the amount of workflow upgrade conflicts).
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where parallel splits inserted in the run path of workflow instances in which the executing activities were put in one or more of the branches of the new parallel split were not detected as instances that could not be continued.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where continuing an incompatible workflow instance with some parallel split branches still in progress caused the branches already finished to be put in progress again.
  • We fixed an issue where a workflow Jump activity raised the wrong consistency error when the activity was placed in a parallel branch.
  • We fixed an issue in the Workflow Engine that caused the Mendix Runtime Server to run out of memory with workflows that had many user tasks, decisions, and/or microflow calls.
  • We fixed an issue where a workflow remained in the failed state when bypassing an activity and that caused the workflow to fail when jumping to a different activity.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where previously incompatible workflows were no longer marked as Incompatible after the second successful upgrade.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows so that a paused workflow is no longer in In Progress after a successful upgrade.
  • We fixed an issue where configuring Show page as the On change action of a reference selector caused a consistency error that no suitable object was available.
  • We fixed an issue where the Home and End keys did not navigate to the first and last node of a tree.
  • We fixed an issue with proxy authentication that occurred when a locale or language pack other than English was used.


  • Starting with version 9.18.5, we will drop support for MariaDB 10.2, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)
  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)


Release date: October 27, 2022

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  • We now show consumed OData services on the Data Hub pane regardless of whether you are logged in.


  • We fixed an issue that caused attributes of System.User objects belonging to a role managed by the current user to be shown as empty in the client. (Ticket 138291)
  • We fixed an issue in the sign-in that occurred when Try again was clicked several times in sequence. (Ticket 160585)
  • We fixed an issue that caused associated objects to disappear if a reference selector had a non-persistable entity as its selectable objects. (Ticket 165279)
  • We fixed an issue where a machine name with non-ASCII characters blocked the user sign-in. (Ticket 165552)
  • We fixed an issue where a login ID text box or password text box widget that had Show Label set to No caused an error. (Ticket 167725)
  • We fixed the issue where Studio Pro froze when microflow activities were dragged from the toolbar. (Tickets 168530, 168328, 165904, 165769, 165516, 165491, 164808)
  • We fixed an issue in external entities that had keys consisting of more than one attribute, where if the service returned those attributes in a different order than the app expected, it stored them in that order.
  • We fixed an issue where your avatar image (or a default image if you did not have an avatar) did not show correctly after signing in.
  • We fixed an issue where the attribute selector of a pluggable widget allowed unsupported association types to be followed, which resulted in an error in the client.
  • We fixed an issue in the native client where an early error during development was hidden by the error 'NativeBatchedLogHandler' has not been initialized....


  • We dropped support for the following database versions that are no longer supported by the vendors:
    • PostgreSQL 10
    • SQL Server 2017

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: October 14, 2022

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  • Starting now, native mobile apps can send logs on the trace and debug levels to the Mendix Server, allowing you to analyze how your app works in detail. To enable this, set the log level to Trace for log nodes that start with the Client_ prefix. However, Mendix recommends enabling the trace/debug log levels for only a short period of time, as it may cause a large influx of logs from all end-users. To learn more about native logging, see the Sending Log Messages to Runtime section of Logging in Native Apps.


  • We fixed a known issue that occurred when deploying an app with a microflow that contained two or more published business event actions.
  • We fixed an issue where system members (such as owner, changedBy, createdDate, and changedDate) could not be selected on Filter and Find list operations in a microflow. (Ticket 151436)
  • We fixed an issue where uploaded images were not rotated in the upright position based on the orientation information in the image metadata. (Ticket 155278)
  • We fixed an issue where the periodic updating of sessions threw exceptions. (Ticket 162216)
  • We fixed an issue with the generate expression for changing an association on an object. (Ticket 163183)
  • We upgraded OpenJDK to in the Studio Pro installer. (Ticket 164386)
  • We fixed an instance of ObjectDisposedException that occurred upon closing the Entity dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue where the Log line dialog box was too large to fit the screen at certain settings.
  • We fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts were not working in the Properties pane.
  • We made the Edit Template Parameter dialog box resizable again.
  • We fixed an issue where copying and pasting a widget that used an attribute from outside the nearest data container caused an error when deploying the app.
  • We fixed an issue where pasting a data view based on a page parameter did not automatically create that parameter if it did not already exist, causing a consistency error
  • We fixed an issue where editing a Call microflow, Call nanoflow, or Show page activity in a microflow or nanoflow resulted in an error message if the selected document had multiple parameters with the same name after merging branches.
  • We fixed an issue where documents were renamed unnecessarily when copying or moving them from one module to another.

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: September 30, 2022

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New Features

Multiple Page Parameters

With this release, we improved our page-modeling language by adding support for multiple page parameters, which makes it easier to use multiple objects on a page that do not have associations. You can now pass multiple arguments when opening a page, just as you can with microflows and nanoflows! Previously, you had to use a non-persistable entity to bring them together, or use a data view with a microflow as the data source. Not anymore! Not only is this simpler and faster, but it keeps your domain model cleaner.

You can now also add multiple top-level data views, each connected to a different parameter. Page parameters can be referred to from the top level and nested data views, and a page parameter can also be used by multiple data views. Additionally, you can directly select the associations of a page parameter, reducing the need for an additional data view just to be able to follow the association, which reduces the complexity of the page.

Page parameters are created automatically when you select an entity for the contextual data source of a data view. You can also directly define parameters at the page level.

Page Explorer

We made page-building simpler and more powerful by introducing a new pane called Page Explorer, which shows your page structure as a tree view. It provides a quick and clear overview of your page structure so that you can understand your page more quickly. Next to that, it makes it easy to drag-and-drop widgets, copy-and-paste widgets, and open widget properties.

We see the biggest value here for Design mode, as it gives this mode more control. However, it can be used in combination with Structure mode as well.

With a default Studio Pro layout, the new pane can be found on a tab next to the App Explorer. Alternatively, it can be activated in the View menu.

Widget Developer Console

We added a new feature called the Widget Developer Console for advanced widget development, which helps you debug the configuration code of your widget that is responsible for conditionally visible properties, custom consistency checks, and Structure mode preview. This console shows logs from the getProperties, getPreview, check, and getCustomCaption functions, which can be defined inside the new configuration module (for more information, see the Widget Developer Console section of Configuration Module API for Pluggable Widgets).

The Widget Developer Console is located in the View menu. It can be turned on or off at any time, and it can be filtered on the widget that is logging as well as on the log level.

Validation Assist

With this release, a new Mendix Assist feature as Validation Assist is available in beta. Before an object is committed, the validation rule conditions should be satisfied, and there are different ways to set up data validations in Studio Pro. Currently, building data validations in microflows is a manual and repetitive task. Validation Assist helps you build these validation microflows in a more automated way using pre-built expressions.

These are the main features of Validation Assist:

  • List of checks for all members for which the data type can be empty (for example, when a customer’s name is not filled in a form)
  • Prefilled dialog box with microflow and validation properties
  • The ability to extract validations as a sub-microflow
  • The ability to call an existing validation sub-microflow in a new validation microflow
  • Auto-generation of a validation microflow

Other New Features

  • We now use your default browser to sign in to Studio Pro and listen for a callback in port 8100. If you are already signed in to your SSO provider for Mendix, then you will automatically be signed in to Studio Pro. You can opt-out from the new features tab in the Preferences menu.
  • We added a Sign-in/Sign-out menu (just like that which appears in the Studio Pro main window) to the Open App dialog box.
  • We implemented a VS Code Command Palette-like window where you can quickly access all of Studio Pro’s menu items. This window is reachable via Ctrl + Shift + P.
  • The Git command line interface (CLI) is now automatically installed during Studio Pro’s installation, which increases performance while using Git in Mendix
  • You can now optimize your Git repository directly from Studio Pro to prevent a slow-down over time. This optimization calls the git gc command to execute a garbage-collection round (which requires the Git CLI to be installed on your device). The repo optimization runs automatically after 10 commits have been made and you push to a remote server, or it can be run manually. For more information, see Git Storage Optimization.
  • We now support modeling with business events. Download and install the Mendix Business Events module from the Marketplace to start creating published or consumed business event services. To use these services, right-click your app module, then go to Add other > Published Business Event Service in the publishing app or Add other > Consumed Business Event Service in a consuming app.
  • In the styling editor, we have added file and folder operations such as Create, Rename, and Delete. Simply right-click a file or folder to see the available options.
  • We added the square root function sqrt to mathematical function calls.
  • We added begin-of date function calls and end-of date function calls.
  • We added a rate limiter for invalid requests.


Performance Improvements

  • We improved the Open App dialog box. It takes less time to open, and when loading apps from the Team Server takes a long time, a list is shown with the apps present on the local machine.
  • We improved the initialization of Studio Pro when the network connection is off or there are connection issues.
  • When working with large apps, the Module Security and App Security dialog boxes now open faster.
  • We now use bulk copy when migrating data to a SQL Server database, making the migration much faster.
  • For consuming OData services, we improved the performance of parsing large OData contracts in Studio Pro.
  • When interacting with the REST service editor, the Resources data grid now responds faster. Previously, the editor became slower as more operations were performed in the editor.
  • We improved the performance of switching tabs.

Other Improvements

  • We added the ability to export Console output; Errors, Warnings, and Deprecations output; and Find Results output to a CSV file.
  • We added support for encrypting the local databases for native apps. (Ticket 152467)
  • We improved the deadlock avoidance on task queue operations for SQL Server. (Ticket 155244)
  • We added support for the following languages: Mandarin, China; Tamazight, Morocco. (Ticket 160719)
  • We improved how Studio Pro handles nested data view footers. Before Studio Pro 9.14, these were silently deleted. Since 9.14, there was a pop-up window asking if you wanted to continue. We have further improved this by no longer clearing the footer at all, and showing a consistency error instead. This enables moving a data view without losing the footer content, and you can also move the footer widgets later. This also fixes an issue where the footer content was not always properly cleared, resulting in widgets shown in the browser that could not be found in Studio Pro. (Ticket 163368)
  • When duplicating a JavaScript action in Studio Pro, the JavaScript action is now saved before duplicating, which means the new clone will always contain the exact same data as the original.
  • We added the possibility to select multiple items in the Console and Errors panes and to copy the information about multiple selected items.
  • You can now add resources to published OData services by dragging entities or microflows to the list of resources.
  • The OpenAPI contract for published OData services now indicates when basic authentication is enabled.
  • You can now indicate whether published OData attributes are sortable and/or filterable.
  • MxAssist Performance Bot now allows you to cancel an inspection.
  • We improved the user experience of MxAssist Performance Bot when the recommendations are stale. The recommendations are still visible, and also a notice is shown that the inspection needs to be rerun.
  • We revamped the window that allows you to select which attribute and associations are exposed from published web service parameters and return entities. This now also supports dark mode.
  • We now support resizing in the App Security dialog box.
  • You can now open a specific branch of an app from the Open App dialog box by double-clicking the branch name in the list with branches.
  • We added a parameter that can be used on login.html to redirect to another page after login.
  • We improved trace logging in the file storage back-ends.
  • We removed the support of Move up and Move down buttons from the Module Security > Entity Access tab due to unhandled exception during usage of this feature.


  • We fixed an issue where a reference selector made an unnecessary request when one of the parameters of the selectable objects data source was empty. (Ticket 140056)
  • We fixed an issue where an error pop-up message was shown instead of a validation feedback message on a widget displaying the invalid attribute. This happened when the widget was inside a list data widget that was reloaded at the same time the validation feedback was received. (Ticket 145008)
  • We fixed an issue where conditionally visible input widgets inside a snippet were incorrectly hidden when the snippet was used multiple times on a page. (Ticket 151997)
  • We fixed an issue that caused a data view to try to refetch its data source even after an unmount. (Ticket 152380)
  • We fixed an issue where XML schema validation failed when there was an XML schema import element in the schema file. (Tickets 152436, 148726)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred with MendixBinary.storeValue when the binary attribute was a member of a generalization. (Ticket 162481)
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services using a custom authentication microflow where the error status codes set by a microflow were returned as a 404 error to the client. Now, Mendix Runtime returns the error status code from the microflow. (Ticket 162876)
  • We fixed a scrolling issue for the grid control that was noticed mostly in the Console log grid where scrolling was no longer reset to the top of the grid. (Tickets 163587, 163629)
  • We fixed an issue in the Open App dialog box where branch lines were not displayed correctly for apps that were created with an older version of Studio Pro.
  • We fixed an issue where MxAssist Performance Bot showed stale recommendations instead of clearing out its list.
  • We fixed an issue where the error message in the expression editor did not wrap when becoming too long for the editor.
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where services using OData v3 showed they had an OpenAPI contract (OpenAPI contracts for OData services are only for OData v4).
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where POST and PATCH requests on sub-paths were accepted. Now, a request like PATCH /Products(1)/Category(2) is always rejected, because PATCH requests over associations are not supported.
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where Studio Pro suggested adding a validation rule for entities that could not have validation rules (such as non-persistable entities).
  • We fixed an issue where an unhandled client error crashed native mobile apps, causing them to close immediately. Now, such an error triggers an alert with a description and options to either restart or close the app.
  • We fixed an issue where selection in a data grid or a tree control did not reset when you selected multiple rows and clicked the same row that had the selection earlier.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when a non-editable cell in a data grid received focus upon tab navigation.
  • We fixed an error that appeared when a dialog box showed a validation error after closing.
  • We fixed an issue where changing the association type from reference to reference set and vice versa did not reflect in the domain model editor..
  • We fixed an issue where double-clicking a JavaScript action document in App Explorer or Find Results triggered an “Oops” pop-up window.


  • Starting with version 9.20.0, we will drop support for the following databases that are no longer supported by the vendors. For 9.18 as an MTS version, support for the listed databases will be dropped after version 9.18.2:
    • PostgreSQL 10
    • SQL Server 2017

Breaking Changes

This release contains a behavior change that may affect existing offline-first native apps built with earlier versions of Studio Pro. Previously, any auto-committed object created during offline synchronization remained as-is. With this release, the synchronization will delete auto-committed objects. A custom Mendix Runtime setting is available to revert to the previous behavior. To learn more about this change, see Synchronization and Auto-Committed Objects.

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)
  • When you try to deploy an app that has a microflow with two or more published business event actions, you will get an error that the deployment failed.