Create Solutions

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

This section provides information and guidance on how to develop solutions you can sell both on and off the Mendix Marketplace.

2 What Is a Solution?

A solution is any Mendix app that is suitable to be sold to multiple different customers. This means the app is built to match the needs and expectations of a wider range of customers. Sometimes this means the app is configurable at runtime to better cater to the needs of groups of customers. In this case, general Mendix development best practices apply, and you can get started building a solution with any template available on the Mendix Platform.

Customers often require more from a solution than it supports out of the box. Whether it is an integration with an existing system in the customer’s IT landscape, a change to better match the processes of the customer, or simply an adjusted UI to better match the brand of the customer, these adaptations require more than just a prescriptive software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. This means you need to enable the solution to be adapted so that it can fit the specific needs of a customer.

For more details on how to combine out-of-the-box logic with customer adaptations, see Introduction to Adaptable Solutions.

3 Read More

If you are looking to publish premium components, take a look at the details of the Mendix Component Partner Program.

If you are looking to build and market commercial solutions, look into the Mendix Commercial Solution Partner Program.

Then, proceed to Introduction to Adaptable Solutions, which presents principles and best practices for developing solutions on the Mendix Platform that are ready to be sold on the Marketplace.

After reading through these pages, create your app and Go Make It!