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Set Up Deep Links in Native Mobile Apps

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1. Introduction

While URLs typically open websites, they can also open an installed app on your mobile device. With this tutorial you will learn how to connect the URL app://myapp to your Mendix native app installed on your Android or iOS device. It is also possible to pass additional data using paths, query parameters, and hashes. Passing additional data could look like this: app://myapp/task/123?action=close#info.

Deeplinks are always called or triggered within the schema that they define. For example, using makeitnative:// instead of http:// in the mobile browser would force the Make It Native app to open.

A URL is constructed of these parts (everything after path is defined as a detail):

url details

You can also register the handling of a normal weblink beginning with http:// or https://. However this requires some more work for iOS, and is not covered in this tutorial. For iOS see Universal Links: Make the Connection by Owen L. Brown. Android does allow for both types of weblink handling out of the box, as shown in the For Android Apps section below.

When an app is installed it registers the schema and optionally the host so its operating system knows which application should be opened when the URL is clicked. If you tap the link, the application will be opened whether it is running, running in the background, or closed.

Deep links registration persist after the app is closed. Specifically, deep links are registered in the app manifest, which for Android production apps is read when the app is installed and for iOS apps is registered in the OS info.plist (which also makes the OS aware).

1.1 Testing With the Make It Native App

For this tutorial Mendix recommends running your app from source against a local instance of Mendix Studio Pro. This will save you time when rebuilding and redeploying your app. To do this, follow the steps in How to Get Started with Native Mobile to make an app and link it to the Make It Native mobile testing app.

Please note that the Make It Native app has already the registered schema makeitnative:// and can be used out of the box. To use the Make It Native app with that schema, see the Using Deep Linking in Your App section below. If you want to change this schema, see How to Create a Custom Developer App to build your own custom developer app and then use the Setting up App Deep Linking section below to change its schema.

2. Prerequisites

Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:

  • Complete the Prerequisites section of How to Build a Mendix Native App in the Cloud
  • Make sure your Native Mobile Resources module is up to date
  • Install Git command line tool for working with the Native Mobile App Builder CLI
  • Install Mendix Studio Pro v 8.15.0 or above in order to use the Native Mobile App Builder

3. Setting up App Deep Linking

If you do not already have a native template for your app, you can create one by following the sections below.

3.1 Using the Native Mobile App Builder

Set up a native template with the Native Mobile App Builder by following these instructions:

  1. Launch the Native Mobile App Builder from the Project menu. Walk through the wizard and configure the project’s details and tokens (for more information, see How to Build a Mendix Native App in the Cloud):

    launch native mobile builder
  2. Once done with the wizard you will enable deep linking capabilities. First, select the Capabilities menu item:

    capability menu option
  3. Enter the schema name without the appending ://:

    deep link input field
  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Navigate to the build page and click Build.

3.2 Using the Native Mobile App Builder CLI

  1. Create a shell app with Native Builder using the prepare command as shown in How to Build a Mendix Native App in the Cloud. When you do this, replace the parameters in this example command with your own project’s parameters, local paths, and tokens:

    native-builder.exe prepare --project-name "Native Deep Link" --app-name "Native Deep Link" --java-home "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" --mxbuild-path "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\mxbuild.exe" --project-path "C:\mendix-projects\NativeDeepLink\NativeDeepLink.mpr" --github-access-token "c3f322c471623" --appcenter-api-token "2d5b570693d34"  --app-identifier "com.mendix.native.deeplink" --runtime-url "https://nativedeeplink-sandbox.mxapps.io/" --mendix-version "8.6.0"
  2. Open your command line interface (CLI) of choice and change directory to the folder where you want to edit the build template:

    cd c:/github
  3. Use Git to clone your Native Builder template from GitHub:

    git clone https://github.com/your-account/native-deeplink-app

3.2.1 For Android Apps

The manifest file registers the schema and host on your Android device that will be associated with your Mendix app. Put simply, the manifest file controls the permissions, activity code, and more. So to enable deep linking, you will need to configure your AndroidManifest.xml file:

  1. Open the folder that you cloned your template into: c:/github/native-deeplink-app.

  2. Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.

  3. In activity, add the attribute android:launchMode="singleTask". For more information on Launch Mode, see this Android documentation.

  4. Add an intent-filter in the activity:

    <intent-filter android:label="@string/app_name">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="app" android:host="myapp" />

    For more information on linking in Android, see this Android documentation.

3.2.2 For iOS Apps

The info.plist file registers the schema and host so that they will be associated with your app in iOS. This plist file controls permissions, app information, and more. So to enable deep linking, you will need to configure your info.plist file:

  1. Open the folder that you cloned your template into: c:/github/native-deeplink-app.

  2. In Xcode (available on Apple Mac only) open ios/NativeTemplate.xcworkspace.

  3. Open ios/NativeTemplate/Info.plist

  4. Add URL types, then add URL Schemes and URL identifier:

    ios info plist

    When viewing Info.plist as a text file, you would see that a section is added:

  5. Open ios/AppDelegate.m

  6. Add this import to the existing imports: #import "React/RCTLinkingManager.h".

  7. Change the openURL method from this:

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
      [MendixAppDelegate application:application openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];
      return YES;

    to this:

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
      [RCTLinkingManager application:application openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];
      [MendixAppDelegate application:application openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];
      return YES;

    This method will register the opened URL so it can be used in the Native Deep Link nanoflow actions.

3.2.3 Rebuilding Your Native Mobile App

When running locally from source you have to launch your app again:

  1. With your CLI, open the folder that you cloned your template into: cd c:/github/native-deeplink-app.

  2. Add, commit, and push all changes from steps above:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add deeplink handling"
    git push
  3. Now rebuild and install your native mobile app to add your new capabilities:

    native-builder.exe build --project-name "Native Deep Link" --app-version "1.0.0" --build-number 1

4 Using Deep Linking in Your App

Now your app is ready to use links, so you will set up the additional path and query data handling. If you skip this section, the links to your app will just open the app. Nothing will be done with the additional data available in your URL.

Now you have to handle the incoming URL in your Mendix application. To do this, you will use the Nanoflow Actions Register Deep Link and Parse Url To Object found in the Native Mobile Resources module. This module is automatically included in your app if it began as an up-to-date Starter App. If you do not see these actions available in your app, please update the module through the Marketplace.

The Register Deep Link nanoflow action registers a callback nanoflow, which is called each time the app is opened using a URL. This URL Handler nanoflow will receive the URL, of type string, as an input parameter.

4.1.2 Parsing a URL To a Mendix Object

The Register Deep Link nanoflow action will create a new Mendix object, split a URL, and set all the object attributes with their values. For example, the URL https://john.doe:secret@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top has the following attributes and values:

Attribute Value
href https://john.doe:secret@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top
protocol https:
hash top
query ?tag=networking&order=newest
pathname /forum/questions/
auth john.doe
host www.example.com:123
port 123
hostname www.example.com
password secret
username john.doe
origin https://www.example.com:123
Dynamically based on the number of slashes in the paths
path0 forum
path1 questions
Dynamically based on the number of query keys
tag networking
order newest

4.2 Using Utilities in Your App

Now that the Native Deep Link nanoflow actions are available in Studio Pro, you have the utilities to register and process an URL. You will now use them in your application:

  1. In your app add the App events widget, which is also part of the Native Mobile Resource module, on your home page.

  2. Double-click the App events widget. In App events tab, select Page load > On load > Call a nanoflow, and create a new nanoflow named OL_RegisterDeepLink:

    app event register deeplink

    This nanoflow will be called only once when the app is started.

  3. In the OL_RegisterDeepLink nanoflow, add the action Register DeepLink, and in that action’s Url handler create an nanoflow named DL_ShowUrlDetails:

    nanoflow register deeplink

    This nanoflow will be called every time the app is opened using a URL.

  4. To parse the URL into an object, you will use a non-persistable entity named DeepLinkParameter from the NativeMobileResources module in the next step. For now, go to NativeMobileResources > Domain Model and examine this entity. If you use query strings or more, you can copy this entity to your own module. The attributes are all optional and you should only add the attributes your implementation requires. Besides the standard list of possible URL parts, you can also add the query string’s keys (for example ?name=Jhon&title=sir). The attributes are not case sensitive. You can add attributes for path segments of the URL which will be split into Path0 , Path1, and more:

    parameter entity

Next you will implement the deep link handler nanoflow DL_ShowUrlDetails so that it can pass URL data:

  1. In DL_ShowUrlDetails drag a parameter into your nanoflow’s white space.

  2. Double-click the parameter, give it the name URL (which is case sensitive) and the type String.

  3. Add a Parse URL to Object activity to your nanoflow. Double-click it and configure it like this:

    parse url
  4. Add a Show message activity to the right of your Parse URL to Object activity.

  5. Double-click the Show message activity.

  6. In Template write Your deep link callback URL {1} host = {2}.

  7. Click Parameters > New, write $Parameter/Href, and click OK.

  8. Click Parameters > New, write $Parameter/Host, and click OK.

  9. Right-click your Parse URL to Object activity, click Set error handling, and click Custom without rollback.

  10. Drop an End event below your Parse URL to Object activity. Drag a line from Parse URL to Object down to the end event, right click it, and click Set as error handler.

  11. Add a Show message activity to this line. Set it as type Error, and into template type Failed to parse deep link data.. Your finished nanoflow will look like this:

    full nanoflow

4.3 Testing Deep Linking

Add a few test link buttons, for example {app://myapp/task/123} or {makeitnative://task/123}, to your web page, then re-run your project. Open the your app in your device’s browser by typing {your local IP address}:8080 into the browser. With the app loaded, tap the links to test. You should be brought out of your browser and into your app’s page!

5. Read more