
Last modified: July 9, 2024


Release date: January 14, 2020

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  • We fixed an issue where offline apps threw an error when using a reference over associations. (Ticket 93869)

Known Issues

  • The first deployment of an app with a native mobile profile takes approximately one minute longer than usual, as the first deployment needs to build up a cache. On consecutive deployments, this time is reduced.
  • MySQL 8.0 cannot be used with the default authentication plugin as of this moment. Mendix uses the open-source MariaDB driver to connect, which has not yet added support. We will include the updated driver as soon as it is released. To resolve this issue, you may consider using the previous default plugin until the driver has been updated.
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • Downloading private content in the Marketplace available in Studio Pro has been temporarily disabled due to a security risk. Please see this issue described in the Marketplace release notes for more information, details about where to find your private content, and plans for future version-specific fixes.


Release date: December 19, 2019

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  • Retrieving objects through one-to-one associations in hybrid offline apps caused an error. This has been fixed. (Tickets 92757, 92765)

Known Issues

  • The first deployment of an app with a native mobile profile takes approximately one minute longer than usual, as the first deployment needs to build up a cache. On consecutive deployments, this time is reduced.
  • MySQL 8.0 cannot be used with the default authentication plugin as of this moment. Mendix uses the open-source MariaDB driver to connect, which has not yet added support. We will include the updated driver as soon as it is released. To resolve this issue, you may consider using the previous default plugin until the driver has been updated.
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • Downloading private content in the Marketplace available in Studio Pro has been temporarily disabled due to a security risk. Please see this issue described in the Marketplace release notes for more information, details about where to find your private content, and plans for future version-specific fixes.


Release date: December 12, 2019

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  • We fixed an issue where performing various actions on documents in the new Project Explorer caused an error.
  • We now handle autocommitted objects properly when more than three autocommits occur in a transaction. (Ticket 92549)

Known Issues

  • The first deployment of an app with a native mobile profile takes approximately one minute longer than usual, as the first deployment needs to build up a cache. On consecutive deployments, this time is reduced.
  • MySQL 8.0 cannot be used with the default authentication plugin as of this moment. Mendix uses the open-source MariaDB driver to connect, which has not yet added support. We will include the updated driver as soon as it is released. To resolve this issue, you may consider using the previous default plugin until the driver has been updated.
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • Downloading private content in the Marketplace available in Studio Pro has been temporarily disabled due to a security risk. Please see this issue described in the Marketplace release notes for more information, details about where to find your private content, and plans for future version-specific fixes.


Release date: November 28, 2019

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  • We added back the Dojox library to fix the deployment of apps with Dojo-based widgets.

Known Issues

  • The first deployment of an app with a native mobile profile takes approximately one minute longer than usual, as the first deployment needs to build up a cache. On consecutive deployments, this time is reduced.
  • MySQL 8.0 cannot be used with the default authentication plugin as of this moment. Mendix uses the open-source MariaDB driver to connect, which has not yet added support. We will include the updated driver as soon as it is released. To resolve this issue, you may consider using the previous default plugin until the driver has been updated.
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • Downloading private content in the Marketplace available in Studio Pro has been temporarily disabled due to a security risk. Please see this issue described in the Marketplace release notes for more information, details about where to find your private content, and plans for future version-specific fixes.
  • If more than three objects are autocommitted in a transaction, they are not properly handled as autocommitted objects. This is a serious issue and, for that reason, we advise you to upgrade to version 8.4.2 as soon as possible. (Ticket 92549)


Release date: November 26, 2019

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New Native Mobile App Features

  • You can now use SVGs in the same places you can use static images in your native mobile application.
  • You can now use SVGs in your native pluggable widgets.
  • You can now use custom icons in the bottom bar in native mobile apps.
  • SVG icons are now supported on button widgets in native mobile apps.
  • Native mobile apps can now render elements behind the notch and rounded corners on iOS devices.


Pluggable Widget Improvements

  • We made the image property even more powerful. Previously, we only allowed for selecting a static image, but now, you can also select an entity path to a dynamic image. Because the API for the widget did not change, this is available for all pluggable widgets with an image property.
  • The new widget property decimal type is now available for pluggable widgets, so you can configure fractional numbers in widget properties.
  • You can now also input negative values for integer properties.

Project Explorer Improvements

  • The Project Explorer has been enhanced to make working with documents more efficient. We have added a new Filter field that enables filtering documents by name and having the filter text highlighted in the project tree. When filtering using a module or folder name, all the content of matching modules and/or folders is displayed. In addition, while focused on the Filter field, it is possible to do the following

    • Navigate the tree using the arrow up and down keys
    • Open a document and expand a folder by pressing Enter
    • Clear the filter query by pressing Esc
  • Dragging documents around within your app now provides better visual feedback on whether the selected items can be dropped. Also, when dragging a document next to the edge of Project Explorer, the list of modules and folders is now scrolled.

  • We have rebuilt the Project Explorer from the ground up. Should you find any issues, you can switch back to the old version via Edit > Preferences > New Features.

Version Control Improvements

  • We improved keyboard support in the updated Changes pane. You can now inspect changes to all documents by using the arrow keys, Enter, and Backspace.
  • Also in the Changes pane, we now hide changes that are purely visual. Examples of purely visual changes are moving microflow activities or domain model entities and changing how the arrows are connected to them. By hiding those changes, you can focus on the changes that really matter. However, if you need to, you can show such visual changes anyway by clicking the new Show purely visual changes button in the toolbar.

Other Improvements

  • If you ever wanted to perform some custom client-side logic in your JavaScript action and then call a nanoflow from your code, then we are happy to say that now you can. We have enabled configuring and calling nanoflows from your JavaScript action code directly.

  • The default way to run your app is to run locally now. In addition, the F5 shortcut key now always runs locally.

  • We improved the performance of committing thousands of entities in a microflow. (Tickets 89267, 89279, 90357)

  • We added support for decimal separators based on the user language in the data grid search input. (Ticket 90406)

  • It is now possible to configure the microflow of a grid with microflow source parameters to indicate whether there is a next page.

  • Studio Pro will no longer ask you to create the initial database or sync the database for local (HSQL) databases.

  • Exceptions in native mobile apps will now show a customizable error message and log the exception itself to the Studio Pro Console.

  • You can now also select images in your image collection, building blocks, and page templates that have the .jpeg extension without switching to All files.

  • We upgraded azure-storage.jar 8.3.0 to 8.4.0.

  • When you publish an entity with associations as an OData resource, Studio Pro now asks if you want to publish the other side of the associations as well.

  • You can now add a summary and a description to a published OData service. This documentation is meant to describe the service to its consumers.

  • Studio Pro now checks that an app does not have two published OData services with the same service name and version.

  • The com.mendix.storage.s3.EncryptionKeys setting—which sets the encryption keys for s3 storage—can now also be set when running locally.

  • When working on an unstable internet connection, Studio Pro showed an Oops message every now and then. We improved the experience so that fewer errors are shown and Studio Pro shows you earlier that an option is not available without a connection.

  • We removed the Native compilation succeeded message.

  • We migrated two errors related to the push-to-client action to use errors codes CE6788 and CE6789.


  • We fixed an issue with the creation of microflow call actions from the Project Explorer.
  • We reverted improvements to the handling of one-to-one associations with Owner type Both to the state of 8.2.2. This is to fix an issue with the synchronization of the state of autocommitted objects between runtime and client (for example, when uploading documents and images). (Tickets 69877, 83548, 83911, 89712, 91128, 92011)
  • A container with an on-click action did not trigger the action if it had any parameters. This is now fixed. (Tickets 91322, 91653)
  • Pop-up windows on mobile will now be restored to their previous size if they were resized when showing the on-screen keyboard. (Tickets 85514, 86350)
  • We fixed a bug in native mobile apps where using a Show page activity in a sub-nanoflow stopped the execution of subsequent activities, including the Show page activity itself. (Ticket 89259)
  • We fixed an issue where Java and JavaScript action code was not copied alongside the action. (Ticket 89647)
  • We fixed an issue where Mendix Assist suggested changing input parameters of primitive types. (ticket 89904)
  • We fixed an issue where discarding changes displayed an empty document afterwards. (Ticket 90993)
  • We fixed an issue in microflow optimization related to list aggregation. An optimization was hit too eagerly if there where multiple paths through a microflow to aggregate actions. (Ticket 90083)
  • We fixed an issue where running an asynchronous microflow failed if it changed the accessibility of an attribute from Read, Write to Read Only. (Ticket 82741)
  • We fixed an issue where using Full Screen or Distraction Free Mode on a secondary monitor moved the window to the primary monitor. (Ticket 91212)
  • The native tab container now supports conditional visibility. (Ticket 90017)
  • We fixed an issue where a failed login caused the next microflows throw errors. (Tickets 88971, 89196, 90471)
  • The date picker’s placeholders now respect the date formats which are passed to it. This means that some languages’ date formats will show the exact date format, which might result in different placeholder values from previous releases. (Ticket 89996)
  • We fixed an issue with conditional visibility on pluggable widgets for widgets that re-render their root node.
  • We fixed an issue where the value was not saved on a native text box if an alert was shown.
  • We fixed the conditional visibility dialog box for document templates so that it properly shows the active conditions again.
  • Monitoring client state using the Ctrl + Alt + G shortcut now also works for Mac users. However, there is a limitation: it does not work for Mozilla Firefox users within Parallels. In this case, you either need to use Firefox on Windows or use a different browser in Parallels.
  • We fixed an issue in native mobile apps where the page title override of a bottom bar item did not work.
  • We fixed an issue where the default images for dynamic images in native mobile apps were not showing.

Known Issues

  • The first deployment of an app with a native mobile profile takes approximately one minute longer than usual, as the first deployment needs to build up a cache. On consecutive deployments, this time is reduced.
  • MySQL 8.0 cannot be used with the default authentication plugin as of this moment. Mendix uses the open-source MariaDB driver to connect, which has not yet added support. We will include the updated driver as soon as it is released. To resolve this issue, you may consider using the previous default plugin until the driver has been updated.
  • Users with non-administrative user roles with the permission to manage users are able to escalate their privileges. For more information on this vulnerability, see SSA-875726 Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mendix.
  • Downloading private content in the Marketplace available in Studio Pro has been temporarily disabled due to a security risk. Please see this issue described in the Marketplace release notes for more information, details about where to find your private content, and plans for future version-specific fixes.
  • If more than three objects are autocommitted in a transaction, they are not properly handled as autocommitted objects. This is a serious issue and, for that reason, we advise you to upgrade to version 8.4.2 as soon as possible. (Ticket 92549)
  • The removal of the Dojox library has caused widgets to break.