
Last modified: May 28, 2024


Release date: April 26, 2023

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  • We mitigated CVE-2023-30547 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.


Release date: April 20, 2023

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  • We fixed an issue where the language-sensitive parts on pages were not fully updated when you changed the language via the Language Selector widget. (Tickets 180130, 180670, 180824, 181274, 181713, 181974)


Release date: April 13, 2023

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  • We mitigated CVE-2023-29017 by upgrading the vm2 library. This CVE does not pose any apparent risk for Mendix customers.


  • We will drop support for MariaDB 10.3 after June 1, 2023, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.


Release date: April 6, 2023

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  • We added support for the following database versions:
    • MariaDB 10.11
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
    • Oracle 21c
    • PostgreSQL 15


  • We fixed an issue that caused a list view with an XPath data source to show incorrect results if it used variables in its XPath constraint and a controlling custom widget (like List View Controls or Auto-Load More) was present on the same page. We improved the consistency check on the use of XPath variables to disallow this combination, but only if the custom widget is actually controlling that specific list view. (Ticket 154306, 174664)
  • We fixed an issue where a reference selector with an XPath data source using a Constrained by condition incorrectly cleared its value if it was inside a data view listening to a widget and the selection of that widget changed. (Ticket 162340)
  • We fixed an issue where pluggable widgets (such as Data Grid 2) with a microflow or nanoflow data source sorted an AutoNumber attribute alphabetically instead of numerically. (Ticket 172287)
  • We fixed an issue where the list view search did not work if an AutoNumber attribute was included in the search. (Ticket 176396)


  • We dropped support for MariaDB 10.2, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Breaking Changes

  • We removed support for the FileID parameter in the File API.


Release date: January 24, 2023

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  • We improved the invalid decimal value error message by including the attribute name. (Ticket 171827)


  • We fixed CVE-2023-23835.
  • We fixed an issue where an argument of an On change action that was mapped to a snippet parameter threw an error when trying to deploy the app. (Ticket 174249)


Release date: January 19, 2023

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  • We upgraded to HSQLDB 2.7.1. As a result, Java functions can no longer be registered in the database.


  • We fixed a known issue where one-to-one associations were cleared incorrectly when there were multiple copies of the same object in microflow variables. (Ticket 168024)
  • We fixed an issue with Arabic date/time format handling in HSQLDB. (Ticket 141313)
  • We fixed an issue where Refresh on show for tabs was enabled but data was missing after revisiting the tab. (Tickets 150260).
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when there were too many options for radio buttons, they could not fit in a single row, and they were thus spread within multiple rows instead of getting cut off. (Ticket 163486, 166056)
  • We fixed an issue where creating a deployment package on Mendix Cloud failed for an app with over-the-air (OTA) updates enabled. (Ticket 169390)
  • We fixed an issue where DateTime fields got incorrect values in OData services when receiving multiple simultaneous requests. (Ticket 170287)
  • We fixed an issue where uploading an image with an unsupported EXIF orientation tag failed. (Ticket 170543)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the native date input to not render properly on custom backgrounds. (Ticket 170882)
  • We fixed an issue where a native mobile app was stuck on the splash screen after an end-user logged out. (Ticket 171288)
  • We fixed an issue in the DATEDIFF() function for HSQLDB where it was off by 1 day due to time zones.
  • We fixed an issue where the Home and End keys did not navigate to the first and last node of a tree.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when theworkflow editor was not open and you tried to navigate to a specific workflow activity via a consistency error.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where previously incompatible workflows were no longer marked as Incompatible after the second successful upgrade.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows so that a paused workflow is no longer in In Progress after a successful upgrade.
  • We fixed an issue where the time zone was displayed incorrectly as +2 (when it should have been +3) for Amman, Jordan and Damascus, Syria.
  • We fixed an issue where error checking did not finish correctly and outdated errors were still visible in the Errors pane after they were fixed. In addition, the progress bar and text message in the Studio Pro status bar was visible until a new change was made.


  • We dropped support for SQL Server 2017, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.
  • Starting with version 9.12.11, we will drop support for MariaDB 10.2, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.


Release date: October 28, 2022

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  • We fixed an issue that caused attributes of System.User objects belonging to a role managed by the current user to be shown as empty in the client. (Ticket 138291)
  • We made offline synchronization resilient to file documents with broken or no content on the server. Previously, such file objects caused the entire synchronization to fail. The client now ignores and excludes such objects from synchronization. (Ticket 153344)
  • We fixed an issue in the sign-in that occurred when Try again was clicked several times in sequence. (Ticket 160585)
  • We fixed an issue where you lost changes if you renamed your JavaScript action without saving it. (Ticket 167127)
  • The service document of a published OData service now returns the control information according to the specified OData version. For OData v4.0, we now name the context attribute @odata.context (instead of @context, which is used in OData v4.01). This fixes an issue with Microsoft Excel when trying to import the OData feed.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where finished branches of splits are no longer erroneously marked as newly added (which helps to reduce the amount of workflow upgrade conflicts).
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where parallel splits inserted in the run path of workflow instances in which the executing activities were put in one or more of the branches of the new parallel split were not detected as instances that could not be continued.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where continuing an incompatible workflow instance with some parallel split branches still in progress caused the branches already finished to be put in progress again.
  • We fixed an issue in the Workflow Engine that caused the Mendix Runtime Server to run out of memory with workflows that had many user tasks, decisions, and/or microflow calls.
  • We made Edit Template Parameter dialog box resizable again.


  • We dropped support for the following database version that is no longer supported by the vendor:
    • PostgreSQL 10

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: October 6, 2022

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  • We fixed an issue where system members (such as owner, changedBy, createdDate, and changedDate) could not be selected on Filter and Find list operations in a microflow. (Ticket 151436)
  • We fixed an issue where uploaded images were not rotated in the upright position based on the orientation information in the image metadata. (Ticket 155278)
  • We fixed an issue where the periodic updating of sessions threw exceptions. (Ticket 162216)
  • We fixed an issue with the generate expression for changing an association on an object. (Ticket 163183)
  • We upgraded OpenJDK to in the Studio Pro installer. (Ticket 164386)


  • Starting with version 9.12.9, we will drop support for SQL Server 2017, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: September 23, 2022

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  • Failed workflows can now be aborted.
  • We upgraded the embedded database HSQLDB to version 2.7.0.
  • We added a parameter that can be used on the login.html to redirect to another page after login.


  • We introduced a workaround for a decimal-pad keyboard-disabled comma issue in Samsung devices that allows you to type a dot that will be replaced by a comma if the locale uses a comma as the decimal separator. (Tickets 116581, 155339)
  • We fixed an issue where duplicated entries were being generated in the WorkflowUserTaskDefinition system table. (Ticket 140353)
  • We fixed an issue where an error pop-up message was shown instead of a validation feedback message on a widget displaying the invalid attribute. This happened when the widget was inside a list data widget that was reloaded at the same time the validation feedback was received. (Ticket 145008)
  • We now hide the auto-completion pop-up window of text editors when the containing dialog box is resized, moved, or deactivated by the user (meaning, the user switches to a different application, such as the browser). (Ticket 145062)
  • We fixed an issue where the import object mapping returned the wrong exception when the data or security validation failed. (Ticket 146620)
  • We fixed an issue where Mendix Runtime failed to start if a microflow call was configured to run in a task queue, but no queue was selected. (Ticket 147198)
  • We fixed an issue where changes in Properties were not recognized after clicking Run Locally. (Ticket 147385)
  • We fixed the tab navigation behavior in data grids. (Ticket 147578)
  • We fixed an issue that caused unnecessary warning pop-up windows to appear in the Make it Native app when running in Structure mode. (Ticket 148162)
  • We fixed an issue where the Limit to current tab option on the Errors pane impacted the Limit to current tab option on the Find Results pane. (Ticket 151088)
  • We fixed an issue where data was not copied when copying and pasting from a grid where rows were not visible. (Tickets 151790, 165143)
  • We fixed an issue where conditionally visible input widgets inside a snippet were incorrectly hidden when the snippet was used multiple times on a page. (Ticket 151997)
  • We fixed an issue where Date/time and Log node columns were not resizable in the Console pane and the console log. (Ticket 152104)
  • We fixed an issue that caused a data view to try to refetch its data source even after an unmount. (Ticket 152380)
  • We fixed an issue where closing the dialog box while editing an entity within a published REST service activated the REST service pane. (Ticket 152412).
  • We fixed an issue where XML schema validation failed when there was an XML schema import element in the schema file. (Tickets 152436, 148726)
  • We fixed an issue with microflows that were using a Call REST service activity but not storing the result in a variable. (Ticket 152439)
  • We fixed an issue for the native mobile platform in which a list view widget that had an XPath data source configured with an entity path over an association did not correctly apply the constraint (or constraints). (Ticket 153011)
  • We fixed an issue where a reference selector as the first input element on a page was not focused when the page was first loaded. (Ticket 153456)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the properties of a custom widget to appear in the wrong order after updating the widget. (Ticket 154455)
  • We fixed a scrolling issue for the grid control that was noticed mostly for the Console log grid where scrolling was no longer reset to the top of the grid. (Tickets 163587, 163629)
  • We updated our image metadata extractor library and the micrometer library. (Ticket 163987)
  • We fixed an issue with the MxAssist Performance Bot MXP013 best practice where some access rules caused the inspection to end without outputting results.
  • We fixed an issue in the Workflow abort action that prevented incompatible workflows (which had become incompatible due to their definitions being removed or excluded) from being aborted.
  • We fixed an issue for workflows with Decision activities that caused the Mark-as-Resolved operation to hang.
  • We fixed an issue in workflows where an enumeration-based decision with an empty option failed if the empty path was not the last position.
  • We fixed an issue where end-user changes were not immediately reflected on a page after a refresh (for example, language changes).
  • We fixed an issue where in restricted markets, Studio Pro still tried to send analytics.
  • We fixed an issue where a pop-up layout-based completed user task was still visible in the task inbox.
  • We fixed an issue where enabling entity access on a generated data source for a microflow on a task page threw an exception.
  • We fixed the tab navigation behavior in tree controls.


  • Starting with version 9.12.8, we will drop support for PostgreSQL 10, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: August 12, 2022

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Performance Improvements

  • We improved the issue where the initial focus of a dialog box occurred too late after (for example, after you had already selected another control to edit), which meant the selection was lost. (Ticket 144438)
  • We have reduced the memory consumption of Studio Pro when working with a large number of pages in Design mode.

Other Improvements

  • We upgraded the PostgreSQL driver to version 42.4.1.
  • Published OData services now provide the service document in JSON format when specifically requested.
  • The JSON returned by published OData services using OData v4 now has a @context (or @odata.context) property. The client can prevent this by specifying metadata=none in the Accept header.


  • We now hide the auto-completion pop-up window of text editors when the containing dialog box is resized, moved, or deactivated by the user (meaning, the user switches to a different application, such as the browser). (Ticket 145062)
  • We fixed an issue where the import object mapping returned the wrong exception when the data or security validation failed. (Ticket 146620)
  • We fixed an issue where Mendix Runtime failed to start if a microflow call was configured to run in a task queue, but no queue was selected. (Ticket 147198)
  • We fixed an issue where changes in Properties were not recognized after clicking Run Locally. (Ticket 147385)
  • We fixed the tab navigation behavior in data grids. (Ticket 147578)
  • We fixed an issue that caused unnecessary warning pop-up windows to appear in the Make it Native app when running in Structure mode. (Ticket 148162)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when calling a microflow with a Call REST service activity that made use of an export mapping. (Ticket 148406)
  • We fixed an issue where Limit to current tab on the Errors pane impacted the Limit to current tab on the Find Results pane. (Ticket 151088)
  • We fixed an issue where Date/time and Log node columns were not resizable in the Console pane and the console log. (Ticket 152104)
  • We fixed an issue where closing the dialog editing an entity within the Published REST services activates the service pane. (Ticket 152412).
  • We fixed an issue with microflows that were using a Call REST service activity but not storing the result in a variable. (Ticket 152439)
  • We fixed an issue where a reference selector as the first input element on a page was not focused when the page was first loaded. (Ticket 153456)
  • We fixed an issue where pinned client certificates were not correctly initialized. (Ticket 153824, 162332)
  • We fixed an issue that caused the properties of a custom widget to appear in the wrong order after updating the widget. (Ticket 154455)
  • We fixed an issue where temporary files used for image rotation were not closed. (Ticket 154992)
  • We fixed an issue where in restricted markets, Studio Pro still tried to send analytics.
  • We fixed an issue with the MxAssist Performance Bot MXP013 best practice where some access rules caused the inspection to end without outputting results.
  • We fixed an issue where calling a microflow with Apply entity access enabled in the background failed if retries were used.
  • We fixed the tab navigation behavior in tree controls.

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: June 23, 2022

Go to Marketplace


  • We fixed the search for XPaths in Edit > Find Advanced > XPaths, which did not always find all of them. (Ticket 144720)
  • We fixed an issue where Studio Pro froze after being used for a long time. (Ticket 148287)
  • We fixed an issue where a selector for rows and columns for the table widget did not appear when you added the widget. (Ticket 151140)
  • We fixed an issue where selecting an entity over an association in the Data source options dialog box resulted in a consistency error.
  • We fixed an issue where widgets added through the menu at the top of the page did not open a dialog box for configuring properties (for example, to select a table size or to select a document for related buttons).

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: June 16, 2022

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  • The Studio Pro installer now uses Eclipse Adoptium JDK. It is used automatically if AdoptOpenJDK has not been already installed.
  • We brought back switching between consequent tabs of open documents using Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page Down. As a bonus, it is now also possible to switch to a particular tab using Ctrl + 1-0 where 1 till 0 is the position of the tab. (Ticket 147599)


  • We fixed CVE-2022-34466.
  • We fixed an issue where self-referencing associations and associations with long names were truncated when the domain model was exported as an image. (Ticket 105595)
  • We fixed an issue where a conversion dialog box appeared when loading an MPR, even though the app was already converted. (Ticket 136910)
  • We fixed an issue that caused an error in Mendix Runtime and the client if objects associated to the resulting objects of a data source were filtered out because of security constraints. (Ticket 144498)
  • We fixed an issue where the Runtime Server could not determine the correct time zone and it was causing issues with XPath date functions on some databases. (Tickets 144700, 131707, 119712)
  • We added a missing OData-Version header to the response of calls to the metadata document and the service document of published OData 4 services. This resolves an error that was thrown when importing the OData feed into SAP. (Ticket 145894)
  • We fixed an error that appeared when closing a dialog box with the button while changing a grid value. (Ticket 146714)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when adding an access rule while creating an entity, which caused an invalid consistency error. (Tickets 146865, 150646)
  • We fixed an issue where scheduled events did not execute in a horizontally-scaled environment or single-node environment. (Ticket 146867)
  • We fixed the tab sequence in dialog boxes so that pressing Tab now navigates between focusable controls as expected (from top to bottom, left to right), without unexpected jumps. (Ticket 147204)
  • We fixed an issue that caused an error during deployment if the on-change action of a widget was configured as Open page with the Close pages option set to something other than None. (Ticket 148391)
  • We fixed a deadlock error that occurred in the task queue for scheduled events when using SQL Server. (Tickets 148524, 149049, 149073, 149354, 149687)
  • We fixed an issue where layout arguments overlapped, making it difficult to add widgets to them. (Ticket 149524)
  • We fixed an issue in the Headers from a microflow feature of consumed OData services. In the Runtime memory, the headers returned by this microflow are now marked as deleted to make sure the header values are not communicated to the client.
  • We fixed an issue where the OK, Cancel, and Help buttons were constantly “shaking” in the App Security dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue where a drop-down menu was opening outside the parent dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue where .svn or .git files were carried over to exported modules by blocklisting them.

Known Issues

  • When you navigate between dockable panes using Ctrl + Tab while in the microflow editor, page editor, or Properties pane, releasing Ctrl does not close the pane-selection dialog box. (Ticket 163193)
  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: May 5, 2022

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  • We improved performance of the Commit dialog box. Typing in a commit message should not cause performance issues anymore.


  • We fixed CVE-2022-31257.
  • We fixed a known issue where an error occurred when you imported translations from an Excel file for batch translate or batch replace operations.
  • We fixed an issue where the comparison of an XPath association constraint to a Boolean function did not result in an error during the XPath query build. (Ticket 120692)
  • Expressions (such as conditional visibility) on widgets inside a pluggable widget were not always evaluated correctly. This has been fixed. (Tickets 138510, 139012, 140515, 146148, 147490)
  • We fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to open properties in the page editor by pressing Enter. (Ticket 143990)
  • We fixed an issue with a reference selector already initiating a validation feedback upon being opened on a page. (Ticket 144516)
  • We fixed an exception that occurred when the owner of an object was an instance of a specialization of System.User that was deleted from the domain model. (Tickets 145133, 146632)
  • We fixed an issue where the hidden aggregate columns of a data grid crashed the page. (Ticket 145306)
  • We fixed an issue where a change variable always showed a consistency error when changing for the first time. (Ticket 145946)
  • We fixed an issue that prevented users from building native apps using the Mendix Native Mobile Builder’s advanced flow. (Tickets 146147, 146912, 147027, 147152)
  • We fixed an issue where apps with empty change item actions could not be upgraded above 9.11.0. (Tickets 146600, 147093, 147252, 147305)
  • We fixed an issue that prevented selecting multiple elements in the Find Results pane. (Ticket 146853)
  • We fixed an issue with the XPath of data widgets that was not responding to variable changes on attributes. (Ticket 147062)
  • We fixed an issue in MySQL 8.0.29 and above that occurred when dropping a column with a name length over 53 characters long.
  • We fixed an exception that occurred when merging an outdated working copy in Team Server Git projects.

Breaking Changes

  • We now block changes to the Password attribute of User and User-derived objects in client commits (for example, via the Save button in forms). The old behavior is deprecated, but it can be restored until Mendix 10 by setting the BlockPasswordInClientCommit custom setting to false.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)


Release date: April 7, 2022

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  • We fixed a known issue that prevented the selection of a line in a multi-column tree when double-clicking a column that was not the first column.
  • We fixed an issue where navigation was broken if a user tried to navigate during a page transition. (Ticket 105484)
  • We fixed a NullPointerException during startup that occurred after renaming a module with an external entity that was created before Studio Pro 9.6.3. (Ticket 142150)
  • We fixed a bug in scheduled events where a schedule with an offset of 59 minutes crashed. (Ticket 145833)
  • We fixed an issue that prevented a pluggable widget from loading if it contained a dependency that used the new JSX Transform introduced in React 17.
  • We fixed an issue with native list views and pagination. Native list views did not become scrollable if the initial number of items was not overflowing, which rendered “scroll to load more” unusable. Now, native list views attempt to load as many items as they can to fill their content. The pagination limits are respected for any “scroll to load more” event thereafter.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)
  • An error occurs when you import translations from an Excel file for batch translate or batch replace operations.
  • Scheduled events are not triggered on horizontally-scaled environments or single-node environments.
    • Fixed: Redeploy your app in the Developer Portal or with the buildpack release of 4.27.4 or above.


Release date: March 29, 2022

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New Features

Add-on and Solution Modules

We added modularity capability to the platform. Members of the Mendix Partner Program are able to create new types of modules which have IP protection options and offer different distribution mechanisms that enable using easier upgrade management on consumer side. For more information on publishing add-on modules and solutions, see Configuring Add-on and Solution Modules for Publishing in Mendix Studio Pro Guide.

The following is introduced for the new capability:

  • Modules on the publisher side now have a new Settings option where module type and version can be managed. For more information, see Module Settings in Mendix Studio Pro Guide.
  • We added a new module package format .mxmodule for add-on modules and solution modules.
  • We added a new Export Level setting to documents to define access level to the document on consumer (customer) side. For more information on consuming add-on modules and solutions, see Consuming Add-on Modules and Solutions in Mendix Studio Pro Guide.

Team Server Git

With this release, developers can choose our new Team Server Git as an option next to Team Server SVN when creating an app. Team Server Git offers the same features as Team Server SVN but stores models in a Git repository instead of Subversion. It works across the platform, from Mendix Studio and Mendix Cloud to the Developer Portal and platform APIs. Git makes version control more robust and offers various advantages. For more information on Team Server Git and version control, see Version Control FAQ in Studio Pro Guide.

Other New Features

  • We added an overload to the ActionCallBuilder.executeInBackground method of the Mendix Runtime API that can be used to schedule queue tasks. By using the startAt parameter, you can specify a date/time after which the task will be run.
  • Did you ever want to be able to temporarily disable some activities in a microflow or nanoflow, because you are still building and testing your flow, for example? Now you can! When you right-click a microflow activity and select Disable activity, the activity is shown as faded out. When running your flow and while debugging, these disabled activities are skipped. You can also have disabled blocks of activities detached from your flow, without this resulting in consistency check errors. Try it out!
  • We added the possibility to retry failed workflows. This would restart only the failed activities and put the workflow in progress again. For more information, see Change Workflow State.
  • We introduced a capability to track workflow and user task state changes using state change event microflows. They can be app-wide (in the App Settings), and/or specific of a certain workflow (overriding the ones defined in App Settings). This feature can be used to build an audit system for workflows and user tasks, for example.


  • We added a much requested capability to drag and drop multiple elements into existing microflows, nanoflows, and rules.
  • We added consistency checks for the App ID of feedback widgets, with a right-click option to update the App ID of all feedback widgets (or to remove them entirely). This allows you to detect and fix incorrect App IDs after an upgrade of the Atlas Core module. (Ticket 132466)
  • To make management of file storage more flexible, we extended the performDeleteFromStorage Mendix Runtime setting. This change also allows for getting rid of unnecessary log messages about unreferenced files delete failures. (Ticket 139266).
  • We improved the nanoflow execution performance when a nanoflow creates many objects in a loop. (Ticket 139980)
  • We now report consistency errors for CSS in the style property when it is invalid and cannot be exported. (Ticket 140927)
  • We improved the scheduled events UI so that it has clearer and more complete scheduling options.
  • Scheduled events are now based on the task queue to increase reliability and now execute on any cluster node.
  • Processed queue tasks now have the additional status Retrying. This status indicates that a task failed to execute, but it will be retried.
  • We have added an index to SystemQueuedTask to improve task queue performance for large queue sizes.
  • We now allow an expression for the task queue Threads setting. This allows for using constants to set up different threads for different environments.
  • We added the mx.runtime.stats.handler.requests counter for request metrics, where the handler name is a tag.
  • MxAssist Logic Bot now always shows a parameterized list for the Calculate from a list and Add Validation Feedback menu items.
  • MxAssist Logic Bot now supports error handling for validation feedback.
  • We implemented the new best practice MXP014 for MxAssist Performance Bot: Place Create/Update/Delete Activities Closer to the End Event of a Microflow.
  • The MxAssist Performance Bot link column text color is now blue to indicate that the text is actually a link which opens the relevant documentation.
  • We have improved some of the consistency errors related to incorrect parameter mappings. These errors now include information about the target document, the name of the parameter (if applicable), and a context menu item to go directly to the target document.
  • A consistency error is now shown when a Save changes button is used on a page with widgets that can edit attributes of external entities.
  • A list view now works as expected when combined with the Grid Search widgets.
  • We added new data source filters for pluggable widgets to make it easier to filter on the date component of a date/time attribute. The new filters (dayEquals, dayNotEqual, dayLessThan, dayLessThanOrEqual, dayGreaterThan, and dayGreaterThanOrEqual) compare the day of the attribute with the day of a given literal date/time value, ignoring the time component.
  • We now use statement parameters when querying for associated objects and specializations.
  • Published OData services now support the insertable capability, which allows clients to insert objects using a POST request. This setting is off by default. External entities from consumed OData services support this capability, allowing for the creation of new objects and sending them to the service in the Send external object activity.
  • We introduced a new microflow activity called Delete external object. This activity deletes an object of an external OData entity (if that entity has the Deletable capability specified in the metadata).
  • Mendix now supports MariaDB 10.6.
  • We upgraded the embedded database HSQLDB to version 2.6.1.
  • We cleaned up generated Java code in order to improve readability and to decrease IDE warnings. Please note that this will cause some changes in your Java code when you push commits to the Team Server. This is to be expected.
  • We added support for dark mode for the Change Variable dialog box. We also improved the layout in the Go to, Expression value, Change List, and Task Queue properties dialog boxes.
  • We made the toolbars in the editors more compact by removing unnecessary elements.
  • We added a yellow warning bar for read-only documents in the modal editors.
  • We now show a yellow warning bar when editing read-only documents in pop-up editors like the enumeration editor.
  • We improved the layout of the domain model of the System module.
  • In Mendix 9.10, the scope of the workflow domain model has changed to mainly support actively running tasks. We now introduced the state change events for workflows, and the user tasks are now deleted from the database after completion, failure, or abort. This keeps the user task table size smaller and is better for performance. State change events can be used to store historical WorkflowUserTask data. For more information, see the Events section in App Settings.
  • We now open workflow user task pages in the defined layout (allowing also pop-up pages).
  • We generate an annotation in the generated workflow data microflows to describe that this workflow was generated to be used in Admin or task pages.
  • We renamed the Resume workflow operation into Unpause to be more clear on its purpose (unpausing a paused workflow). For more information, see Change Workflow State.
  • We added an option to select your repository type when creating an App in Studio Pro. You can now select SVN or Git (beta).


  • We fixed CVE-2022-25650.
  • We fixed a multi-part known issue where the related stories in the Commit dialog box were not filtered by their completed status. We also fixed the issue where text was wrapping incorrectly in the Related stories tab. Finally, we fixed the bug where double-clicking a story in the Stories pane did not open its details.
  • We fixed an issue in OQL where it was not possible to use GROUP BY in combination with an alias on DATEPART. Such syntax is not supported by some databases, but it is now supported by OQL parser. (Ticket 92781)
  • We fixed an issue with pluggable widgets not working properly while using the system label property in combination with a data source with a property linked to it. (Tickets 104091, 111294, 137176)
  • We fixed a bug that prevented a nanoflow from being triggered because of its own validation feedback. (Ticket 110482)
  • We fixed a bug that caused the entity of a native list view to be available as an input argument to its pull-down action. (Ticket 111037)
  • We fixed an issue with offline PWAs and custom login screens that led to synchronization failure when a user was implicitly logged out but had unsynced changes in the database. (Ticket 113906)
  • We fixed an issue where a large number of arriving console log entries made the Studio Pro UI unresponsive. (Ticket 127795)
  • We fixed an issue with turning an image upright for thumbnail creation. (Ticket 130249)
  • We fixed an issue with running apps with a native profile locally when the Windows username of the logged-in user contained non-ASCII characters. (Ticket 134009)
  • We fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when decoding Base64 binary data with special characters. We have introduced a new Mendix Runtime setting com.mendix.core.UseMimeDecoderForBase64 to allow the decoding of MIME type Base64. (Ticket 136429)
  • We fixed an issue where the FirstDayOfWeek setting was not configured properly in clustered runtimes. (Ticket 136630)
  • We fixed an issue in the import mapping document where setting a binary attribute value threw an exception in Mendix Runtime when no commit was needed. (Ticket 136812)
  • We fixed an issue where clicking an action button with an All rows argument resulted in an error if the data grid had Wait for search enabled and the search had not yet been triggered. (Ticket 137064)
  • We fixed an issue where a tab page was not loaded lazily if it contained widgets that inherited their non-editability from the surrounding context. (Ticket 138096)
  • We fixed an issue that caused exceptions on non-leader cluster nodes after starting them for the first time after a domain model change. (Tickets 138387, 140298)
  • We fixed an issue where calling the Cancel changes action with Close page set to Yes from the home page did not refresh the UI after the object was rolled back. (Ticket 138504)
  • We fixed an issue where data sources were re-triggered when clicking Save or Cancel in a pop-up window. (Ticket 138513)
  • We fixed an issue where a missing widget inside a pluggable widget container caused an error while running consistency checks. (Tickets 138573, 138582)
  • We fixed an issue where an offline progressive web app (PWA) threw an error when trying to connect to Mendix Runtime after closing the browser and re-launching the app. (Tickets 139230, 143392)
  • We fixed an issue where a pluggable widget with an attribute linked to a data source in some situations rerendered while the data was still the same. (Ticket 140245)
  • We fixed an issue with data view resizing and the conditionally visible widgets on its footer. (Ticket 140261)
  • We fixed an issue where combining a Close page action with an editable-column data grid widget threw errors. (Ticket 140660)
  • We fixed an issue where an XPath or database source that depended on an object of a surrounding data container did not refresh if that object was updated. (Ticket 141051)
  • We fixed an issue where the import mapping selected an incorrect version of the Xerces library that resulted in a Java error. (Ticket 141679)
  • We fixed an issue where certain checks triggered on hidden properties of pluggable widgets. (Ticket 142086)
  • We fixed an issue that caused errors to appear in the browser console when erasing text from a RichText widget. (Ticket 142437)
  • We fixed an issue where an XPath data source with an invalid XPath constraint caused consistency checks to crash. (Tickets 142509, 143941)
  • We fixed an issue where gauge metrics stopped working after a while if the legacy Metrics API was used. (Ticket 142707)
  • We fixed an issue where some buttons in the page editor toolbar were unresponsive. (Ticket 143156)
  • We fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to zoom in or out on a page editor using Ctrl and scrolling. (Ticket 143311)
  • We fixed a crash that occurred when clicking the Advanced toolbar button in the console log application. (Ticket 143513)
  • We fixed an issue with the document export of a dynamic label when the option Render XHTML was enabled. (Tickets 144111, 141843, 142237, 142342, 142378)
  • We fixed an issue where offline PWA users lost their valid sessions upon a new deployment. (Ticket 144836)
  • We fixed an issue that existed since version 9.10.0 where the methods withRetry and withExponentialRetry of com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.MicroflowCallBuilder and com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.UserActionCallBuilder returned com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.ActionCallBuilder instead of its subtypes.
  • We fixed a bug where the Details button in the Stories pane was always shown as enabled even when no stories were shown.
  • We fixed a bug where a fast re-deploy at development time did not generate newly added pages correctly. This resulted in bundling failures or red screens that could only be solved by a full deployment of the app. Now, fast re-deploy again correctly generates all the affected pages.
  • We fixed an issue where it was possible to maximize or minimize dialog boxes using the Enter and spacebar keys.
  • We fixed an issue when the bottom space of a dialog box got cut off when the dialog box was maximized to full-screen.
  • We fixed an issue where certain pluggable widgets could capture mouse input in Design Mode (instead of the editor capturing this for selection).
  • We fixed a bug where some auto-generated files caused conflicting changes that needed to be resolved manually.
  • We fixed a bug where reloading an app in Studio Pro led to an error for the Prometheus metrics registry when this was used.
  • We fixed a bug where a button with no action configured did not trigger the On click action of the surrounding container when clicked.
  • We added more validation for when you import an XML Schema Definition (XSD) file into Studio Pro. Now, it only accepts absolute paths, and the accepted schemes are limited to https, http, and file.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented some grids from having initially sorted columns.
  • We fixed an issue where a text box ignored a value filled by a password manager.
  • We fixed an issue where MxAssist Logic Bot generated an incorrect aggregate action for the calculate maximum and calculate minimum suggestions.
  • We fixed an issue where incorrect XPath or an exception in user targeting left the user task in a created state. When that happens now, the user task gets into the failed state (and so does the workflow).
  • We fixed an issue where using the workflow-related microflow actions and passing an empty workflow or user task resulted in an non-descriptive exception.
  • We fixed an issue where the Runtime server requested to refresh the user task when completing a user task of a workflow. Undesired refresh calls that lead to empty results (because the user task is completed and, therefore, deleted) are now prevented.
  • We fixed an issue where dragging a microflow from the App Explorer into the workflow editor gave an exception.


  • We made the following deprecations to scheduled events (please note that events using deprecated settings will be converted automatically where possible):
    • We deprecated the start times from which a schedule commences, so enabled schedules are always active.
    • We deprecated configuring scheduled events as non-repeating.
    • We deprecated the Monthly (31 days) and Yearly (365 days) intervals in favor of true Monthly and Yearly intervals.
    • We deprecated the Seconds interval.
  • We deprecated MxAgent. Use the Core.metrics() API instead.
  • We deprecated public constructors for the generated Constants and Microflows Java classes. In your custom Java code, use the static methods in Constants and Microflows instead.
  • Starting with Mendix 10, we will drop support DB2.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue for the scenario where there are multiple instances of the same identical object (meaning, with the same ID) assigned to different microflow variables, this object has a one-to-one association to another entity, and no changes have been made to the associated object. When you then set the association to the same value, only a single microflow variable points correctly to the new association, and the other variables have an empty association. (Ticket 168024)
  • An error occurs when you import translations from an Excel file for batch translate or batch replace operations.
  • When you double-click a multi-column tree (for example, in the Debug Windows > Variables pane), the grid view does not select the line (except if clicked in the first column), which makes it hard to copy the variable value.
  • Scheduled events are not triggered on horizontally-scaled environments or single-node environments.
    • Fixed: Redeploy your app in the Developer Portal or with the buildpack release of 4.27.4 or above.