Set Up Your Partner Profile

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

The purpose of the Partner Profile is to provide the Mendix community and customers with a transparent overview of each partner company’s knowledge, skills, experience, reviews, and culture. The profile is a simple and clear way for each partner to present themselves through an aggregated view of the developers in the organization, including the number of certified developers. It is also possible to add projects, customer reviews, contact information, a company video, and a description to each profile.

This how-to teaches you how to do the following:

  • Set up and edit the Mendix Partner Profile
  • Add projects to the profile
  • Add developers to the profile

2 Prerequisites

Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisite:

3 Signing In to the Partner Profile

To sign in to the Partner Profile, edit it, and make it public, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your own Mendix Profile here. Now Mendix knows who you are and which company is attached to your account.

  2. At the top of your Community Profile, you will see your role and company (for example, “Senior Developer at Finaps”). When your company is a partner, the company name is clickable. Click your company name to go to its Partner Profile.

  3. If you are authorized as a Partner Profile Editor, click Edit Partner Profile to edit the profile:

    If you are not authorized to edit the profile but your colleagues are, a list with their email addresses is shown. To gain access to editing the profile, you can contact them so that they can add you as an editor (for details, see the Changing the Profile Editor section). If none of your colleagues are authorized, click Feedback on the right side of the screen and submit a feedback item to gain access.

  4. Once you are in edit mode, click the form field to edit the Partner Profile:

    For details about editing, start with the Editing the Overview section below.

  5. After you have finished editing, you can make the profile public so that the Mendix community and customers can view it. To do this, simply click Save and Exit:

4 Editing the Partner Profile Header

4.1 Header Elements

The header of your Partner Profile has important contact details about your company:

You must complete the Address and Email Address fields before you can make your Partner Profile public (the email address will allow customers to contact you via the Contact us button). So, click Edit Profile and add this information to the header:

4.2 Capability Levels

The header also displays whether the company is Authorized, Expert, or Professional. These capability levels are defined as follows:

  • Authorized — this type of partner has qualified and certified resources to support customers with Mendix initiatives
  • Platform — this type of partner can support an enterprise in its successful positioning and adoption of the Mendix Platform with all elements of the Mendix “4 P’s” (portfolio, people, process, and platform; for details, see How to Implement Bimodal IT: Focus on the 4 P’s)
  • Global — this type of partner can help an enterprise with large scale programs spanning multiple countries or regions across the globe

A capability level is determined through an assessment of your company’s delivery expertise, project references, and Mendix Developer Certification levels. For more information, please contact your Mendix Customer Success Manager.

5 Editing the Overview

Follow these steps to edit the most important fields on your Partner Profile:

  1. Add a Summary Title and a company Summary:

  2. Add a company Video (YouTube or Vimeo) or Project:

    Selecting Project will link a project that you have have added on the Projects tab of the Partner Profile (for more details, see the Adding Projects section below).

  3. Add your company’s focus Industries. These will be used in the filter options on the Meet our partners page so that Mendix customers can search for partners in a specific industry.

  4. Select the Types of Service your company provides:

  5. Under Skills, add the types of skills your company team members can perform:

    For more information on company team members, see the Editing Team Members section.

  6. In Geographical Focus, add the countries where your company is active and/or has coverage. This will be used in the filter option on the Meet our partners page so that Mendix customers can search for partners in a specific country.

6 Adding Projects

To add a project to your Partner Profile, go to the Projects tab and click Add Project:

This will open the project editor. There are tips in the editor for what you should enter in each field:

All of the fields in the project editor must be filled out before submitting the project. Click Submit to save and submit your project:

Published projects are listed in the Published projects section, where the following buttons are available for each published project:

  • Arrow buttons – moves the project up or down in the list of projects on your Partner Profile’s Projects tab
  • View – opens the published project so you can view it
  • Edit – opens the project editor so you can make more edits
  • Delete – deletes the project

If you do not want to publish a project right away, click Save as draft in the project editor. The project draft will be available in the Unpublished projects section for you to finish later where the following buttons are available for each project draft:

  • Edit – opens the project editor so you can make more edits on the draft

  • Add Comment — opens a dialog box where you can add a comment on the project draft; comments can be viewed in the Unpublished projects section

  • Delete – deletes the project draft

7 Editing Team Members

This section presents information on adding the most valuable assets of your company: your certified Mendix developers. Before you can add a developer to the Partner Profile, their Mendix Profile needs to be set to public (for details on how to do this, see the Profile section of Mendix Profile.

To add developers to the Partner Profile, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Developers tab, where all the certified Mendix developers in your company are shown:

    You can use the Sort by, Search, and Certification Level features to find a specific team member.

  2. Select the active team members within your organization whose certifications you want to be visible on your Partner Profile by clicking Add to profile. The certification of each developer added to the profile will be visible in the statistics in the profile header, where numbers for Rapid Developers, Advanced Developers, Expert Developers, total Mx Developers (all developers added to the profile), and total Mx Developers (all existing developers) are displayed.

    Only the certifications and points of the added developers will be counted in the Partner Profile. The highest rank of certification will be added to the overview.

8 Editing Testimonials

On the Testimonials tab, all the testimonials on your company and projects are available. These testimonials are approved by your company’s Profile Editor before they are displayed on the profile.

You can do further editing to the testimonials with the following buttons:

  • Edit – opens the testimonial editor, where you can edit details of the testimonial
  • Delete – deletes the testimonial
  • Show on profile – displays the testimonial on your company’s Partner Profile

9 Changing the Profile Editor

To make a colleague a profile editor, follow these steps:

  1. On the Partner Profile, click the Profile editor(s) tab.
  2. The Select profile editor(s) dialog box displays all the employees of your company. Select the colleague who you want to make a profile editor.
  3. Click Make Profile Editor.

10 Sorting on the Partners Overview Page

The Meet Our Partners page is an overview that presents all the partners in the Mendix community. The sorting is based on a combination of the following KPIs:

  • Whether your company is Expert (which will get the most weight in sorting), Professional, or Authorized (for more information, see the Capability Tracks section)
  • The total amount of certified developers (note that developers with multiple certifications count as one certified developer)
  • The total number of projects you have published on your Partner Profile