Control Center

Last modified: July 3, 2024

1 Introduction

When you sign up on the Mendix Platform, you are able to create new apps, invite other users to your app teams, deploy your apps, and invite app end-users to give feedback, among many other activities. Insights into these company activities are provided in Control Center in one central overview. These insights will help you to be in control and remain aware of everything happening within the Mendix landscape of your company.

The Mendix Control Center consists of the pages described below, which are for use by Mendix Admins.

If your company does not already have a Mendix Admin, you will see a page that outlines the usage and goals of Control Center. You can also recommend a colleague for Mendix Admin status by clicking Suggest a Mendix Admin.

If your company already has a Mendix Admin but you yourself are not a Mendix Admin, you will see this page:

If you are a Mendix Admin, you will immediately see the Dashboard page and can navigate to the pages described below.

2 Guide Categories

The documentation of Control Center is divided into the following categories:

  • Dashboard
  • Describes the Dashboard page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Apps
  • Describes the Apps page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Members
  • Describes the Members page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Groups
  • Describes the Groups page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Company Settings
  • Describes the Company Settings page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Company Brand
  • Describes the Company Brand page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Security
  • Describes the Security page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Cloud
  • Describes the Cloud page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Entitlements
  • Describes the Entitlements page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Deployed Apps
  • Describes the Deployed Apps page in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Catalog
  • Describes the catalog administration in the Mendix Control Center.

  • Portfolios
  • Describes the Portfolios page in the Mendix Control Center.