Mendix Assist

Last modified: June 6, 2024

1 Introduction

Mendix Assist refers to Mendix Platform capabilities that leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to assist developers in application development, the so-called AI-Assisted Development (AIAD). The purpose of Mendix Assist is to help development teams in modeling and delivering Mendix applications faster, more consistently, and with higher quality.

Mendix Assist consists of different capabilities that act as a virtual co-developer bot, each specialized in a certain domain or stage of the application lifecycle development. Currently, Mendix Assist consists of the following virtual co-developer bots:

  • MxAssist Logic Bot – helps you model and configure microflows in Mendix Studio Pro. It gives you contextualized recommendations on the next best activity in your microflow based on the activities and parameters that are already configured in the specific microflow. It is built using machine learning analysis of over twelve million anonymized application logics (microflows) built with Mendix. It uses deep learning to detect and learn the best practice patterns in microflows. For more information, see MxAssist Logic Bot.
  • MxAssist Performance Bot – helps you inspect your app against Mendix development best practice detecting and pinpointing development anti-patterns and, in many cases, automatically fixing them. The bot is built using statistical analysis of thousands of anonymized Mendix apps to learn common anti-patterns as well as Mendix Expert Services best practices in the development of microflows, domain models, pages, security, etc. For more information, see MxAssist Performance Bot.
  • Validation Assist – helps you build validation microflows in a more automated way using pre-built expressions. For more information, see Validation Assist.

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