Adaptable Solution Commands

Last modified: June 3, 2024

1 Introduction

The commands in this group are related to adaptable solutions.

These commands use common format exit codes.

The commands return 0 in case of success.

In case of errors, the exit code consists of three digits XYZ:

  • X determines the error type:
    • 1 – parameter validation error
    • 2 – output-related error
    • 3 – errors related to the execution of the operation
  • Y is the number of the parameter the error is related to (if applicable). If the error is not related to the parameters, this is zero.
  • Z determines error details:
    • 1 – file is not found
    • 2 – app is too old
    • 3 – distribution is not enabled
    • 4 – version is not in the SemVer format
    • 5 – app was not initialized from a solution package

For exit code examples, refer to the specific commands below.

2 mx show-app-version Command

The mx show-app-version command enables seeing the publisher-side version of your solution (the version of the solution that you develop) and the consumer-side version of the solution package that your app is based on (the version of the solution package when you consumed the solution).

2.1 Usage

Use the following command pattern for mx show-app-version:

mx show-app-version MPR-FILE [OPTIONS]

These are the OPTIONS:

Option Shortcut Result
--based-on -b Shows the Based on version.
--help Shows help for the mx show-app-version command and exits.

For MPR-FILE, enter an .mpr file.

The --based-on version is a version of a solution package (.mxsolution) that the current app is based on.

2.2 Examples

Here are two examples:

  • mx show-app-version C:\MyApp\MyApp.mpr
  • mx show-app-version C:\MyApp\MyApp.mpr -b

2.3 Return Codes

This command uses the common format exit codes described above for all app-version related commands.

This table shows the return codes and their description:

Return Code Description
0 No errors.
315 If -b was specified, but the app is not based on a solution.
313 If -b was not specified, but distribution as a solution is not enabled for the app.

3 mx set-app-version Command

The mx set-app-version command enables setting the version of your solution when building it.

3.1 Usage

Use the following command pattern for mx set-app-version:

mx set-app-version MPR-FILE VERSION

These are the OPTIONS:

Option Result
--help Shows help for the mx set-app-version command and exits.

For MPR-FILE, enter an .mpr file.

For VERSION, enter a version in the SemVer format.

3.2 Examples

Here is an example:

mx set-app-version C:\MyApp\MyApp.mpr 1.2.3

3.3 Return Codes

This command uses the common format exit codes described above for all app-version related commands.

This table shows the return codes and their description:

Return Code Description
0 No errors.
124 The version is not in the SemVer format.
313 Distribution as a solution is not enabled for the app.