Custom Actions

Last modified: July 9, 2024

1 Create Custom Actions from Scratch

If you want to create a new action from scratch, go to the Repository and switch to the All Objects tab.

Add Item button on Repository page

Now click Add Item, a popup window will appear.

Create new Action

In that window you can choose which type of item you want to create. Choose Action and give it a name and an optional description. You can change the name and the description later on if you want. When you have entered all needed informations, click Create.

Now open the newly created action by double-clicking its name in the repository.

Edit Action page

On this page you can edit your new action by adding other existing actions to it, like you would in a test case, and set input- and output parameters.

2 Create Custom Actions from Existing Actions

Based on the existing actions, you can build up your own actions (custom actions). Also, if you are fluent in JavaScript, you can add a whole variety of functionalities by using the generic “Execute JavaScript” action.

To create a custom action, first select the test steps you need to achieve the desired action in your test case:

Select multiple Test Steps in a Test Case

Then extract the actions into one test step that contains your selected actions using the Extract Action button:

Extract action dialog

On this dialog box, you can give your new custom action a Name and a Description. Click Close to finish. You can now add your action to any test case, like you would with any other action.

3 Changing Custom Actions

When selecting a custom action, click Open under Test Step Settings to go inside the custom action:

Open custom action under test step settings

While inside your custom action, you can change the action just like you would in a test case. Additionally, you can set input and output parameters for your action under the settings tab.

4 Setting Input Parameters

Costum action settings screen

By clicking New under Input Parameters, you open the Edit Input Parameter dialog box, where you set the properties of your new input parameter:

Edit input parameter dialog

When adding a new input parameter, you have the following options:

Field Description
Name Sets the name of the input parameter.
Description The description of your input parameter.
Datatype The datatype of the parameter.
Required/Optional Sets if the parameter is required or can be left open.
Show as Password Sets if the parameter is readable in cleartext or hidden.
Type Sets if the parameter is used as an input for a Selenium or internal function (should normally be Default).

4.1 Enumerations

When creating a new input parameter, you can choose the datatype enumeration. An enumeration is a predefined list of values. When using an enumeration, as an input parameter you can choose which value of the enumeration to use.

To create a new enumeration, choose Enumeration as the Datatype when creating a new input parameter and click New:

Create new enumeration

On the Edit Enumeration dialog box, you can add new Enumeration Entries to your enumeration.

Enumeration entries have two attributes:

  • Caption – the name of the entry that is shown when selecting an entry
  • Value – the actual value of the entry that is used in the test execution
Edit enumeration dialog

5 Setting an Output Parameter

Setting an output parameter, works in a similar way to setting an input parameter. The difference is that you can only have one output parameter per action. To set an output parameter, click Set under Output Parameter.

Set output parameter

For an output parameter you can set the following:

Field Description
Name The name of the output parameter.
Description The description of the output parameter.
Datatype The datatype of the output parameter.
Required/Optional Sets if the parameter is required to be set.

After an output parameter has been set, this parameter needs to be returned manually by using the Set Return Value action.

Set return Value action to return output parameter