Projects in the Mendix Metamodel

Last modified: April 18, 2024

1 Introduction

A Mendix app model starts with a project. A project contains several top-level or project documents such as settings and security, and it contains the modules that make up a Mendix app.

1.1 Graphical Overview

Studio Pro Guide Model SDK API docs
App TypeScript module projects
Modules Project

1.2 Project Documents

Project-level documents describe app security, app settings, app navigation (for the different modes of navigation) and translations of the texts in your app.

1.2.1 Graphical Overview

Studio Pro Guide Model SDK API docs
App Settings ProjectSettings
App Security ProjectSecurity
Navigation NavigationDocument
System Texts SystemTextCollection

2 Modules

2.1 Overview

A module consists of a domain model, model security settings and zero or more documents (for example, microflows, pages).

2.1.1 Graphical Overview

Studio Pro Guide Model SDK API docs
Domain Model Property domainModel of Project
Module Security Property moduleSecurity of Project

2.2 Documents

Modules consist of documents, for example, microflows, pages or published or consumed services. These documents can be organized with folders.

In this sense, Module and Folder behave in the exact same way, and thus inherit from FolderBase: they both contain documents and folders.

2.2.1 Graphical Overview

Studio Pro Guide Model SDK API docs
Modules Property modules of Project