Mendix for Private Cloud Build API

Last modified: May 7, 2024

1 Introduction

The Mendix for Private Cloud Build API allows you to manage deployment packages which can later be used in the environments deployed in your private cloud. You can use the API to do the following:

  • Retrieve all deployment packages of an application
  • Retrieve a single deployment package based on the package ID
  • Upload deployment package in an application
  • Create deployment packages based on the branch and revision
  • Delete a deployment package

2 Using the API

To help you work with the Mendix for Private Cloud Build API, the following sections of this document describe how to authenticate for the API, and how to manage asynchronous API calls.

2.1 Authentication

Authentication for the API uses a personal access token (PAT).

2.1.1 Generating a PAT

You can generate a PAT in the Developer Settings section of your Mendix Profile. For details, see the Personal Access Tokens section of Mendix Profile.

Select the following as scopes:

  • mx:privatecloud-build:read – to perform GET operations
  • mx:privatecloud-build:write – to perform all operations (GET, POST and DELETE)
  • mx:modelrepository:write – under Model Repository - to perform build package operation

Store the {GENERATED_PAT} in a safe location, so you can use it to authorize your Mendix for Private Cloud API calls.

2.1.2 Scopes Explanation

Operation Scopes
Build deployment package mx:privatecloud-build:write and mx:modelrepository:write
Upload deployment package mx:privatecloud-build:write
Delete deployment package mx:privatecloud-build:write
Get deployment package mx:privatecloud-build:read or mx:privatecloud-build:write
Get deployment package list mx:privatecloud-build:read or mx:privatecloud-build:write
Get Job mx:privatecloud-build:read or mx:privatecloud-build:write

2.1.3 Using the PAT

Each request must contain an Authorization header with the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}.

To authenticate calls when using the Open API specification below, click Authorize and use the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}.

2.2 Managing Asynchronous Jobs

All resource manipulation API calls are processed asynchronously. In the response, there is an id which you can use with the GET /jobs/… call to get the status of the asynchronous job.

Each asynchronous call will also return a Location header that references the URL where the result of that job can be found, for example, This can be used as an alternative to GET /jobs/….

Once GET /jobs/… or the equivalent HTTP call returns a response with "status": "finished", you can verify the manifest for the resource by using a GET {RESOURCE} API call. For example, when updating a cluster, you can use GET /clusters/{clusterId} to verify the cluster manifest.

3 Examples

The following sections of this document contain sample usage scenarios for the API.

3.1 Using the API to Build, Download and Delete a Deployment Package

The following steps will create a deployment package, retrieve it, refresh its URL, download it, delete it and, in the end, list all available deployment packages of an application.

  1. Set up your authentication PAT.
  2. Call GET /apps/{appId}/packages to retrieve all the deployment packages in the application.
  3. Prepare the JSON request for your deployment package, as seen in the OpenAPI specification file.
  4. Make the API call POST /apps/{appId}/packages/build using the deployment package JSON request to initiate the build of a new deployment package.
  5. Verify that the job is successful using the process described in Managing Asynchronous Jobs.
  6. Call GET /apps/{appId}/packages to retrieve all the packages in the application.
  7. Once the job that you launched in step 4 is successful, you will see a id in the response from Step 6. You can then call GET /apps/{appId}/packages/{id} to get the deployment package details. The same id can the be used in step 12 from the DeployAPI documentation.
  8. Call GET /apps/{appId}/packages to retrieve all the deployment packages in the application. You should see the previously created deployment package in the list.
  9. If you want to download the deployment package locally, you can use the location URL present in the response from step 7. The URL has a lifetime of 15 minutes, so if more than 15 minutes have passed since the creation of the deployment package, you must request a new URL by calling GET /apps/{appId}/packages/{id}?url=true.
  10. Call DELETE /apps/{appId}/id, where you can get the package ID value from step 7.
  11. Verify that the job is successful using the process described in Managing Asynchronous Jobs.
  12. Call GET /apps/{appId}/packages to retrieve all the deployment packages in the application. The deployment package should be removed from the list.

3.2 Using the API to Upload a Deployment Package

Follow the steps below to upload a deployment package by using the API.

  1. Set up your authentication PAT.
  2. Prepare the multipart/form-data request for your deployment package, as seen in the OpenAPI specification file. The file indicates the .mda file of the deployment package that you want to upload, and fileName represents the name with which the deployment package will be displayed in the Private Cloud Portal. If you do not provide the .mda extension to the filename, it is added automatically.
  3. Make the API call POST /apps/{appId}/packages using the request created in the previous step to upload the new deployment package.
  4. Verify that the job is successful using the process described in Managing Asynchronous Jobs.
  5. Once the previous job is successful, you will see a id in the response. You can then call GET /apps/{appId}/packages/{id} to get the deployment package details and verify the uploaded file. You can use the same id when deploying an app through the Mendix for Private Cloud Deploy API.

4 API Reference