Build API

Last modified: July 25, 2024

1 Introduction

The Build API allows you to manage deployment packages and create new deployment packages using our build server. You will need the information from the Teamserver API as input for these API calls. You will also need to provide authentication for each call; this is described in Authentication.

You can use webhooks to trigger CI/CD pipelines which use this API. These are described in Webhooks.

The image below provides a domain model representation of the concepts discussed below and how these are related:

2 API Calls

2.1 Retrieve Packages

2.1.1 Description

Retrieves all deployment packages that are available for a specific app that the authenticated user has access to as a regular user. These packages can be found if you click Details on an app in the Nodes screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET

2.1.2 Request Parameter
  • AppId (String) : Subdomain name of an app. Example
GET /api/1/apps/calc/packages HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Mendix-ApiKey:  26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6

2.1.3 Output

List of objects with the following key-value pairs:

  • PackageId (String) : Unique identification of the package.
  • Name (String) : Name of the package.
  • Description (String) : Description of the package.
  • Version (String) : Package version. This is also the name of the tag on the project team server.
  • Creator (String) : Uploader or creator of this package.
  • CreationDate (Date) : Date that the package became available in the portal. This can be the upload date or the date that a build was created in the portal.
  • Status (String) : Status of the package. A package is ready to use if the status is ‘Succeeded’. Possible values: Succeeded, Queued, Building, Uploading and Failed.
  • Size (Long) : Size of the package in bytes. Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_APPID Invalid AppId Example
     "Name" :  "Main line-" ,
     "Status" :  "Succeeded" ,
     "Description" :  "Initial app" ,
     "Creator" :  "Richard Ford" ,
     "CreationDate" :  1404739654045 ,
     "Version" :  "" ,
     "PackageId" :  "4ee10492-6cfc-4582-b825-a9040c0988ad" ,
     "Size" :  1999059
     "Name" :  "Main line-" ,
     "Status" :  "Succeeded" ,
     "Description" :  "Add scientific mode" ,
     "Creator" :  "Richard Ford" ,
     "CreationDate" :  1404990271835 ,
     "Version" :  "" ,
     "PackageId" :  "b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf" ,
     "Size" :  7731521

2.2 Retrieve Package

2.2.1 Description

Retrieves a specific deployment package that is available for a specific app that the authenticated user has access to as a regular user. This package can be found if you click Details on an app in the Nodes screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET

2.2.2 Request Parameters
  • AppId (String) : Subdomain name of an app.
  • PackageId (String) : Id of the deployment package.
  • url (Boolean) (default: false): Indicates whether the API should return a URL pointing to the location of the package. Example
GET /api/1/apps/calc/packages/b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf?url=true HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Mendix-ApiKey:  26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6

2.2.3 Output

An object with the following key-value pairs:

  • PackageId (String) : Unique identification of the package

  • Name (String) : Name of the package

  • Description (String) : Description of the package

  • Version (String) : Package version. This is also the name of the tag on the project team server

  • Creator (String) : Uploader or creator of this package

  • CreationDate (Date) : Date that the package became available in the portal. This can be the upload date or the date that a build was created in the portal

  • Status (String) : Status of the package. A package is ready to use if the status is ‘Succeeded’. Possible values:

    • Succeeded
    • Queued
    • Building
    • Uploading
    • Failed
  • Size (Long) : Size of the package in bytes

  • Url (object): A JSON object containing the following:

    • Location (String): The URL pointing to the package file.
    • TTL (Long): How long the URL is valid (in seconds). Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and PackageId parameters.
404 PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND Package or build job not found Example
    "Name" :  "Main line-" ,
    "Status" :  "Succeeded" ,
    "Description" :  "Add scientific mode" ,
    "Creator" :  "Richard Ford" ,
    "CreationDate" :  1404990271835 ,
    "Version" :  "" ,
    "PackageId" :  "b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf" ,
    "Size" :  15342295S,
    "Url": {
        "Location": "https://url/to/download/the/package/file",
        "TTL": 900

2.3 Delete Package

2.3.1 Description

Deletes a specific deployment package that is available for a specific app that the authenticated user has access to as a regular user. This package can be found if you click Details on an app in the Nodes screen in the Mendix Platform.


2.3.2 Request Parameters
  • AppId (String) : Subdomain name of an app
  • PackageId (String) : Id of the deployment package
DELETE /api/1/apps/calc/packages/b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf HTTP/1.1

Accept: */*
Mendix-ApiKey:  26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and PackageId parameters.
404 PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND Package or build job not found.
409 PACKAGE_IN_USE Package is still in use.

2.4 ⚠ Download Package

Downloads a specific deployment package that is available for a specific app that the authenticated user has access to as a regular user. This package can be found if you click Details on an app in the Nodes screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET

2.4.1 Request


  • AppId (String) : Subdomain name of an app.
  • PackageId (String) : Id of the deployment package.
GET /api/1/apps/calc/packages/b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf/download HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Mendix-ApiKey:  26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6

2.4.2 Output

Error codes

HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and PackageId parameters.
404 PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND Package or build job not found.
500 BUILD_NOT_SUCCEEDED Build not successful finished.

2.5 Start Building Deployment Package

Start the process to build a deployment package, based on the team server project of a specific app that the authenticated user has access to as a regular user. This package can be found if you click Details on an app in the Nodes screen in the Mendix Platform. For a Free App, this will also trigger a deployment of the new package.


2.5.1 Request Parameter
  • AppId (String) : Subdomain name of an app. Payload

The payload depends on whether the app is held in a Git repository or an SVN repository.

An object with the following key-value pairs:

  • Branch (String) : Name of the branch.
    • For SVN, this is ’trunk’ for the main line or ‘branches/branch name’ for a specific branch.
    • For Git, this is ‘main’ for the main line or ‘branches/branch name’ for a specific branch.
  • Revision (String) : Number of the revision to build a package from.
    • For SVN, this is an integer reflecting the revision number.
    • For Git, this is the commit hash. The API will accept either the short commit hash or the full commit hash.
  • Version (String) : Package version. This will also be the name of the tag on the project team server.
  • Description (String) : Description of the package. Example
POST /api/1/apps/calc/packages HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Mendix-ApiKey:  26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6

     "Branch" : "branches/feature" ,
     "Revision" :  "63" ,
     "Version" :  "2.5.4" ,
     "Description" :  "Add scientific mode"

2.5.2 Output

An object with the following key-value pair:

  • PackageId (String) : Unique identification of the package. This string can be used to get the build status of the package later.

Error codes

HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_APPID Invalid AppId
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set Revision and Version parameters.
400 INVALID_VERSION The Version parameter does not contain a valid version string. Please provide a version with a major, minor and patch number, like ‘2.3.5’.
404 APP_NOT_FOUND App not found.
500 BUILD_FAILED Build job failed. Example
     "PackageId" :  "b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf"

If calc is the example app, you can find the status of the build by using GET /api/1/apps/calc/packages/b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf HTTP/1.1 and looking for a return status of Succeeded.