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Between Date Function Calls

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Between date function calls calculate the differences between two dates.

For a deep-dive look into working with DateTime functions, check out this video:

2 millisecondsBetween

The millisecondsBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in milliseconds.

2.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

2.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in milliseconds Decimal

2.3 Example

If you use the following input:

millisecondsBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), dateTime(2007,1,1,1,1,3))

The output is:


3 secondsBetween

The secondsBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in seconds.

3.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

3.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in seconds. Decimal

3.3 Example

If you use the following input:

secondsBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), dateTime(2007,1,1,1,2,3))

The output is:


4 minutesBetween

The minutesBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in minutes.

4.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

4.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in minutes. Decimal

4.3 Example

If you use the following input:

minutesBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1), dateTime(2007,1,1,1,1,1))

The output is:


5 hoursBetween

The hoursBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in hours.

5.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

5.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in hours. Decimal

5.3 Example

If you use the following input:

hoursBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 3, 31, 1), dateTime(2007,1,1,1,1,1))

The output is:


6 daysBetween

The daysBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in days.

6.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

6.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates as a positive Decimal measured in days. Time is taken into consideration, so comparing date-x 0:00 with date-x 06:00 will result in 0.25000000. Positive decimal

6.3 Example

If you use the following input:

daysBetween(dateTime(2007, 2, 13, 1, 1, 1), dateTime(2007,1,1,1,1,1))

The output is:


7 weeksBetween

The weeksBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in weeks.

7.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

7.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in weeks. Decimal

7.3 Example

If you use the following input:

weeksBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 9, 1, 1, 1), dateTime(2007,1,1,1,1,1))

The output results in 8 days divided by 7 days in a week:


8 calendarMonthsBetween

The calendarMonthsBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in months. Time will be ignored. The dates are assumed to be in the end-user’s local time zone.

8.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

8.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in months. Integer/Long

8.3 Example

If you use the following input:

calendarMonthsBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1), dateTime(2007, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1))

The output results in the amount of months between the two dates:


9 calendarYearsBetween

The calendarYearsBetween function calculates the difference between the input values in years. Time will be ignored. The dates are assumed to be in the end-user’s local time zone.

9.1 Input Parameters

The input parameters are described in the table below:

Value Type
First date Date and time
Second date Date and time

9.2 Output

The output is described in the table below:

Value Type
The difference between the two dates measured in years. Integer/Long

9.3 Example

If you use the following input:

calendarYearsBetween(dateTime(2007, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1), dateTime(2017, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

The output results in the amount of years between the two dates: