
Last modified: July 5, 2024

1 Introduction

The Pusher service allows you to trigger a microflow or nanoflow directly from the server on non-native client apps. This means it is triggered from the other session, without waiting for end-users to interact with the page.

In the standard situation, updates in the client are triggered by a user interaction, by timed actions, or by data-grid refresh time. For information not created by the same user session that needs to be updated immediately in the client app, the Mendix core product does not support a viable option to accomplish this. As an alternative, you need need to refresh the page constantly with timers or constant clicking. This is not user-friendly, and it is not preferred when scaling.

With this service, you can create a notify event on the server that directly causes an action in the client application. The event is based on a persistable object that is available in the server and the client page. From a microflow, the notify action will send a message to every listening widget that is listening to the same object and the action name.

1.1 Typical Use Cases

  • Asynchronous refreshes
  • Notifications
  • Chat function

1.2 Dependencies

  • External service Pusher – the service is built around the Pusher Channels product; Pusher is a paid service, but there is a generous free Sandbox plan:
    Detail Sandbox
    Price Free
    Connections 100 Max
    Number of channels Unlimited
    Messages 200k / Day
    Support Limited
    Protection SSL

2 Setting Up the Pusher App

To set up the necessary Pusher app, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up at Pusher.
  2. From the dashboard, create an app
  3. On the Channels Apps page, select the new app. The keys are shown in App Keys.
  4. Copy the key information into the following Pusher service constants:
    • app_idPusher_App_ID
    • keyPusher_Key
    • secretPusher_Secret
    • clusterPusher_Cluster

3 Configuration

To use this service after importing it from the Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Pusher User module role to the relevant app security user role.
  2. Update the constants in the Configuration folder with the keys of the app.
  3. Create a microflow to execute the Notify action with the following input parameters:
    • Key settings
    • Action name same as configured in the widget
    • The context object of the widget
  4. Place the widget in a page within a data view, where the context should match the parameter object.
  5. In the Action list, add an action in which the Action name matches the action name parameter provided in the Notify action.
  6. Select a microflow or nanoflow the execute the action.

This diagram describes updating an object via the Notify action:

update object via notify listen

3.1 Refresh Microflow

You can use a microflow to retrieve data that is changed by other users as long is it committed and the transaction has finished.

The $Message variable contains the object in the session state. With the [id = $Message] XPath query, the object is retrieved from the database. The changes action only does a refresh in the client, which triggers a refresh update on the client page.

refresh microflow

3.2 Security

The notify messages are sent to anybody who is listening.

A message will contain limited data (entity name, ID, changed date, notifier user name). To send a notify message, it is required to have the private key that is stored on the server in the NotifyListen.secret constant. This secret should not be shared with anybody. The listening widget will use the public NotifyListen.key to receive a signal and perform the action as the logged-in user.

An addition authentication request is made to the Mendix REST server via <host>/rest/pusher/key and <host>/rest/pusher/auth. Only when successful is the user allowed to access the lists. The service will only allow a logged-in user with the NotifyListen.User module role to listen when the user has entity access to the object of the data in which the widget is placed.

4 Strict CSP Compatibility

This service requires additional configuration to be compliant with strict content security policy (CSP). The Pusher service makes use of an external service for its functionalities. To make this service work, you need to configure the CSP headers to allow resources from that domain.