Receive Environment Status Alerts

Last modified: June 19, 2024

1 Introduction

You can receive alerts for Mendix application environments in two ways: via email or by using webhooks. You can find detailed information for both of these options below.

2 Email Alerts

There are two ways to set up email alerts for an environment:

  • The Technical Contact can grant you the Receive Alerts permission in Node Permissions
  • You can select the Email Alerts checkbox yourself on the Alerts page

Both options for setting up email alerts are described below.

2.1 Node Permissions

If you are the Technical Contact for an app, you can grant team members the Receive Alerts permission by following these steps:

  1. From Apps, go to the Environments page of your app.

  2. Click Details ( ) for the environment for which you want to set up alerts. You can set alerts permissions separately for each environment.

  3. Switch to the Permissions tab.

  4. Select the checkbox below Receive Alerts for the user (or users) who should receive alerts. Your changes will save automatically.

2.2 Alerts Page

You can also manage the alerts by yourself. For this, you need an Application Operator, Business Engineer, or Scrum Master role. Or, if a Mendix Admin has defined a new team role for you, that role must have Cloud Access.

To enable email alerts, follow these steps:

  1. From Apps, open your app.

  2. Click Alerts in the navigation pane.

  3. Select the environment for which you want to set the alerts from the drop-down list at the top of the page. It is possible to set this option separately for each environment.

  4. Select the Email Alerts checkbox. Your changes will save automatically.

    The Email Alerts checkbox

3 Alerts Using Webhooks

As an alternative to alert emails, you can set a webhook to receive alerts.

Webhooks are set on the application level.

For details on webhooks, see the Webhooks page.

3.1 Setting Alerts Webhooks

To set a new webhook in the Mendix Portal, follow these steps:

  1. From Apps, open your app.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Webhooks.
  3. Click New Webhook.
  4. Name your webhook and provide the webhook receiver URL and Validation Secret as described in the Configuring a Webhook section of the Webhooks page.
  5. Choose Alerts from Available Events.
  6. Click Save.

After you set a new webhook, the receiver endpoint will start getting alerts when they are triggered.

4 Issue: Receiving Too Many Alerts

Under some circumstances, a critical alert in one instance of a multi-instance app can cause emails to be sent out constantly. The other instances of your app will continue to run without reporting issues, so it will appear to be working.

If you cannot resolve the issue in the instance reporting the critical error, you will need to restart your app to ensure that all instances are healthy. Otherwise, you will continue to receive regular email alerts.

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