Rich Text

Last modified: July 5, 2024

1 Introduction

The Rich Text widget provides the user with an WYSIWYG editor, where the user can enter and edit rich-text content. The widget automatically converts the rich-text content into a string in HTML format, which can be stored in an attribute of an entity.


1.1 Features

  • Allows the user to enter and format text in a WYSIWYG editor
  • Configures which buttons are available on the toolbar of the editor
  • Automatically outputs the formatted text in a string in HTML format
  • Sanitizes the user’s input automatically or with additional rules
  • Supports spelling and grammar checker in the editor
  • Supports code highlight, which enables the user to insert code fragments and have a live preview with highlighted syntax
  • Supports the following keyboard shortcuts in the editor:
    • Ctrl + B – bold
    • Ctrl + I– italicize
    • Ctrl + U – underline
    • Ctrl + Z – undo
    • Ctrl + Y – redo
    • Ctrl + C – copy
    • Ctrl + V – paste
    • Ctrl + K – insert link
    • tab – moves the focus to the next element

For more details, click the Help button on the toolbar.

2 Configuration

To configure this widget, follow these steps:

  1. Place the rich text widget in a data view, list view, or a template grid with a data source that has a string attribute to store the rich-text content.
  2. Double-click the rich text widget to open the Edit Rich Text dialog box.
  3. Configure the widget using the properties described in the sections below.

2.1 General Tab

  • Data source

    • Value attribute (required) – sets a String attribute to store the rich-text content
  • General

    • Show label
      • Yes – if selected, you can define the label caption
        • Label caption – defines the label caption of the widget that is displayed on the page
      • No (default) – if selected, there is no label for this widget on the page
    • Menu bar display menu bar on top of the editor
      • Hidden – if selected, no menu bar is shown
      • Basic – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
        • | file | edit | insert | view |
      • Full – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
        • | file | edit | insert | view | format | table | tools | help |
      • Custom – allows you to make your own menubar selection based on the full selection list
    • Enable status bar display status bar on the bottom of the editor
  • Toolbar

    • Toolbar display toolbar based on the selected location on the editor

      • Basic – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
        • | bold italic | bullist numlist | outdent indent | link | removeformat | help |
      • Standard – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
        • | undo redo | bold italic strikethrough | removeformat | bullist numlist | blockquote | outdent indent | ltr rtl | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | fontfamily fontsize forecolor backcolor | image link media | blocks anchor | cut copy paste pastetext | codesample preview code | selectall fullscreen | help |
      • Full – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
        • | undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough | superscript subscript | removeformat | bullist numlist | blockquote | outdent indent | ltr rtl | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | fontfamily fontsize forecolor backcolor | image link media | blocks anchor | cut copy paste pastetext | codesample preview code | emoticons insertdatetime searchreplace | selectall fullscreen | help |
      • Custom – allows you to make your own menubar selection based on the full selection list
    • Mode - defines transition mode used for displaying out of screen toolbar when the three dots […] button being clicked

      • Sliding – the toolbar appears as a fixed toolbar below the first toolbar when the overflow icon drawer is clicked:

      • Floating – the toolbar appears under the toolbar overflow icon in a floating shelf format when the overflow icon drawer is clicked:

      • Scrolling – the overflow toolbar buttons will remain on the toolbar. To access the overflow toolbar buttons, scroll the toolbar. This mode is usually better on touch screen devices:

      • Wrap – the overflow toolbar buttons will be shown on one or more toolbars below the primary toolbar:

    • Location

      • Auto – automatically determines the best position for the toolbar.

      • Top – positions the toolbar at the top of the editor.

      • Bottom – positions the toolbar at the bottom of the editor.

      • Inline – positions the toolbar floating at the current cursor location when editor is in focus. The toolbar will be hidden until the editable content is selected.

    • Enable quick toolbar - If selected, quick toolbar will appear when content is on focus.

    • Context menu - determines mouse right click behavior on the editor.
      • Native – uses a browser’s native default right-click behavior.
      • Rich Text – uses an editor’s predefined right-click context menu.
  • Editable – determines when user can edit content in the editor and when it is read-only.

  • Visible – determines if the widget is visible on the page

2.2 Custom Menubar

  • Custom – allows you to make your menubar with customized options
    • Menubar group
      • Basic (default) – if selected, you can select which of the following menubar to be displayed
        • File - items: | newdocument restoredraft | preview | export print | deleteallconversations |
        • Edit - items: | undo redo | cut copy paste pastetext | selectall | searchreplace |
        • Insert - items: | image link media addcomment pageembed codesample inserttable | charmap emoticons hr | pagebreak nonbreaking anchor tableofcontents | insertdatetime |
        • View - items: code | visualaid visualchars visualblocks | spellchecker | preview fullscreen | showcomments
        • Format - items: | bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript codeformat | blocks fontfamily fontsize align lineheight | forecolor backcolor | language | removeformat |
        • Table - items: | inserttable | cell row column | advtablesort | tableprops deletetable |
        • Tools - items: | spellchecker spellcheckerlanguage | a11ycheck code wordcount |
        • Help - displays quick help information
      • Advanced – if selected, you can configure menubar display and sequence
        • New – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can add a new button to a menu button
          • Button – specifies the button to be included in the menubar
        • Delete – deletes the selected button
        • Edit – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can make changes to the selected button

The full configuration of the menubar groups are as follows:

2.3 Custom Toolbar Tab

  • Custom – allows you to make your toolbar with customized options
    • Toolbar group
      • Basic (default) – if selected, you can select which of the following toolbar groups are available in the toolbar

        • Basic style - items: bold, underline, italic
        • Extended style - items: strikethrough, subscript, superscript
        • Text align - items: aligncenter, alignjustify, alignleft, alignright, alignnone
        • Clipboard - items: cut, copy, paste, pastetext
        • Font style - items: fontfamily, fontsize, forecolor, backcolor
        • Paragraph - items: lineheight, hr indent, outdent, blockquote, blocks
        • Document - items: newdocument, print
        • History - items: undo, redo
        • Accordion - items: accordion
        • Code - items: code, codesample
        • Anchor - items: anchor
        • Direction - items: ltr, rtl
        • Link - items: link, unlink, openlink
        • List - items: bullist, numlist
        • Preview - items: preview, fullscreen
        • Table - items: table, tabledelete, tableinsertdialog
        • Visual aid - items: visualaid, visualblocks, visualchars
        • Media - items: media, image
        • Util - items: selectall, insertdatetime, searchreplace, pagebreak, wordcount
        • Emoticon - items: emoticons
        • Remove - items: remove, removeformat
      • Advanced – if selected, you can configure buttons for different toolbar groups

        • New – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can add a new button to a toolbar group
          • Button – specifies the button to be included in the toolbar
        • Delete – deletes the selected button
        • Edit – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can make changes to the selected button

2.4 Dimensions Tab

  • Width unit – the width of the widget
    • Percentage – specifies the width in relation to the rest of the elements on the page
    • Pixels – specifies the width in pixels
  • Width – used as an appropriate CSS value
  • Height unit – the height of the widget
    • Percentage of width – specifies the height in relation to the width
    • Pixels – specifies the height in pixels
    • Percentage of parent – specifies the width in relation to the rest of the elements on the page
  • Height – used as an appropriate CSS value
  • Minimum Height – used as an appropriate minimum editor’s height.
  • Editor resize - allows the resize handle to be disabled or to set the resize handler to resize both horizontally and vertically

2.5 Events Tab

  • On focus – specifies an action to execute when the user focus on the editor
  • On blur – specifies an action to execute when the user move focus out of the editor

2.6 Advanced Tab

  • Additional valid elements – defines extra valid element for sanitization purposes, as shown in this example:

  • Enable spell checking – configures to use the browser’s native spell checker.

  • Highlight on focus - adds a blue outline to the editor when that editor is made the input focus

  • Additional stylesheet - allows the user to add an additional stylesheet that will be included inside the editor’s iframe to apply custom styling.

    • User can include an additional stylesheet file in the theme folder and add the filename inside the Additional stylesheet input.
    • It is also possible to use built-in stylesheets called 'Default' and 'Dark', or alternate between them using the expression editor.

2.7 Common Tab

For more information, see Common Section in Properties Common in the Page Editor.