Find/Assert Widget

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Description

Finds/Asserts a Mendix widget by its given name or value. It is possible to use a sequence of names as a path.

2 Supported Widgets

  • All widgets

3 Usage

  • Provide the name of the widget.
  • Optionally search the widget by value and filter only visible widgets.
  • You can also provide a WebElement as search context, to narrow down the search for the widget, if there are two or more widgets with the same name.

4 Input Parameters

Name Datatype Required Description
Widget Name String yes The name of the widget
Value String no The value of the widget
Visible Only Boolean no Limit the possible return value to only visible widgets
Search Context WebElement no Limit the search to the given WebElement

5 Return Value

Name Datatype Description
Widget WebElement The Widget as a Web Element.