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Edit Menu

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Via the Edit menu you can perform various actions, such cut/copy/paste or search where a particular document is used. You can also open the Preferences dialog that contains user-specific settings.

Edit Menu

2 Menu Item Overview

The Edit menu items are described in the table below:

Menu Item (Shortcut Key) Description
Undo (Ctrl + Z) Undoes the last action in a document tab. Undo and redo actions are unlimited.
Redo (Ctrl + Y) Redoes the last action that was undone in a document tab.
Cut (Ctrl + X) Copies the selected element to the clipboard and delete it.
Copy (Ctrl + C) Copies the selected element to the clipboard.
Paste (Ctrl + V) Pastes the contents of the clipboard in the current editor.
Delete (Delete) Deletes the selected element.
Find (Ctrl + F) Searches the model for text. The following texts are searched: all texts that appear in the end-user interface (for example captions of labels or buttons); names and documentation of documents; entity, association, and attribute names and documentation; access rule documentation; page widget names; captions and documentation of microflow objects; and names of items in microflows.
Find Advanced (Ctrl + Shift + F) Opens a dialog box that allows for advanced search operations. Examples are searching for any document type and searching for unused documents.
Find Usages (Ctrl + Alt + F) Opens the Find Results pane and displays usages of the selected object.
Next Find Result (F3) Highlights the next find result in the Find Results pane and open it in an editor.
Previous Find Result (Shift + F3) Highlights the previous find result in the Find Results pane and open it in an editor.
Go to (Ctrl + G) Quickly navigates to any document or domain model element in the project by typing a few letters and pressing Enter.
Next Error (F8) Highlights the next error in the Error List pane and open it in an editor.
Previous Error (Shift + F8) Highlights the previous error result in the Error List pane and open it in an editor.
Preferences Opens the Preferences dialog box, where you can set your general, model, and advanced editing preferences. For more information on the Preferences dialog box, see Preferences.

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