Push Notifications Connector

Last modified: June 25, 2024

1 Introduction

The Push Notifications Connector module enables notifying end-users of events even when they are not actively using your app. This is a native capability provided by both Android and iOS devices and made available via the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and Apple Push Notifications service (APNs).

This module makes it easy for Mendix developers who want to include push notifications capability in their Mendix native and hybrid mobile apps.

For more information on adding push notifications to your apps, see the Push Notifications guide.

2 Development

When using the module in your app, all dependencies are bundled when downloaded from the Marketplace. For developers who want to update and publish a newer version, there are some helpful scripts described below.

These are the development prerequisites:

Install the dependency .jar files:

$ gradle prepareDeps

Note that all app test/userlib content is cleared, including the .jar files of the other modules. You need to re-download the following required modules from the Marketplace:

Check that the versions are up to date for the .jar dependencies:

$ gradle dependencyUpdate

Check the security for the .jar dependencies:

$ gradle dependencyCheckAnalyze

Before release, update the build.gradle, the target version of the module, and the Push Notification Connector version:

PNC_VERSION = '4.0.6'

Export the module for the Marketplace, including the dependent userlib content (the module will be exported to dist/{version}/module/PushNotifications.mpk):

$ gradle extractModule