
Last modified: July 3, 2024

1 Introduction

The Deployment category in the Apps navigation pane provides access to built-in deployment and monitoring tools for your app. The pages in this category are listed below.

2 Environments

For supported platforms, the Environments page allows you to review and configure different aspects of your app. It also allows you to deploy to your chosen platform, configure individual environments, and transport your app between staging environments.

For details on the Environments pages for Mendix Cloud, Mendix for Private Cloud, and SAP deployments, see the following pages:

Other platforms are not currently supported on the Environments page; instead, you must go to the relevant platform portal to monitor and configure your environments.

3 Pipelines

The Pipelines page is for licensed apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. For more information, see Pipelines.

4 Software Composition

The Software Composition page is for Free Apps and licensed apps running in Mendix Cloud or Mendix for Private Cloud. For more information, see Software Composition.

5 Metrics

The Metrics page is for licensed apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. Metrics are not available for Free Apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. For more information, see Metrics.

If your app is deployed to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), the Metrics page displays links to the SAP BTP cockpit.

6 Logs

The Logs page is for licensed apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. Logs are not available for Free Apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. For more information, see Logs.

To configure logs if your app is running on a different cloud, go to the cloud management portal for the cloud to which your app is deployed. For more information, see Monitoring Environments in Mendix for Private Cloud or Monitoring Environments in Mendix Apps on SAP BTP.

7 Backups

The Backups page is for apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. For more information, see Backups.

If your app is deployed to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) instead, the Backups page links to the SAP BTP cockpit.

8 Alerts

The Alerts page is for licensed apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. Alerts are not available for Free Apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. For more information, see Alerts.

If your app is deployed to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) instead, the Alerts page links to the SAP BTP cockpit.

9 Mobile App

On the Mobile App page, you can manage and publish your app in mobile app stores. For more details, see Mobile App.

10 Webhooks

The Webhooks page is for licensed apps that are deployed to Mendix Cloud or Mendix for Private Cloud. For more information, see Webhooks.