
Last modified: May 29, 2024

These release notes cover changes made to the Private Mendix Platform in version 1.8.


Release date: March 31, 2024

Version 1.8.0 of Private Mendix Platform introduces a number of improvements and fixes that address various topics around the app project management, development (Studio Pro) and Marketplace domains.

New Features

Save and Get Notified Option for Marketplace content

Then new Save and get notified option for Marketplace content allows users to be notified when a new version of a content item is ready.

Contributor and Operator Project Roles

New roles are available for your projects.

Contributor Role

A Contributor role has the following rights and limitations:

  • Should be invited to the Git repo
  • Can access the Git server page
  • Can open the app and commit code in Studio Pro
  • Can build packages
  • Cannot invite members to the project
  • Cannot create environments or deploy to environments
  • The Publish button in Studio Pro should be disabled for this role
Operator Role

An Operator role has the following rights and limitations:

  • Will not be invited to the Git repo
  • Cannot access the Git server page
  • Cannot open the app in Studio Pro (the app is not displayed in their project list in Studio Pro)
  • Cannot build packages
  • Cannot invite members
  • Can only create and deploy environments


Developer Experience Improvements
Tooltips for Declined Content

When declining uploaded content the admin now has to specify a reason. The reason is visible to the user who uploaded the content.

Service Credentials Show the Configured Git Host

The Service Credentials drop-down list now highlights the configured Git host.

Engineering Improvements
Improved Experience for Invited Users

We have improved the user experience for users logging in after being invited to a new project.

Improved Compatibility with the Mendix Project Repository Structure

You can now set the default branch to main for the Bitbucket repository. This ensures better compatibility with the repository structure used by Mendix projects.

Other Improvements
Studio Pro Updates
  • Studio Pro 9.24 LTS latest patch version updated to 9.24.16
  • Studio Pro 10.6 MTS latest patch version updated to 10.6.3


We have provided the following fixes:

  • (General) We have standardized the app name format between Studio Pro and Private Mendix Platform.
  • (Portal) We have fixed an issue where no error message was displayed in the UI and logs if the GitLab user ID specified during app creation was incorrect.
  • (Portal) We have fixed some error pop-ups.
  • (Portal) We have fixed an error pop-up displayed when the user entered an incorrect PAT ID for GitLab.
  • (General) We have fixed the error ERROR - Connector: 404 - file not found for the mxdevtools file.
  • (Portal) We have fixed the Feedback no response error.
  • (Marketplace) We have fixed an issue where the Marketplace content disappeared from the Company Content and Content Management pages after being approved.
  • (Studio Pro) We have fixed an issue where the Studio Pro login with OIDC failed when the profile image was too large.
  • (Studio Pro) We have fixed an issue where it was not possible to create apps after logging in to Studio Pro with a GitLab OIDC login.