If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.

Deploy Your First Mendix Native Mobile App with the Native Builder CLI

Last modified: July 18, 2024

1 Introduction

This how-to teaches you how to go from a blank slate to an app running on a device.

Every Native Builder project has configurations. These configurations are useful for preparing your app, and then creating builds on App Center and GitHub respectively. Configurations are also critical for making updates to apps already delivered to production devices. For more information on the Native Builder’s capabilities, see the Native Builder Reference Guide. The native build process will use your local application, create a repository on GitHub, have App Center use the GitHub repo, build an .apk, then download that .apk to your local storage.

2 Prerequisites

Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:

  • Read How to Get Started with Native Mobile to see how to create, style and debug an application with Mendix Studio Pro
  • Deploy your native mobile app to the cloud via Studio Pro and have the cloud address of your deployed application available
  • Learn how to use Windows’ command line interface (CLI) program cmd
  • Install Java JDK 11 (if you have Studio Pro installed, you should already have JDK 11 in C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK)
  • Download the Native Builder executable to a folder of your preference and extract all contents
  • Use v1.0.0 with Mendix 8.0
  • Use v2.0.0 with Mendix 8.1.0 and above
  • Use v3.0.0 with Mendix 8.3.0 and above
  • A GitHub account.
  • An App Center account. Mendix recommends a paid account if you will be building and deploying regularly.

2.1 Platform-Specific Prerequisites

If you plan to deploy your app for testing on an iOS device, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:

  • Register for an Apple Developer Account
  • Have an iOS device for testing the iOS package that will be produced
  • Have an iOS deployment certificate and a provisioning file for which your device is activated
  • Have Xcode installed on your computer for deploying the iOS package to your test device

If you plan to deploy your app for testing on an Android device, make sure you have an Android device available.

3 Getting Your Tokens

To use the Native Builder, you will first need to get tokens to authenticate with GitHub and App Center. If you already have tokens for your GitHub and App Center, you do not need to repeat these sections.

3.1 GitHub Token

  1. Go to GitHub and sign in.
  2. Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Click Developer settings at the bottom of the left menu.
  4. Navigate to Personal access tokens and then click Generate new token to create a new personal access token.
  5. In the Note field, write Native Builder.
  6. Under Select scopes, select repo and workflows.
  7. Click Generate token.
  8. Store your token in a secure place. You will not be able to see it again. If you lose it, you will have to create a new token and delete your old one.

3.2 App Center Token

  1. Go to App Center and sign in.
  2. Click your profile icon in the top right corner, then click Settings, and then Account Settings.
  3. In the API Tokens tab, click New API token.
  4. Add a description of your token, select Full Access, then click Add new API token, and then New API Token.
  5. Store this token in a secure place as well. You will not be able to see it again. If you lose it, you will have to create a new token and delete your old one.

4 Preparing Your Project

The Native Builder uses the prepare command as well as a line of parameters in your CLI to specify the details of your build. Below is an example of a prepare command with a complete set of parameters:

native-builder.exe prepare --project-name CoolApp --java-home "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3" --project-path "Y:\Documents\Mendix\CoolApp\CoolApp.mpr" --mxbuild-path "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\mxbuild.exe" --github-access-token b609183aa226a8c2d962700be7a387bd7776e986 --appcenter-api-token 440725eb1311ddfced62894a4d23fc90843370c7 --appcenter-organization "cool-organization" --runtime-url "https://coolapp.mendixcloud.com" --app-name "My Cool App" --app-identifier "com.mendix.coolapp" --mendix-version "8.6.0"

The prepare command does the following:

  • Generates a private GitHub repository which will house the project’s source code and configurations
  • Generates two different projects on App Center for Android and iOS respectively
  • Modifies the default app icons and splash screen if any are provided
  • Modifies the application’s name and identifier for both Android and iOS if any are provided
  • Modifies the Runtime URL for both Android and iOS if any are provided

Now you will run your first prepare command:

  1. Open your CLI.

  2. Change directory to the folder you extracted the Native Builder contents to.

  3. Run prepare for the first time, which will produce this warning:

    App Center authentication failure

    This warning is part of App Center’s security policy.

  4. Visit App Center’s dashboard to see your applications created by the Native Builder:

    App Center Applications

To address the warning, complete the following steps (you must do them for both your iOS and Android apps if you have one of each):

  1. Navigate to App Center.
  2. Select your newly created app.
  3. Select Build on the left panel.
  4. You will be greeted with a screen that allows you to link your account with a repository service.
  5. Choose GitHub.
  6. If you are not logged in already you will be asked to sign into your GitHub account. If asked, do so.
  7. Select approve in the permission request.
  8. Select the repository you want to connect to.
  9. You will be redirected back to your App Center account. Your repository’s branches are now listed in the build page.

You have successfully prepared your app, and in the next section will make a build from it.

5 Making Your First Build

To initiate your first build in the Native Builder, you will execute a command in CLI with various parameters included. For more information on parameters, see the Commands section in the Native Builder guide. While some parameters are optional, two are required: the --project-name parameter and the --build-number parameter.

This is an example build command using the two required parameters mentioned above, as well as the optional --app-version command (it is best practice to include a new app version with each release):

native-builder.exe build --project-name CoolApp --build-number 1 --app-version 0.1.0

Now it is time for you to make your own first build:

  1. Open your CLI.

  2. Make sure you are in still in your Native Builder directory.

  3. Write this command, with your own information replacing the example text:

    native-builder.exe build --project-name {ExampleName} --build-number {1} --app-version {0.1.0}
  4. Run the command.

This command does the following:

  • Generates a JavaScript deployment bundle and images of the native mobile app from Studio Pro
  • Creates a new build branch on GitHub and starts a build process on App Center

If your build command fails citing version conflicts on Java classes, try the following:

  1. Clear your deployment directory.
  2. Complete a new build in Studio Pro.
  3. Run the build command again in the Native Builder.
  4. Ensure the version in your --java-home file path matches the version being used in Studio Pro.

5.1 Signing a Build

By default, App Center builds are unsigned and cannot be released on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. To release your apps, you must provide your signature keys to App Center. Signature keys prove the authenticity of your app and prevent forgeries. For more information to how to acquire these keys, see the Managing App Signing Keys Reference Guide.

For Android, if you do not intend to publish your app to the Google Play Store, you can skip this section. For iOS, this step prepares an already installable iOS App Store Package (.ipa). Without this section’s instructions, an unsigned version of an iOS app (.xcarchive) would need to be signed manually using Xcode in order to deploy on a device or in the Apple App Store.

To sign your app using App Center, do the following:

  1. Navigate to App Center.
  2. Select the application you wish to configure.
  3. Select Build on the left panel.
  4. Select the branch you would like to configure from the list.

The next steps differ depending on the type of app you want to configure.

5.1.1 Signing a Build for iOS

  1. Click the Wrench icon in the upper-right corner to open the Build configuration panel:

    Build Wrench
  2. Switch the Sign builds toggle on:

    iOS sign upload
  3. Upload your mobile provisioning profile. A Distribution profile is best, as App Center has a 30 minute limit for free accounts signing with a Developer profile.

  4. Upload your .p12 certificate.

  5. Provide the password you used when exporting the .p12 certificate.

  6. Click Save, or Save and build if you wish to build immediately.

5.1.2 Signing a Build for Android

  1. Select the Wrench icon in the upper-right corner to open the Build configuration panel:

    Build Wrench
  2. In the Build Variant drop-down menu, select release:

    Android release variant
  3. Select Sign builds:

    Android sign upload
  4. Upload your keystore file.

  5. Provide the password to your keystore.

  6. Provide the name of your key’s alias.

  7. Provide the password of the key’s alias.

  8. Click Save, or Save and build if you wish to build immediately.

Finally, either start a build for this branch manually or run the build command again with the same build number as before:

native-builder.exe build --project-name CoolApp --build-number 1 --app-version 0.1.0

This allows the Native Builder to build again using the same keys already configured on App Center.

5.2 Native Builder and App Center Build Phase

After your start your Native Builder build, you will see some or all of the following:

  • The Native Builder starting a build:

    Native Builder starting a build
  • App Center starting a build:

    App Center starting a build
  • A successful App Center build:

    Successful App Center build
  • A successful, downloaded Android build:

    Successful and Downloaded Android build
  • A successful, downloaded iOS build:

    Successful and Downloaded iOS build

If your build times out, you can either sign your app locally as described in Android Local Signing and iOS Local Signing below, or upgrade to a paid App Center account. This build issue is more likely to affect iOS builds because of how long signing takes with an iOS developer profile.

In case of failure, the build logs will be downloaded for your convenience. Please provide them when filing a Support ticket with Mendix.

Afer your build succeeds, note the downloaded .zip archives at the path provided by Native Builder.

6 Distributing

If your builds are not signed, the downloaded archives CoolApp-Android-1.zip and CoolApp-iOS-1.zip will contain non-release builds, app-debug.apk and nativeTemplate.xcarchive.

If your builds are signed, they will contain app-release.apk and nativeTemplate.ipa files for Android and iOS platforms respectively.

For distributing to a specific platform, see the subsequent sections below:

6.1 Distributing for Android

6.1.1 Local Signing

You can skip this section if you completed Signing a Build. To sign your Android app locally, use apksigner by following Google’s apksigner documentation.

6.1.2 Installing on a Device

The app-debug.apk or app-release.apk can readily be installed on any device by sending the file over via any available means (for example USB).

To install your app via USB, connect your device to a machine via USB. To Install an APK from your device’s file manager app this way:

  1. Follow the instructions on Google’s Transfer files between your computer & Android device to get the APK onto your device. Note which folder you transfer the APK into.

  2. Open your phone’s file manager, navigate to the folder containing your APK, then tap the APK file to open it.

  3. Tap the Install button.

  4. Tap the Done button when prompted. You should now be able to access your installed app via your App Drawer, as well as by tapping the Open button after the installation completes.

    android app launch

You can also consult Google’s Run apps on a hardware device for detailed instructions on testing your app using a physical Android device instead of an emulator.

6.1.3 Uploading to the Google Play Store

This section details publishing a signed Android app to the Google Play store. This section can only be started if you done the following:

Before submitting your app to an app store, you will have to complete Google’s signup steps. Also, review the launch checklist before publishing your app. Beyond the launch checklist information, check Google’s Preparing your app for release for information on edge cases to resolve before publishing.

Once you have satisfied those requirements, you can follow Google’s Upload your app to the Play Console. Then, follow Google’s Prepare and roll out a release to create, prepare, review, and roll out your app release.

6.2 Distributing for iOS

6.2.1 Local Signing

You can skip this section if you completed Signing a Build. Local signing is useful if you only want to test your app on a device, or you do not have a distribution certificate and have run out of build minutes on App Center when signing with a developer certificate.

In order to deploy the nativeTemplate.xcarchive on a device or on the Apple App Store, an Apple developer account and a development team is required. If one is available, do the following:

  1. Using an Xcode version below 11, double-click the nativeTemplate.xcarchive file and it should open with the built-in Application Loader software.

  2. Click the Distribute App button to start the local signing flow.:

    Xcode Application loader
  3. Select Development:

    Xcode Application loader
  4. Choose a Development Team:

    Xcode Application loader
  5. Configure your Development distribution options:

    Xcode Application loader
  6. Select a re-signing option:

    Xcode Application loader
  7. Review your .ipa content and click Export:

    Xcode Application loader
  8. Congratulations. You now have a signed .ipa file:

    Xcode Application loader

6.2.2 Installing on a Device

You can now deploy your app to your device. An easy way to do this is with Apple’s iTunes program.

To install the ipa on your device, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Apple device to your computer. Both will show dialog boxes which ask you to confirm that you trust the devices. Tap Continue on your device, and Trust This Computer? on your mobile device to proceed:

    trust dialog
  2. Open iTunes and connect your iOS device to your computer.

  3. Select the .ipa package file that you downloaded earlier, and drag it into your device’s Devices section on iTunes’ left menu. Drop the .ipa file there to install it on your device.

  4. If there is an existing version, iTunes will ask if you want to replace that existing version of the app. If there is one, do so.

  5. Your app will show up in the list of apps. Click the Install button next to your app.

  6. Click Apply at the bottom of the screen to execute the actual installation.

6.2.3 Distributing for iOS Tablets

When you try to build an app for tablets, your app will run as a phone app in a scaled mode optimized for tablet form factors. Please note, however, that Apple has far stricter rules for releasing tablet apps. For example, they require the app to behave well in any possible rotation or resolution. This means that when making a Mendix app for iOS tablets you should take extra care to style your app correctly so it is not rejected.

There are two ways to enable tablet mode:

  • If you are working with a Mac and are familiar with Git you can use Xcode
  • You can directly do the changes in the appropriate files using GitHub’s page Use Xcode on a Mac

By default, building for tablets is disabled in Xcode. Do the following to enable tablet settings:

  1. Select the following options in your Xcode workspace:

    1. iPad: this enables tablet mode. By default, if tablet mode in enabled you also have to support any possible orientation.
    2. Portrait.
    3. Landscape Left.
    4. Landscape Right.
    5. Requires full screen: Mendix requires this because full-screen orientations are easier on Mendix developers than smaller side-by-side forms.
    select tablet options
  2. Commit these changes to your project’s primary branch so consecutive builds have the tablet settings enabled. Directly Change the Files on GitHub

First, navigate to your project’s repository. This should be www.github.com/<your github username>/<the given project name>. Then do the following to enable tablet mode:

  1. Using the Find file functionality, find and open project.pbxproj:

    find file toolbar
  2. Click Edit this file ( ):

    find file toolbar
  3. Change both instances of TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY = “1”; to TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY = “1,2";.

  4. Commit these changes.

  5. Using the Find file functionality again, find and open info.plist.

  6. Click Edit this file again, then change the code like so:

    1. Before the final </dict> line, add this key:

    2. Change this code:


      to the following:

  7. Commit these changes.

6.2.4 Uploading to the Apple App Store

To upload your app to the iOS App Store, follow these instructions (to continue, you must have completed the Signing a Build section above and received a build signed for the Apple Store):

  1. Follow Apple’s Add an app to your account tutorial to add an app entry to your account.

  2. After adding a new app to your account, follow Apple’s View and edit app information tutorial to describe your new app entry. Consult the other pages under the left menu’s Enter app information category should they apply to your app:

    enter app information
  3. Follow Apple’s Uploading builds overview to upload a build of your app to App Store Connect.

  4. Use Apple’s Upload tools guide to upload your ipa.

  5. Use Apple’s Choose the build before you submit to review to select the build which you will submit to App Review.

  6. Publish your app by following Apple’s Overview of publishing an app and the subsequent documents in the left menu’s Publish on the App Store category:

    publish on the app store

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