Clear from Device

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

The Clear from device activity can be used to clear all objects of a persistable entity only from the local database of a device but these objects are not going to be deleted from the server after synchronization.

2 Properties

There are two sets of properties for this activity, those in the dialog box on the left, and those in the properties pane on the right:

The Clear from device properties pane consists of the following sections:

3 Action Section

The Action section of the properties pane shows the action associated with this activity.

You can open a dialog box to configure this action by clicking the ellipsis () next to the action.

You can also open the dialog box by double-clicking the activity, or right-clicking the activity and selecting Properties.

3.1 Entity

The entity that you want to clear all its objects from the local database of the device.

4 Common Section

For more information on properties in this section, see Common Properties.

5 Limitations

  • Deleting non-persistable objects is not supported.
  • If the entity passed to the activity has any associations with other entities in the domain model, the associated objects will keep the references of the deleted objects.
  • When you create/update an object in the client and do not synchronize it, the Runtime database is not aware of that change until you synchronize it.
    • Clearing the entity of such an object removes it from the device and does not synchronize it to the Runtime, so the Runtime database will not be aware of the “cleared” not synchronized state of the object.