Scroll Container

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

A scroll container is used to divide the layout in regions (for details on regions, see the Scroll Container Region section) such as the header, sidebar, or footer. A scroll container must be the only top-level widget. Apart from that, a scroll container can only be placed directly in another scroll container.

Scroll containers may be placed on navigation layouts as well as on pages.

The scroll container example below divides the layout in three parts: a header containing an image, a part in the middle with a long piece of text, and a footer. You can scroll the long text inside the container, without scrolling the page.

Scroll Container

A scroll container can consist of several scroll container regions. For more information on scroll container regions and their properties, see the Scroll Container Region section.

2 Properties Pane

The properties pane is divided into two major sections by a toggle at the top of the pane: Properties and Styling. Scroll container properties consist of the following sections:




3 Properties

3.1 General Section

3.1.1 Layout Mode

This property determines in which mode the scroll container operates.

Value Description
Headline (default) The top and bottom regions extend the entire width of the container and the remaining regions are placed in the middle.
Sidebar The side panels extend the full height of the container.

3.1.2 Scroll Behavior

This property determines what happens when the content of a region does not fit in the region.

Value Description
Per region (default) Every region will show its own scroll bar in case its content does not fit.
Full widget The scroll container will grow to fit its contents and will leave scrolling to its parent.

3.1.3 Width

By default the scroll container will extend the full width of its parent widget. It can also be given a specific width, which can be defined either in pixels or percentage of its parent widget.

Default: Full width

3.1.4 Width Value

This property is displayed only when the Width property is set to Pixels or Percentage. This property determines the width of the scroll container, either in pixels or a percentage.

3.1.5 Alignment

This property is displayed only when the Width property is set to Pixels or Percentage. The scroll container can be aligned to the left, to the right, or in the middle of its parent widget.

Default: Center

3.2 Common Section

For more information on properties in this section, see the Common Section section in Properties Common in the Page Editor.

3.3 Regions Section

Regions define the content area of a scroll container. For more information see the Scroll Container Region section.

3.3.1 Enable Top

Determines whether the scroll container should contain a top region.

3.3.2 Enable Bottom

Determines whether the scroll container should contain a bottom region.

3.3.3 Enable Left

Determines whether the scroll container should contain a left region.

3.3.4 Enable Right

Determines whether the scroll container should contain a right region.

4 Styling

4.1 Design Properties Section

The Design Properties allow you to change spacing and alignment of the widget and hide it on phone, tablet, or desktop, if needed. Design properties may vary depending on the type of the widget. For example, for the text widget you can change its font weight, color, alignment, and letter case.

4.2 Common Section

For more information on properties in this section, see the Common Section section in Properties Common in the Page Editor.

5 Miscellaneous

5.1 Scroll Container Region Section

A scroll container region is part of a scroll container, and defines a content area. A scroll container can contain the following regions:

  • Center
  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Bottom

You can add and remove all the regions listed above except the center one.

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