Select Elements

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

For both import and export mappings you need to specify the elements structure you want to map. You do this in the Select schema elements window. An example of this screen is shown below.

Perform the following steps in the Select schema elements window:

  1. Depending on whether you want to make a mapping for an XML schema, a Consumed web service or a JSON structure documents you need to select an XML schema, Web service operation or JSON structure as the source.
  2. If source is XML schema then select the root element of the mapping. This is done by selecting the Start at element for the XML schema or the request part for the web service operation. Start at lists the root elements in an XML schema. You can select one root element to base your mapping on. If source is Web service operation, Request part lists the header and body element of the request part of an operation. If an operation has multiple parameters, these are listed in the Request part as well. Request part is only applicable to export mappings.
  3. Finally, select specific elements in the tree explorer below. Typically you do not need to map an entire source, since they can be quite large.

2 Rules and Restrictions

Keep in mind the following rules and restrictions for element selection:

  • Unsupported elements cannot be checked.
  • A value cannot be checked without a parent element.
  • The top level element cannot be unchecked (export mapping only).
  • An attribute cannot be checked without checking its parent element (export mapping only).
  • An element with minimum occurrence 1 cannot be unchecked (export mapping only).
  • If a choice or inheritance element is checked, at least one of its children needs to be checked.

For ease of use, some elements will automatically be checked or unchecked:

  • If you check elements with mandatory children the required children will be automatically checked.
  • Similarly, when unchecking an element in the export mapping the children of the element will be unchecked.

When working on an import mapping you are allowed to skip elements in the hierarchy but still select the children. You can do this when you’re not interested in the information stored in the intermediary elements.

3 Convenience Functions

Function Description
Filter Expand and filter the tree nodes based on whether the name contains the filter text. Because the filtering behavior relies on the ‘Expand All’ behavior, in very big schemas all elements matching the filter are not guaranteed to be found.
Expand all Expands the entire tree, unless a node is a duplicate of one of its ancestors, or the number of expanded nodes is too large. The maximum of nodes per expand operation is currently 1,000.
Collapse all Collapses the entire tree, so that only the root node remains visible
Check all Checks the box next to every expanded node and visible leaf node. Collapsed nodes and their children are not affected.
Uncheck all Unchecks the box next to every expanded node and visible leaf node. Collapsed nodes and their children are not affected.