Run Menu

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

The Run menu allows you to deploy and monitor your app:

Run Menu

2 Menu Items Overview

The Run menu items are described in the table below:

Menu Item Description Shortcut Key
Run Locally Runs the app locally so you can view the app. F5
Stop Stops the currently running app. Shift + F5
Configuration Sets the configuration level (Default).
Default Log Level Allows setting the default log level before running the app locally. The options are Trace, Debug, Info (default), Warning, Error, Critical.
Publish Deploys the app to cloud. The Console pane is activated and this shows the output of the server that runs the app.
Run on Cloud Foundry (⚠ deprecated) Opens the Edit Cloud Foundry Settings dialog box so you can run your app on Cloud Foundry.
Edit Cloud Foundry Settings (⚠ deprecated) Opens the Edit Cloud Foundry Settings dialog box so you can edit your Cloud Foundry settings. For more information on this dialog box, see Edit Cloud Foundry Settings.
Debug Allows you to connect the Debugger.
Responsive Web Shows the web client for the currently running app in the browser. F9
Tablet Web Shows the tablet mobile client for the currently running app in the browser. Ctrl + Shift + F9
Phone Web Shows the mobile client for the currently running app in the browser. Ctrl + F9
View on your device Provides a link to allow you to view the app.

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