
Last modified: July 5, 2024

1 Introduction

The Calendar widget can be used to display and manage calendar events.

1.1 Features

  • Add and edit calendar events
  • Drag and drop calendar events
  • Change calendar event colors
  • Retrieve events based on selected date ranges

2 Basic Configuration

Drag the widget into a data view which provides a calendar entity (containing calendar config attributes) as context. Next, use the configuration properties described in the following sections.

2.1 Data Source Tab

  • Data source – determines retrieval of the calendar events via context, database, microflow, or nanoflow
    • Default: Context
  • Event entity – the entity that represents the event to be displayed by the calendar
  • XPath – filters the events retrieved from the database by the configured XPath
    • Configurable when the Data source is set to Database
  • Microflow – The microflow executed to retrieve the calendar events
    • Configurable when the Data source is set to Microflow
  • Nanoflow – the nanoflow executed to retrieve the calendar events
    • Configurable when the Data source is set to Nanoflow
  • Title attribute – the String attribute containing the calendar event’s title
    • Configurable when the Event entity is configured
  • All day attribute – the Boolean attribute indicating if a calendar event takes a full day
    • Configurable when the Event entity is configured
  • Start attribute – the DateTime attribute indicating the start of a calendar event
    • Configurable when the Event entity is configured
  • End attribute – the DateTime attribute indicating the end of a calendar event
    • Configurable when the Event entity is configured
  • Color attribute – the String attribute affecting the background of a calendar event
    • Configurable when the Event entity is configured
    • All HTML supported color formats are supported (for example “red”, “#FF0000”, “rgb(250,10,20)” or “rgba(10,10,10, 0.5)”)
  • Refresh data source on view – enables the retrieval of a subset of a larger data set by doing the following:
    • Updating the View start attribute and View end attribute values when the viewable calendar dates change.
    • Repopulating the calendar with events by executing the Microflow which should use the View start attribute and View end attribute values as data retrieval constraints (for example End > $CalenderView/StartAttribute and Start < $CalenderView/EndAttribute]).
    • Default: No
    • Configurable when the Data source is set to Microflow
  • View start attribute – the DateTime attribute that indicates the lower date and time boundary of events displayed on the calendar
  • View end attribute – the DateTime attribute that indicates the upper date and time boundary of events displayed on the calendar

2.2 View Tab

  • View – determines the calendar’s views:
    • Standard – day, week, and month view only
    • Custom – custom views configured in Custom top bar views
    • Default: Standard
  • Initial selected view – determines the view when the calendar becomes visible for the first time
    • Default: Month
    • Options are Day, Week, Month, Work week (available as a custom view), Agenda (available as a custom view)
  • Start date attribute – the DateTime attribute indicating the start date of the current calendar view. Depending on the view, the actual view’s start date may differ. For example, if a Wednesday is configured as the start date in a week view then the Monday just before that date is the actual start date.
  • Custom top bar views – the custom calendar views, which are configurable when View is set to Custom, offer the following options:
    • Appearance tab
      • Item – the type of element and, thus supported calendar views, to be added to the top bar of the calendar. The default is Month button. The following types are supported:
        • Previous button
        • Today button
        • Next button
        • Title date text
        • Month button
        • Week button
        • Work week button
        • Day button
        • Agenda button
      • Position – determines the alignment of the buttons and text in the calendar’s top bar
        • Default: Left
        • Options are Left, Center, Right
      • Caption – the text for the button or title depending in the selected Item type
      • Render mode – determines whether the button is rendered as an actual button or a link
        • Default: Button
      • Button tooltip – optional text shown in a tooltip when hovering the button
      • Button style – sets the button’s brand style
        • Default: Default
    • Custom formats tab
      • Header day format – the day formatting in the view’s header columns
        • Configurable when Item is set to Day button, Week button, Work week button, Month button, or Agenda button
        • Use Mendix date formats (for example ‘EEEE dd/MM’).
      • Cell date format – the day formatting of a certain day cell in a month view
        • Configurable when Item is set to Month button
        • Use Mendix date formats (for example ‘dd’)
      • Time gutter format – the time formatting in the first column of the view
        • Configurable when Item is set to Day button, Week button, Work week button, or Agenda button
        • Use Mendix date formats (for example ‘HH:mm’)
      • Date gutter format – the date formatting in the first column of the view. Use Mendix date formats (for example ‘EEE MMM d’)
        • Configurable when Item is set to Agenda button
    • Text tab
      • Default all day text – the text indicating an event will take a full day in the agenda view
        • Configurable when Item is set to Agenda button
      • Header date – the text for the date column header in the agenda view
        • Configurable when Item is set to Agenda button
      • Header time – the text for the time column header in the agenda view
        • Configurable when Item is set to Agenda button
      • Header event – the text for the event column header in the agenda view
        • Configurable when Item is set to Agenda button
  • Editable (default: Default) – determines whether the calendar is editable
    • In the default mode, the surrounding data view’s editability is decisive
  • Enable create – determines whether the calendar allows creation of new events by clicking on and dragging over date and time slots
    • Default: Yes

2.3 Events Tab

  • On click – determines the type of the executed action triggered when clicking a calendar event or day slot
    • default: Do nothing
  • On click microflow – the microflow executed when clicking a calendar event or day slot
    • Configurable when On click is set to Call a microflow
  • On click nanoflow – the nanoflow executed when clicking a calendar event or day slot
    • Configurable when On click is set to Call a nanoflow
  • On create – determines the type of the executed action triggered when a date or time slot is selected and the Enable create is set to Yes
    • Default: Do nothing
  • Create association – sets an association between the created event object and the calendar object which is provided with a data view as context to the widget
  • On create microflow – the microflow executed when a date or time slot is selected and the Enable create is set to Yes
    • Configurable when On create is set to Call a microflow
  • On create nanoflow – the nanoflow executed when a date or time slot is selected and the Enable create is set to Yes
    • Configurable when On create is set to Call a nanoflow
  • On change – determines the type of the executed action triggered when moving (by dragging) or resizing an event
    • Default: Do nothing
  • On change microflow – the microflow executed when moving (by dragging) or resizing an event
    • Configurable when On change is set to Call a microflow
  • On change nanoflow – the nanoflow executed when moving (by dragging) or resizing an event
    • Configurable when On change is set to Call a nanoflow

2.4 Size Tab

  • Width unit (default: Percentage) – determines whether the unit of the Width value is a percentage or a pixel amount

  • Width (default: 100) – the width value of the calendar

  • Height unit (default: Pixels) – determines whether the unit of the Width value is a pixel amount, a percentage of the width, or a percentage of the parent height

  • Height (default: 580) – the height value of the calendar

3 Example Configuration

To configure an example Calendar widget in a basic way, follow these steps:

  1. Place the widget in a data container like a data view, list view, or template grid widget.
  2. Navigate to the Data Source tab and configure the data source type to retrieve a list of events. You can use a Microflow for this purpose.
  3. Configure the Event entity. For this example, create and select an entity named Appointment in your domain model with the following attributes:
    • title (string)
    • start (data-time)
    • end (data-time)
    • allDay (Boolean)
    • color (string)
  4. Select or create a microflow that retrieves a list of the calendar events. Use the Retrieve action to retrieve a list of Appointments from the database, and define this list as a return type.
  5. Configure the title, all day, start, end, and color attribute fields in the View tab. Select these attributes from the Appointment entity.

Optionally, you can further configure the widget by following these steps:

  1. Choose the initial selected view in the View tab:
    1. Select a Day, Week, or Month view as the default.
  2. In the Events tab, choose the On Create event and select Call a Microflow:
  3. Create this microflow so that it opens a new page, like an overview edit page of the Appointment entity mentioned above. This way, when a time slot in the calendar is selected, you can add or edit a new event.
  4. Navigate to the Size tab and define the width and height of the widget so it suits your page.