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Implement the Push Notifications Module

Last modified: May 29, 2024

1 Introduction

Now that you have implemented the prerequisites in your app, you must implement the Push Notifications Connector module. Complete the steps below to enable the basic configuration.

2 Download From Marketplace

If you have not done so, make sure to download the Push Notification Connector module from the Marketplace:

  1. Open up the Marketplace from Studio Pro.
  2. Search for Push Notification Connector.
  3. Open the Push Notification Connector module.
  4. Click Download.

3 Configure Your App

In order for your app to use to use the Push Connections Module, configure the following things:

  1. Open Project > Security in the App Explorer.
  2. Go to User roles.
  3. Adjust the user roles that should have access to the push notifications:
    1. The Administrator module role should be assigned to at least one user executing configuration and administrative tasks.
    2. The Anonymous module role may be assigned to your anonymous project user role.
    3. The User role is for any user role that needs to interact with notifications without being an Administrator or Anonymous user.
    4. Verify that the NativeMobileResources.User module role has been added to any user role that needs to interact with notifications.
  4. Save the Security settings.
  5. Open up Project > Navigation in the App Explorer.
  6. Add a new open page navigation item to the Responsive navigation profile.
  7. Select the Administration page from the PushNotifications module. This page is located in the _USE ME/Web folder of the PushNotifications module.
  8. Add a microflow sub-call to your Afterstartup microflow for the microflow AfterStartup_PushNotifications:
    • If you do not have an Afterstartup microflow configured yet, read the After Startup section of App Settings for more information.

Now you are able to start your app and move on to the next step: Set Up the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging Server.