
Last modified: July 1, 2024


Release date: July 1, 2024

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  • We changed the log level of the “tasks cannot be executed anymore due to model changes” message in the task queue from “critical” to “error”. (Ticket 199565)


  • We fixed an issue where searching Date and time values with Search Field could filter dates incorrectly (Ticket 204876)
  • We fixed an issue where, when migrating a column from Float to Decimal, the default value would be converted to Float before being inserted, which could cause improper rounding to happen.


Release date: April 17, 2024

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  • We upgraded Swagger UI from 4.10.3 to 5.11.7. The runtime uses this to show and interact with the OpenAPI documents of published OData services and published REST services. (Tickets 208761, 208854)
  • We added the custom Runtime setting com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix, which value will be prepended to the key when retrieving or storing files from and to Amazon S3.


  • We restored the original functionality in Azure file storage, where a container name can be specified in com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting. This fixes a known issue. (Ticket 210679)
  • We fixed an issue where a database connection that was closed from outside of the Runtime remained registered as active. (Ticket 207645)
  • We fixed an issue where in the Swagger UI pages of published REST services and published OData services when using a default-src content security policy. The use of inline style on these pages resulted in an empty page in the browser and a message on the console: “Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: …”. (Ticket 208922)


  • We deprecated the usage of slashes in bucket names for Amazon S3 storage. You can now use the new com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix custom setting which value will be prepended to the key when retrieving or storing files from and to Amazon S3.
  • We will drop support for MariaDB 10.4 after July 1 2024, as the vendor has announced the end of support for that version.


Release date: January 29, 2024

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  • We updated the bundled JDK to version
  • We upgraded the Azure Blob Storage dependency from 8.6.6 to 12.25.1.


  • We removed the resource path and parameter details from the “400 bad request” error message to avoid cross-site scripting vulnerability false-positives for published OData services. (Ticket 197293)
  • We fixed an issue in the Swagger UI interactive documentation pages for published REST and OData services. These pages no longer allow configuration to be set via query parameters.


  • We dropped support for PostgreSQL 11, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Known Issues

  • When the com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint runtime setting contains the container name as a suffix (for example, https://account.blob.core.windows.net/example-container/), files stored in Azure will be stored at the top-level without a directory hierarchy. Previously they would have been stored in a directory hierarchy which means that the app can no longer access previously-stored files. (Ticket 210679)


Release date: October 12, 2023

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  • We optimized server responses and prevented the returning of unnecessary data.
  • We added support for PostgreSQL 16.


  • We updated a third-party library to stay within actively supported versions for which patches are made available on a regular basis, preventing challenging update paths in case of issues.


Release date: September 19, 2023

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  • We fixed an issue in the $metadata of published OData services using OData v3 where a self-referencing association resulted in two roles with the same name. (Ticket 193467).


  • We will drop support for PostgreSQL 11 after November 1, 2023, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.


Release date: July 6, 2023

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  • We added getSslContext to the IHttpConfiguration interface in the Mendix Runtime API. This gives the Java code access to the SslContext that should be used to call a service based on the Mendix Runtime settings.


  • We added the custom setting RequestHandling.AllowLegacyCookies to allow for violations of RFC 6265, which is enforced in the most recent Jetty versions (for more information, see RFC6265_LEGACY). Be aware of the fact that enabling this custom setting exposes your app to CVE-2023-26049.
  • We fixed an issue with the search field where multiselection did not work correctly with numeric attributes.


  • We dropped support for MariaDB 10.2 and 10.3, as these versions are no longer supported by the vendor.


Release date: March 28, 2023

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  • We added support for the following database versions:
    • MariaDB 10.11
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
    • Oracle Database 21c
    • PostgreSQL 15


  • We replaced a third-party dependency to prevent false positives from security-vulnerability scanning tools.
  • We fixed an exception caused by loading a Windows-specific styling file while running the mx command-line tool with Mono.

Breaking Changes

  • We removed support for the FileID parameter in the File API.


Release date: February 2, 2023

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  • We upgraded to HSQLDB 2.7.1. As a result, Java functions can no longer be registered in the database.


  • We fixed CVE-2023-23835.
  • We fixed an issue with Arabic date/time format handling in HSQLDB. (Ticket 141313)
  • We fixed an issue where an argument of an On change action that was mapped to a snippet parameter threw an error when trying to deploy the app. (Ticket 174249)
  • We fixed an issue in the DATEDIFF() function for HSQLDB where it was off by 1 day due to time zones.
  • We fixed an issue where the time zone was displayed incorrectly as +2 (when it should have been +3) for Amman, Jordan and Damascus, Syria.


  • Starting with version 8.18.25, we will drop support for MariaDB 10.2, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.


Release date: October 27, 2022

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  • We now show consumed OData services on the Data Hub pane regardless of whether you are logged in.
  • Downloading files with a custom extension is now only allowed for users with write access to the file itself. (Ticket 167137)


  • We fixed an issue where a missing widget inside a pluggable widget container caused an error while running consistency checks. (Tickets 138573, 138582)
  • We upgraded OpenJDK to in the Studio Pro installer. (Ticket 164386)
  • We fixed an issue with loading an app in IE11. (Ticket 167520)
  • We fixed an issue in external entities that had keys consisting of more than one attribute, where if the service returned those attributes in a different order than the app expected, it stored them in that order.


  • We dropped support for the following database versions that are no longer supported by the vendors:
    • PostgreSQL 10
    • SQL Server 2017


Release date: October 10, 2022

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  • We upgraded OpenJDK to in the Studio Pro installer. (Ticket 164386)


Release date: October 4, 2022

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  • We upgraded the PostgreSQL driver to version 42.4.1.
  • We added a parameter that can be used on login.html to redirect to another page after login.


  • We introduced a workaround for a decimal-pad keyboard-disabled comma issue in Samsung devices that allows you to type a dot that will be replaced by a comma if the locale uses a comma as the decimal separator. (Tickets 116581, 155339)
  • We fixed an issue with logging out in a multi-cluster environment. (Ticket 151734)
  • We fixed a missing execution ID in the trace log lines of microflows run by scheduled events. (Ticket 153273)
  • We fixed an issue where temporary files used for image rotation were not closed. (Ticket 154992)
  • We updated our image metadata extractor library. (Ticket 163987)
  • We fixed an issue with the JSON reader caused an error when converting an app to the latest Studio Pro version. (Tickets 164992, 166288)
  • We improved MxAssist Logic Bot behavior when there is a network issue, reducing the number of network calls attempted.


  • Starting with version 8.18.22, we will drop support for the following database versions that are no longer supported by the vendors:
    • PostgreSQL 10
    • SQL Server 2017


Release date: June 30, 2022

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  • The Studio Pro installer now uses Eclipse Adoptium JDK. It is used automatically if AdoptOpenJDK has not been already installed.


  • We fixed an issue with the date picker. (Tickets 120143, 122791, 122843)
  • We fixed an issue with the reference selector placeholder color not being correctly set. (Ticket 133479)
  • We fixed an issue in offline native and hybrid profiles where startup synchronization failed due to missing schema for all or part of the synchronized data. There are now System.SynchronizationFailure entries for these pieces of data so that the application’s administrators can process these entries and restore the data.
  • We fixed a bug that caused hybrid apps to not work on Android 5.


Release date: June 1, 2022

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  • We fixed CVE-2022-31257.
  • We fixed CVE-2022-27241.
  • We fixed a known issue where copy-pasting was not possible in pages, page templates, or layouts with a primary layout. (Ticket 148047)
  • We fixed an issue where the hidden aggregate columns of a data grid crashed the page. (Ticket 145306)
  • We fixed an issue where layout arguments overlapped, making it difficult to add widgets to them. (Ticket 149524)
  • We fixed an issue in the Headers from a microflow feature of consumed OData services. In the Runtime memory, the headers returned by this microflow are now marked as deleted to make sure the header values are not communicated to the client.
  • We fixed an issue in MySQL 8.0.29 and above that occurred when dropping a column with a name length over 53 characters long.

Breaking Changes

  • We now block changes to the Password attribute of User and User-derived objects in client commits (for example, via the Save button in forms). The old behavior is deprecated but can be restored until Mendix 10 by setting the BlockPasswordInClientCommit custom setting to false.


Release date: April 14, 2022

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  • We now support MariaDB 10.6.
  • We removed support for PostgreSQL 9.6, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.


  • We fixed an issue where a Decision activity directly connected to a Merge activity at the end of a Loop activity in a nanoflow caused errors. (Ticket 138938)
  • We fixed an issue that caused errors to appear in the browser console when erasing text from a RichText widget. (Ticket 142437)
  • We fixed an issue where the Runtime Server could not determine the correct time zone, which caused issues with XPath date functions on some databases. (Tickets 144700, 131707, 119712)

Known Issues

  • Copy-pasting is not possible in pages, page templates, or layouts with a primary layout. (Ticket 148047)


Release date: February 21, 2022

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  • We prioritized the Check if object exists decision recommendation after the retrieve-object operation in the MxAssist Logic Bot menu.
  • MxAssist Logic Bot now always shows a parameterized list for the Calculate from a list menu item.
  • We added the possibility to specify the BCrypt cost when configuring the hash algorithm via a custom setting. To do this, use the value BCRYPT:cost for the setting HashAlgorithm, where cost can be a value from 10 to 30. If you only specify the value BCRYPT, a default cost value will be used.
  • We changed the way dangling references are handled during the synchronization process. A dangling reference error can occur when trying to synchronize a committed object that is associated with an uncommitted object. Synchronization used to be prevented from starting if the set of objects to be synchronized contained an object with a dangling reference, and an error message was then shown on the device. Now, synchronization is not stopped when such an error occurs. Instead, all objects are synchronized except ones with dangling references, for which System.SynchronizationError records are created in the runtime database that contain the data of the uncommitted objects.


  • We fixed CVE-2022-24309.
  • We upgraded the Cloud Foundry client (mx-cf-client) by updating Apache Log4j libraries to 2.17.1 to address CVE-2021-45105 and CVE-2021-44832.
  • We fixed an issue where the target namespace in XML schema import was not stored in the Mendix app, resulting in the failure of XML validation during import and export mappings in Mendix Runtime. (Ticket 123183)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred with an import mapping that was not committed when the mapping method was Find by key and the child objects could not be retrieved by association. (Ticket 126464)
  • We fixed an issue where client certificates with empty passwords could not be used. (Ticket 137950)
  • We fixed a bug with the Auto-synchronize option in online profiles that caused a crash when the action was used. (Ticket 138115)
  • We fixed a bug where deployment failed when a List operation activity with a sort operation was used in a nanoflow. This bug occurred when the list was sorted based on an attribute defined in one of the generalizations of the sorted entity. (Ticket 138310)
  • We fixed an issue with native mobile apps that prevented an app from starting when a user had unsynchronized changes and was implicitly logged out. In such a case, it was possible for startup synchronization to fail to complete due to user access rights with no actionable mitigation path.
  • We fixed an issue in MxAssist Logic Bot where the Microflow call activity could not be inserted if the exposed microflow existed in the app.
  • We fixed an issue where MxAssist Logic Bot generated an incorrect aggregate action for the calculate maximum and calculate minimum suggestions.
  • We fixed an issue where the MxAssist Logic bar toggle was shown for non-editable microflows.
  • We fixed an issue where a change inside a document did not show up in the updated Find Usages results until another change occurred or the app was reopened.

Breaking Changes

  • When accessing the contents of file documents, access rules on the Contents attribute are now checked instead of relying entity access alone.


Release date: December 22, 2021

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  • We upgraded the Cloud Foundry client (mx-cf-client) by updating Apache Log4j libraries to 2.17.0, which addresses CVE-2021-45105.


  • Starting with version 8.18.17, we will drop support for the following database versions that are no longer supported by the vendors:
    • PostgreSQL 9.6


Release date: December 17, 2021

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  • We added support for PostgreSQL 14.
  • This update enables Studio Pro to run on Apple Silicon Macs, such as the M1. Studio Pro is now enabled and tested to run on all Macs using Parallels 17 and Windows 11.
  • We updated the regions for Language Settings.


  • We fixed CVE-2022-25650.
  • We upgraded the Cloud Foundry client (mx-cf-client) used to deploy Mendix applications from Mendix Studio Pro to compromised Cloud Foundry services by updating Apache Log4j libraries to 2.16.0, which addresses CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046.
  • We fixed an issue that occurred with the data grid inline editor while non-persistable entities were used. (Ticket 133700)
  • We fixed an issue in the runtime of published OData services where the microflow of an exposed virtual attribute retrieved objects by association and the list was empty. (Ticket 128843)


  • Starting with version 8.18.16, we will drop support for DB2 version 11.1.


Release date: November 4, 2021

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  • We upgraded the SVG library to version 3.3.0.
  • This release includes a new version of the MxAssist Logic Bot with major improvements in the AI model, UI and UX, and performance!
    • The AI model has been re-trained with a fresh and substantially bigger dataset that includes more context-related features, microflow actions, and parameters. These have improved the recommendation accuracy, especially the top (first) recommendation.
    • The user interface has been completely redesigned with better integration and interaction with the microflow editor UI to avoid any overlaps. In addition, new controls and interfaces are introduced to give more control to the users.
    • The user interface responsiveness and interaction is now faster thanks to several performance optimizations that have reduced server calls by 92% and user CPU usage by 35% on average. The Logic Bot microservice is also deployed in more regions to reduce network latency..
    • In addition, the Logic Bot now triggers notifications so you can be notified about improvements. Finally, in the decision context menu, the Logic Bot shows expressions with user variables above expressions with system variables.


  • We fixed CVE-2021-42026 and CVE-2021-42025.
  • We fixed an issue with the data grid’s drop-down search containing no values. (Ticket 107361)
  • We fixed an issue where the expand button was sometimes displayed in the Select Entity dialog box for an entity without another associated entity. (Ticket 127417).
  • We fixed an issue where imported SVG images appeared in the black color. (Ticket 130343)
  • We fixed an issue where invalid SVG files in the image collection crashed Studio Pro while publishing an app. (Ticket 131378)


Release date: October 21, 2021

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  • The MxAssist Logic Bot decision context menu now shows expressions with user variables above expressions with system variables.



Release date: September 27, 2021

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  • We fixed a bug in native mobile where list views with on-click events required two taps to trigger an event when the keyboard was visible. (Ticket 120695)
  • We fixed an issue where a list view failed if attributes of an associated entity were retrieved and two objects of the main entity were linked to the same object of that associated entity. (Ticket 126507)
  • We fixed the use of single parameter values in OQL IN query conditions. (Ticket 126647)
  • We fixed the failing synchronization that occurred when a one-to-one or one-to-many association was renamed to an existing association that was removed. (Ticket 128052)
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in custom SSL certificates not being used for all connections when Amazon S3 was configured as a storage service. (Ticket 129549).
  • We fixed an issue in the JSON exporter where a “null” string was exported as a JSON null value. (Ticket 129742)
  • We now block marking inactive users as active when the named users license limit is exceeded. We do not block creating inactive users anymore in this situation.
  • We upgraded the JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server to version 9.4.0. If you use the Database Connector module with SQL Server and integrated security, you may need to update the JDBC driver in userlib as well.
  • We fixed an issue where MxAssist Logic Bot displayed slightly stale recommendations if calls to a microflow were recently added or removed from another microflow.


Release date: August 16, 2021

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  • We updated the SVG library to the latest version.


  • We fixed an error that occurred when using import mapping with a large amount of objects. (Ticket 111544)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when calling sub-microflows with parameters that go over associations. (Tickets 114521, 126033, 125908)
  • We fixed an issue where synchronization failed for the Oracle database if an unlimited attribute was changed to a limited attribute. (Ticket 120186)
  • We fixed an issue where NPEs were not returned from a microflow in certain cases. (Ticket 125909)
  • We fixed an issue in iOS where pickers did not respect the current device orientation but always defaulted to portrait mode. (Tickets 127454, 127687)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when using single parameter values in OQL IN query conditions. (Ticket 126647)
  • We fixed an issue where Google API changes introduced problems for Android native app builds. For more information, see Update Needed for Android Native Mobile Apps.


Release date: July 26, 2021

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  • We fixed an issue where an error was thrown on Android when you swiped past the last tab in the native tab container widget. (Ticket 117734)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when using high DPI display settings in the New Access Rules dialog box. (Ticket 123647)
  • We increased the minimum supported compatibility mode of Azure SQL to 140 to match that of the minimum supported SQL Server.
  • We fixed the MxAssist Logic Bot context menu for the second flow in the decision object.
  • We optimized the MxAssist Logic Bot to predict a request to the server.


Release date: June 30, 2021

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  • The date range search field of a data grid now allows the upper and lower bounds to be inclusive. (Ticket 119173)
  • We improved how the native drop-down widget renders menu items on larger devices. (Ticket 122196)
  • We improved the startup of the runtime by not registering handlers for REST, OData, and web services when the model does not contain any REST, OData, or web services, respectively. This has several advantages: it makes your app start up slightly faster, there are fewer log messages at startup, and it follows the security best practice of endpoint hardening.
  • We now log the addition of request handlers and WebSocket endpoints.
  • We improved the performance of the Build deployment structure step when building your app. The time needed for Exporting pages decreased up to 60%, and Exporting metadata decreased up to 90%.


  • We fixed an issue where extracting a microflow as a sub-microflow with a loop that had multiple parameters did not set the parameters correctly on the extracted sub-microflow. (Tickets 97103, 110679)
  • We fixed an issue where extra newlines were added to the end of an expression when typing in the expression editor. (Tickets 101033, 103209, 105990, 107049, 107239, 114492, 115807, 115894, 116692, 116963, 118606, 119602, 122468)
  • We fixed an issue where temporary files and folders (like GPUCache) were created in the app directory, which led to unnecessary merge conflicts. (Tickets 105909, 106329, 107857)
  • We fixed an error that occurred when a conditional editability expression referenced a non-existent attribute when the widget was non-editable due to its parent container (for example, a list view or data view). (Ticket 121857)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when multiple rows were selected in the Changes pane and copied to the Windows clipboard via Ctrl + C, but only some of the rows were copied multiple times. (Ticket 123191)
  • We upgraded the SQL Server JDBC driver authentication DLL files to 9.2.1. (Ticket 124044)
  • We fixed an issue where MxAssist Logic Bot sent a common flow type to the server to make a suggestion instead of the exact type.
  • We fixed a crash that occurred when conflicts after an update or merge were only present on the files in the app folder and not on the app itself.


  • We dropped support for the following database versions that are no longer supported by vendors:
    • Oracle 18
    • SQL Server 2016


Release date: June 10, 2021

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  • We implemented a toggle switch for the MxAssist Logic Bot in the microflow editor, and we removed the Ready/Thinking indicator.
  • We added an MxAssist Logic Bot menu to the existing click-drag menu in the microflow editor.
  • The license server now respects the JVM proxy options: https.proxyHost, https.proxyPort, https.proxyUser, https.proxyPassword, and http.nonProxyHosts.


  • We fixed an issue where extra new lines were added to the end of an expression when typing in the expression editor. (Tickets 101033, 103209, 105990, 107049, 107239, 115807, 115894, 116692, 116963, 118606, 119602, 122468)
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to navigate through a multi-select search field on a data grid using the keyboard. (Ticket 122123)
  • We fixed an issue where the return key on the iOS keyboard on a data grid search field was not triggering the search. (Ticket 122129)
  • We fixed an issue with the taskbar icon not blinking when a breakpoint was hit while debugging an app. (Ticket 120326)
  • We fixed an issue where running an offline-first app in a cluster produced warnings when trying to remove a non-existent session on another node. (Ticket 108018)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when a conditional editability expression referenced a non-existent attribute when the widget was non-editable due to its parent container (for example, a list view or data view). (Ticket 120665)
  • We fixed an issue where certain operations in Studio Pro (such as adding or removing an entity) were very slow in apps with large pages that used a lot of expressions. (Ticket 119503)
  • We fixed an issue in hybrid mobile apps where adding allowed extensions caused unexpected behavior in iOS and Android. (Tickets 110248, 115364)
  • When an XPath constraint used the %CurrentObject% token in a nested constraint on a path over multiple associations, this resulted in an error in the client. This has been fixed. (Ticket 119134)
  • We fixed an issue where a read-only attribute was shown as writable when using specializations. (Ticket 111341)
  • We fixed an error that occurred when refreshing the list of Team Server apps in the Open App dialog box. (Ticket 112763)
  • We fixed an issue where selecting an icon using the keyboard was not possible after filtering. (Ticket 104249)
  • The file manager widget when configured with Type > Upload no longer causes an unexpected error when there are validation errors in certain scenarios. (Ticket 120116)
  • We fixed an issue with the reference selector widget when it contained conditional editability where it triggered a microflow or database data retrieval twice. (Ticket 104322)
  • We fixed a runtime issue where log messages from components that use Apache commons logging ended up on the console output of the app. These messages are no longer written to the console output of the app. We introduced a new custom setting where you can set EnableApacheCommonsLogging to true to see these log messages in the Mendix logs. (Tickets 103160, 118254)
  • We improved the performance of XML imports in a transactional context. (Ticket 119050)
  • We fixed an issue with reference selector widget containing conditional editability where it could trigger a microflow or database data retrieval twice. (Ticket 104322)
  • We fixed the behavior of allowed extensions when configured for the file manager widget in iOS Safari on iPhone and iPad.
  • A change to a page now ultimately triggers an MxAssist Logic Bot update (context change).
  • We fixed a medium-severity security issue where write access could be bypassed in certain scenarios. (Fixed CVE-2021-33718)
  • We fixed an issue where MxAssist Logic Bot recommended committing a non-persistable entity.
  • In some situations, the Update action in the Update Widgets tool did not update the widget, although it was showing that it had the latest version in the overview. This has been fixed.
  • We fixed an issue which prevented enabling MxAssist Logic Bot for already-opened microflow editors.
  • We resolved an error that occurred when installing Studio Pro because an additional file could not be downloaded.


Release date: May 20 2021

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  • We implemented performance optimizations for MxAssist Logic Bot.
  • We improved performance in the microflow editor when you hover over microflow objects when MxAssist Logic Bot is enabled.
  • We simplified the MxAssist Logic Bot suggestion point to improve the user experience and reduce performance overhead.
  • We prevented unnecessary calls to the MxAssist Logic Bot back end from the domain model editor.
  • We prevented ghost indicator overlapping connection points in the microflow editor.
  • We improved performance when performing purely visual changes such as dragging entities or microflow activities.
  • We added support for IBM DB2 11.5, MariaDB 10.4 and MariaDB 10.5.


  • We fixed an issue with the taskbar icon not blinking when a breakpoint was hit while debugging an app. (Ticket 120326)
  • We fixed an issue where running an offline-first app in a cluster produced warnings when trying to remove a non-existent session on another node. (Ticket 108018)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when a conditional editability expression referenced a non-existent attribute when the widget was non-editable due to its parent container (for example, a list view or data view). (Ticket 120665)
  • We fixed an issue where selecting an icon using the keyboard was not possible after filtering. (Ticket 104249)
  • The file manager widget when configured with Type > Upload no longer causes an unexpected error when there are validation errors in certain scenarios. (Ticket 120116)
  • We fixed an issue with the reference selector widget when it contained conditional editability where it triggered a microflow or database data retrieval twice. (Ticket 104322)
  • We fixed a runtime issue where log messages from components that use Apache commons logging ended up on the console output of the app. These messages are no longer written to the console output of the app. We introduced a new custom setting where you can set EnableApacheCommonsLogging to true to see these log messages in the Mendix logs. (Tickets 103160, 118254)
  • We improved the performance of XML imports in a transactional context. (Ticket 119050)
  • When an XPath constraint used the %CurrentObject% token in a nested constraint on a path over multiple associations, this resulted in an error in the client. This has been fixed. (Ticket 119134)
  • We fixed an issue where a read-only attribute was shown as writable when using specializations. (Ticket 111341)
  • We fixed an error that occurred when refreshing the list of Team Server apps in the Open App dialog box. (Ticket 112763)
  • We fixed an issue where certain operations in Studio Pro (such as adding or removing an entity) were very slow in apps with large pages that used a lot of expressions. (Ticket 119503)
  • We resolved incorrect recommendations that occurred when MxAssist Logic Bot recommended committing a non-persistable entity.
  • A change to a page now ultimately triggers an MxAssist Logic Bot update for a context change.
  • In some situations, the Update action in the Update Widgets tool did not update the widget, although it was showing that it had the latest version in the overview. This has been fixed.
  • We fixed an issue which prevented enabling the MxAssist Logic Bot for a microflow editor that had already been opened.
  • We fixed an issue where the Buddhist calendar did not work properly in Android mobile browsers. Now, Android mobile browsers will show the Mendix app calendar instead of the native calendar.
  • We resolved an error that occurred when installing Studio Pro because an additional file could not be downloaded.


  • Starting with version 8.18.8, we will drop support for Microsoft SQL Server 2016, as it is no longer supported by the vendor.

Breaking Changes

  • It is no longer possible to add mathematical expressions in an XPath outside of tokens. Mathematical expressions should be calculated outside of the XPath expression.


Release date: April 15, 2021

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  • We fixed an issue in the Call REST service activity with form-data content. The Content-Type request header now no longer contains additional whitespace. (Ticket 118389)
  • We improved the domain model editor performance so that it renders the domain model more quickly when there is a large number of entities (for example, more than 50). (Ticket 118284)
  • We fixed an issue with key-not-found when exporting a JSON/XML in an export mapping document. (Ticket 117965)
  • We fixed an issue that occurred when editing a message definition after deleting an association from the domain model.


Release date: April 1, 2021

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  • We fixed a performance regression in loop execution. (Ticket 118288) We fixed the list subtraction operation, which now maintains the order of items. (Ticket 117625)
  • We improved the validity of sessions in session caches. As a result, changes made on one cluster node will now eventually be reflected on others. Also, Core.getSessionById will update the current session and related data in the current cluster node’s session cache if the session validation timeout is passed. (Ticket 113448)
  • We fixed an issue with the document template when a conditionally visible row was always rendered if the enclosing data view had an empty object. (Ticket 115502)
  • We fixed an issue where revisions that were already merged were not shown as unavailable when doing a subsequent advanced merge from the same branch. (Ticket 117916)
  • We fixed an issue where you got an incorrect success message when uploading your app to a version control server failed.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in non-unique document names when copying a document and pasting it in the same module.


Release date: March 17, 2021

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  • We fixed an issue where multiple sessions did not work as expected in offline applications when Multiple users per session was turned off. (Ticket 113783)
  • We fixed an issue in native mobile apps where the bottom bar was rendered incorrectly on recent iOS devices. (Ticket 117412)
  • We fixed an issue where negative numeric values were formatted incorrectly in CSV exports. (Ticket 114902)
  • The header on the login page of Atlas UI can now be translated using the new system text mendix.signin.loginHeader. (Ticket 116249)
  • We fixed an issue with an option of the Close page nanoflow activity that controls how many pages to close where it was no longer possible to select Single after you had selected Multiple. (Ticket 116323)
  • We fixed an issue where creating the deployment package for an app failed. (Ticket 117393)
  • We fixed an issue with the editable data grid where the default German date format was not recognized. (Ticket 117168)
  • We fixed an issue in the file manager widget that caused unexpected extensions to be invalid (for example, .PDF, .pDf). (Ticket 116909)
  • Documentation in Studio Pro 9 Guide was opened via F1 and Help instead of Studio Pro 8 Guide. This has been fixed.
  • We fixed a bug that was causing a crash whenever an app was opened that needed to merge changes introduced from outside Studio Pro.
  • We improved the process of reverting all changes. You will no longer be asked to save before reverting. We also fixed a crash that occurred when you reverted while the app was running.


  • We will drop support for Oracle 18 before June 30. We will announce this again when the support is dropped.


Release date: March 8, 2021

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  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where an error occurred when a client queried the service using $select in combination with expanding ($expand) an association from the child’s side. (Ticket 113523)
  • We fixed an issue in consumed web services that logged a message “Operation getFaultNode not supported” when calling a SOAP 1.1 web service even though there was no problem. (Ticket 114070)
  • We fixed an issue in published REST service POST operations with file form parameters where an empty file was written to storage when the body did not contain a part for it. Now, no file is written to storage. (Ticket 114991)
  • We fixed an issue where adding a snippet call without a snippet led to an error. (Ticket 114041)
  • We fixed an issue where the View > Phone/Tablet options did not work for apps deployed to Mendix Cloud. (Ticket 114471)
  • When an average of a list is calculated by the database, the result is no longer truncated. (Tickets 111779, 112782)
  • We updated access rules for the user’s password attribute to prevent access to its hashed value.
  • We fixed a bug where an incorrect number of revisions was shown after a successful update.


Release date: February 1, 2021

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  • We updated the SAP HANA driver to 2.7.9.
  • We now allow JDBC URL options to set data source properties for SAP HANA.
  • We disabled the transactionalLobs option in SAP HANA.
  • We improved the performance of the Core.getActiveSession(userName) method.


  • We fixed a runtime issue in Call REST activities when calling endpoints that keep the connection alive. The issue occurred in Mendix Cloud v4- and AWS-hosted apps, because those environments sever connections after 6 minutes. Setting http.client.CleanupAfterSeconds to 355 fixes that issue, so now that is used as the default value. (Tickets 110860, 111317, 111881, 112067, 112073, 113401, 113920)
  • We fixed a runtime issue in Call REST activities where trace logging changed the contents of responses. (Tickets 112613, 113750, 114499, 114516)
  • We fixed an issue where conditional visibility on a pluggable widget (or a widget inside a pluggable widget) did not work correctly if the pluggable widget was inside a snippet. (Ticket 113612)
  • We fixed an error in the runtime where a widget retrieved over 1000 records. (Ticket 108750)
  • We fixed an issue where calling a microflow from an offline-first application triggered an unnecessary reload of data sources on the opened pages. (Ticket 114660)
  • We fixed an issue in native mobile apps where a focused text input was hidden behind the keyboard on Android devices. Make sure to also update your versions of the Make It Native app and Native Builder. (Ticket 113397)
  • We fixed an issue where errors occurred when performing certain operations (for example, moving documents) when certain custom widgets existed in your app.


Release date: January 26, 2021

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New Features

Selective Synchronization

When building offline-first apps, there are different scenarios to prepare for, and sometimes you may want to only synchronize a single object or a small set of objects instead of all the data. Good news, we have extended the synchronization capabilities with the option to only synchronize selected objects from the device with the server. Now, the power is in your hands and the choice is yours. Use the Synchronize activity in a nanoflow to synchronize all or selected objects (which can be both objects and files). This feature can greatly improve the user experience of your app and offers more flexibility.

For more information, see the Synchronization section of Offline-First.

The Future of Mobile Apps

At Mendix, we want to provide our customers with a future-proof platform, a significant part of which is always determined by underlying technology. We believe that native mobile apps and progressive web apps (PWAs) are the future for mobile apps, in that they deliver a best-of-breed approach for building app store- and browser-based mobile apps. For more information, see the Establishing Your Mobile Architecture Strategy session from last year’s Mendix World.

We do not consider hybrid mobile (which is based on Cordova) to be future-proof technology anymore. Therefore, we would like to inform you that we have disabled the creation of hybrid mobile apps in this version of Studio Pro and have deprecated hybrid mobile apps in Studio Pro 9.

For more information, see Mendix Is First-to-Market with Expanded “All-in-One” Low-Code Platform; Launches Pre-Packaged Industry Apps for Even Faster Adoption of Low-Code in the Enterprise.

Support for Non-Filterable and Non-Sortable Attributes

We added support for attributes that cannot be used for filtering or sorting. Previously, it was not possible to consume non-filterable or non-sortable attributes. Now it is possible to consume these attributes, extending what can you do with data from Mendix Data Hub.

To better support OData for Mendix Data Hub, we added the concept of attribute limitations. Sometimes attributes in OData do not support sorting or filtering, and now Studio Pro is aware of that. Studio Pro shows an error to warn you when you do something with an attribute that is not possible, while allowing you to use the attributes for everything else.

The concept of attribute limitations is now extended to existing attribute types. This does not change their functionality (because these attribute types always had some restrictions), and now they behave the same as other non-filterable and non-sortable attributes.


  • We added consistency checks to ensure the uniqueness of exposed names and exposed set names for published OData resources.
  • We added a new way to specify which client certificate to use in the Call REST service and Call web service activities.
  • We improved the user interface for modeling published OData services in Studio Pro. The old tree view of published attributes and associations is now a list.
  • We now show the associations of external entities in the Data Hub pane. Multiple associations between the same pair of external entities are grouped together, listing individual associations in the tooltip. Unsupported associations are grayed out and show a tooltip explaining the reason.
  • The Commit activity is now included in Find usages results.


  • We fixed an issue where certain operations on binaries were only possible within a sudo context.
  • We fixed an issue regarding the Change list microflow activity where if a list was set to itself, the contents were cleared. (Ticket 109243)
  • We fixed several possible data synchronization issues that occurred in offline-first applications. (Ticket 101598)
  • We fixed an issue where the reference selector widget did not show objects when used in an offline-first application. (Ticket 113384)
  • We fixed an issue where a native mobile application failed to load during development. (Ticket 112952)
  • We fixed an issue View > Find did not find the text that was typed as published REST operation documentation. (Ticket 112648)
  • We fixed an issue for published OData services where the app’s default proxy settings were not used at runtime. (Ticket 109953)
  • We fixed an issue where dynamic classes were not applied for layout grid rows and cells, table rows and cells, scroll container regions, and data grid columns. We also fixed an issue where these were also not applied to the container widget. (Tickets 111048, 111810, 112312)
  • When an XPath constraint used the %CurrentObject% token in a nested constraint, this resulted in an error in the client. This is now fixed. (Ticket 112034)
  • When migrating files created before Mendix 6 to modern files, we now log the missing files instead of failing the migration. (Tickets 110317, 110969)
  • We decreased the chance of deadlocks in our session administration system actions, and when deadlocks still occur, they are handled gracefully. (Ticket 111360)
  • We fixed an issue that caused Close page activities to stop working after upgrading to 8.17. (Ticket 111576)
  • We fixed an error where an error message appeared when you dragged a microflow onto the list of published REST operations and clicked Cancel on the dialog box.
  • We fixed an issue in published OData services where publishing associations in a combination of entities with generalizations resulted in an incorrect contract.
  • We fixed an issue where the picker element of an inline native drop-down widget did not update on a selected value change when opened.
  • We fixed an issue where the current branch was showing in the list of available branches to merge.