1.6 (MTS)

Last modified: July 18, 2024

These release notes cover changes made to the Private Mendix Platform in version 1.6.


Release date: July 17, 2024

Version 1.6.2 of Private Mendix Platform is a patch release addressing several bugfixes and stability improvements.


Studio Pro updates
  • We have updated the Studio Pro 9.24 LTS latest patch version to 9.24.20
  • We have updated the Studio Pro 10.6 MTS latest patch version to 10.6.7


We have provided the following fixes:

  • Fixed several vulnerabilities.
  • Introduced support for double quotes in constant names.


Release date: March 6, 2024

Version 1.6.1 of Private Mendix Platform is a patch release addressing several bugfixes and stability improvements.


Studio Pro updates
  • We have updated the Studio Pro 9.24 LTS latest patch version to 9.24.14
  • We have updated the Studio Pro 10.6 MTS latest patch version to 10.6.1


We have provided the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to log in with SSO would result in an error.


Release date: January 31, 2024

Version 1.6.0 of Private Mendix Platform is an MTS release and introduces Mendix 10 on Private Mendix Platform. The release is focused on long-term stability, maturation, and automation, as well as on introducing many of the new functionalities and features of the latest-greatest Mendix major version to customers in private development environments.

New Features

Mendix 10 Support

With this release Private Mendix Platform now supports Mendix 10, having Studio Pro 10.6.1 bundled and patchable to work with the Private Platform. Mendix 10 with Studio Pro 10.6 contains many improvements, such as:

  • A significantly enhanced Developer Experience that boasts many of the best features of the former Studio web modeler as part of the Studio Fusion program
  • Light and Dark modes for a more comfortable and personalized work experience
  • Support for installation on machines without Administrator rights
  • Improved UI and extended capabilities to make building complex workflows much easier
  • Industry-first AI and Machine Learning tools accessible through the IDE, as well as connectors and modules found in the Marketplace
  • The ability to easily drag and drop AI/ML models into your application, embed them into your Mendix runtime, and interact with them via microflows.

For a full overview of Mendix 10 benefits, see What’s New and the Studio Pro release documentation.


Deployment Improvements
Deployment Details UX Improvement

After an application is deployed, the URL field on the Deployment Details page is now a hyperlink and no longer an un-editable input field, allowing easy access to the app’s URL.

Engineering Improvements
Platform Startup Times Improved

In a bid to streamline the engineering work and codebase of the product, the startup times of the Portal have been improved significantly, resulting in a significantly lower chance of issues occurring during startup and a shorter application startup duration.

Other Improvements
​​Installer Uses Helm Charts

​​The installer now uses explicitly defined Helm charts that are visible in the folder tree, instead of the hard-coded ones that were part of the installer’s own code. ​​The manner in which the installer uses explicitly defined Helm charts has been improved further with this release and is now generally accessible.

Studio Pro Updates
  • Studio Pro 9.24 LTS latest patch version has been updated to 9.24.14
  • Studio Pro 10.6 MTS latest patch version has been updated to 10.6.1


We have provided the following fixes:

  • Fixed the Studio Pro known incompatibility issue around Git branching URLs. Thanks to the fix, this release now contains the latest patch versions of Studio Pro 9.24.14 and 10.6.1.
  • Resolved a rare issue where the Publish button would not trigger the build process on the Platform side.
  • Resolved an issue where clicking the View app button would open the URL of the previous environment instead of the current one.
  • Fixed an issue with the Marketplace tab connecting and reloading repeatedly every time the focus was switched away.
  • Fixed an issue where in some situations the entries on the App Buzz page would display as Created build for: null.
  • Updated the First-time Configuration Wizard with the latest configuration options.
  • Fixed an issue with Bitbucket being unable to fetch the branch information in the Git server page of the app.