Mendix Single Sign-On

Last modified: June 19, 2024

1 Introduction

The Mendix SSO module enables your app end-users to sign in with their Mendix account when your app is deployed to Mendix Cloud.

Using Mendix accounts during development has the following benefits:

  • You do not need a special authorization module to support resetting and changing passwords
  • It is easy to develop and test multiple applications that all use the same sign-on mechanism

For information on installing and configuring the Mendix SSO module, see Mendix SSO.

2 Using Mendix SSO

2.1 Signing On as an End-User

As an end-user, you will see the Mendix SSO screen when you open an app if this is your first time visiting the app environment or if you have not opened the app recently. From this screen, you can choose to sign in with local user credentials, or you can click Mendix Account to use your Mendix account with Mendix SSO.

Mendix SSO sign-on screen

Apps implementing Mendix SSO require access to some of your profile information, such as your account identifier and your display name.

So, the first time you sign in to an environment (for example, myapp running in acceptance) as an end-user using Mendix SSO, the app will ask you to authorize access. Authorizing access allows the app to access certain information from your Mendix profile, as specified on the authorization page.

Authorization screen

Click Authorize to continue using Mendix SSO with the app. Authorizing the app automatically signs you in to the app.

2.2 Assigning End-User Roles

To give end-users access to your app, use the Access Management tab on the Settings page after opening your app in Apps.