Registration API

Last modified: January 1, 2025


The Registration API can be used to register applications, environments, and services.

The API includes the following:

  • POST methods for registering new assets where a UUID is generated and returned for the asset in the response body
  • PUT calls to update assets for existing UUIDs or create new applications and environments for new UUIDs.
  • DELETE calls to delete applications, environments, and endpoints.

Authentication and Access Rights

Authentication for the Registration API requires the following:

  • Personal access token (PAT): For every API request you make to a Catalog API, include the following key-value pair with your headers: Authorization: MxToken <your_Personal_Access_Token>.

Generating a PAT

For details on how to generate a PAT, see the Personal Access Tokens section of User Settings.

Store the generated value {GENERATED_PAT} somewhere safe so you can use it to authorize your API calls.

Calling the Registration API

Follow this series of REST calls (described in detail in the following sections) to register the details of your exposed services:

  1. Register the application and retrieve an application UUID.
  2. Use the application UUID to register the environment and retrieve the environment UUID.
  3. Use the application UUID and the environment UUID to register services. If needed, use the Transform API (an endpoint of the Registration API) to get your service contract in the right format before registering the service.

The Registration API specification describes all the optional fields, required formats, and other operations on these same paths.


Registering an Application

To register an application, you need the following:

  • Personal access token
  • Application Name

You can see an example of a request below:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: MxToken <your_Personal_Access_Token>' \
--data-raw '{"name": "My-Application"}'

A successful POST call results in a 201 status code and a JSON response body that includes the details you provided about the application, the location of an application icon, and a unique ID:


Use the application uuid to register your environment.

Registering an Environment

To register an environment, you need the following:

  • Personal access token
  • application_UUID
  • Environment Name
  • Environment Location
  • Environment Type

For more details on what can and cannot be provided in these fields, see the API Reference section below.

You can see an example of a request below:

curl --location --request POST '{application_UUID}/environments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: MxToken <your_Personal_Access_Token>' \
--data-raw '{"name": "My-Environment", "location": "", "type": "Production"}'

A successful POST call results in a 201 status code and a JSON response body that includes the details you provided about the environment, along with a unique ID:

	"application": {

Use the application uuid and the environment uuid to register one or more services.

Registering Services

To register services, you need the following:

  • Personal access token
  • application_UUID
  • environment_UUID
  • Service Path, Name, and ContractType
  • Service version Version and Security Scheme
  • Service Contract with Type and Value

For more details on what can and cannot be provided in these fields, see the API Reference section below.

You can see an example of a request below:

curl --location --request PUT '{application_UUID}/environments/{environment_UUID}/published-endpoints' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: MxToken <your_Personal_Access_Token>'\
--data-raw '{
  "endpoints": [
      "path": "/path/to/my/service/endpoint",
      "serviceVersion": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "type": "OData",
        "service": {
          "name": "My-Service-Name",
           "ContractType": "OData_3_0"
        "securityScheme": {
          "securityTypes": [
              "name": "Basic"
        "contracts": [
            "type": "CSDL",
            "documentBaseURL": "https://hr.acmecorp.test/odata/test.acme.employeeinformation/v1/",
            "documents": [
                "isPrimary": true,
                "uri": "metadata.xml",
                "contents": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"\" xmlns:mx=\"\">  <edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"3.0\" m:MaxDataServiceVersion=\"3.0\" xmlns:m=\"\">    <Schema Namespace=\"DefaultNamespace\" xmlns=\"\"><EntityType Name=\"Employee\"><Key><PropertyRef Name=\"ID\" /></Key><Property Name=\"ID\" Type=\"Edm.Int64\" Nullable=\"false\" mx:isAttribute=\"false\" /><Property Name=\"Name\" Type=\"Edm.String\" MaxLength=\"200\" /><Property Name=\"DateOfBirth\" Type=\"Edm.DateTimeOffset\" /><Property Name=\"Address\" Type=\"Edm.String\" MaxLength=\"200\" /><Property Name=\"JobTitle\" Type=\"Edm.String\" MaxLength=\"200\" /><Property Name=\"Salary\" Type=\"Edm.Decimal\" /></EntityType><EntityContainer Name=\"test.acme.employeeinformation/v1Entities\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\"><EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"DefaultNamespace.Employee\" /></EntityContainer></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>"
                "isPrimary": false,
                "uri": "servicefeed.xml",
                "contents": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><service xmlns:atom=\"\" xml:base=\"https://hr.acmecorp.test/odata/test.acme.employeeinformation/v1/\" xmlns=\"\"><workspace><atom:title>Default</atom:title><collection href=\"Employees\"><atom:title>Employees</atom:title></collection>  </workspace></service>"

A successful PUT call results in a 200 status code and a JSON response body that includes the details you provided about the service or services, along with a unique UUID and some other details:

    "endpoints": [
            "path": "path/to/my/service/endpoint",
            "securityClassification": "Internal",
            "uuid": "f8e1772a-4bd2-43c7-bb1c-3bc61eb8bf5c",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "Self"
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "Catalog"
            "connections": 0,
            "lastUpdated": "2023-08-03T11:40:39.462Z",
            "serviceVersion": {
                "version": "1.0",
                "description": "",
                "publishDate": "2023-08-03T11:40:04.978Z",
                "uuid": "ffdf7a37-b3df-4488-b4de-79553ed34888",
                "service": {
                    "name": "My-Service-Name",
                    "uuid": "e36650ab-9a89-4a2d-8b88-d57a2efa5b9e",
                    "links": [
                            "href": "",
                            "rel": "Self"
                "securityScheme": {
                    "securityTypes": [
                            "name": "Basic"
                "type": "OData"
            "validated": false,
            "discoverable": true

Behavior when Renaming an Environment

It is possible (although uncommon) to update the URL of a hosted environment. The root URLs update upon redeployment, and endpoints that are registered under that environment get updated endpoint locations.

Preparing Your Service Details Using the Transform API

The Transform API is an endpoint in the Registration API. It converts the dependencies.json file that your Mendix app generates into the structure the Registration API requires to register services.

To call the Transform endpoint of the Registration API, you need the following:

  • Your app’s dependencies.json file converted to an escaped JSON string

  • Endpoint location Name

  • Endpoint location Value

You can see an example of a request that converts a dependencies.json file below:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: MxToken <your_Personal_Access_Token>' \
--data-raw '{
  "dependenciesJsonString": "{ \"schemaVersion\": \"1.3\", \"appName\": \"HR Acme Corp\", \"published\": [ { \"name\": \"test.acme.employeeinformation\", \"version\": \"2.0\", \"path\": \"/employeeservice/v2\", \"serviceType\": \"OData 3.0\", \"contracts\": [ { \"type\": \"ServiceFeed\", \"value\": \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\"?>\\r\\n<service xmlns=\\\"\\\" xmlns:atom=\\\"\\\" xml:base=\\\"https://hr.acmecorp.test/odata/test.acme.employeeinformation/v1/\\\">\\r\\n <workspace>\\r\\n <atom:title>Default</atom:title>\\r\\n <collection href=\\\"Employees\\\">\\r\\n <atom:title>Employees</atom:title>\\r\\n </collection>\\r\\n </workspace>\\r\\n</service>\" }, { \"type\": \"Metadata\", \"value\": \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\"?>\\r\\n<edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx=\\\"\\\" xmlns:mx=\\\"\\\" Version=\\\"1.0\\\">\\r\\n <edmx:DataServices xmlns:m=\\\"\\\" m:DataServiceVersion=\\\"3.0\\\" m:MaxDataServiceVersion=\\\"3.0\\\">\\r\\n <Schema xmlns=\\\"\\\" Namespace=\\\"DefaultNamespace\\\">\\r\\n <EntityType Name=\\\"Employee\\\">\\r\\n <Key>\\r\\n <PropertyRef Name=\\\"ID\\\" />\\r\\n </Key>\\r\\n <Property Name=\\\"ID\\\" Type=\\\"Edm.Int64\\\" Nullable=\\\"false\\\" mx:isAttribute=\\\"false\\\" />\\r\\n <Property Name=\\\"Name\\\" Type=\\\"Edm.String\\\" MaxLength=\\\"200\\\" />\\r\\n <Property Name=\\\"DateOfBirth\\\" Type=\\\"Edm.DateTimeOffset\\\" />\\r\\n <Property Name=\\\"Address\\\" Type=\\\"Edm.String\\\" MaxLength=\\\"200\\\" />\\r\\n <Property Name=\\\"JobTitle\\\" Type=\\\"Edm.String\\\" MaxLength=\\\"200\\\" />\\r\\n <Property Name=\\\"Salary\\\" Type=\\\"Edm.Decimal\\\" />\\r\\n </EntityType>\\r\\n <EntityContainer Name=\\\"test.acme.employeeinformation/v1Entities\\\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\\\"true\\\">\\r\\n <EntitySet Name=\\\"Employees\\\" EntityType=\\\"DefaultNamespace.Employee\\\" />\\r\\n </EntityContainer>\\r\\n </Schema>\\r\\n </edmx:DataServices>\\r\\n</edmx:Edmx>\" } ], \"security\": { \"types\": [ { \"type\": \"MxID\", \"authenticationModuleId\": \"a4f7847b-9562-4b5a-adc2-4a0bf41cc534\" } ], \"allowedRoles\": [ { \"name\": \"User\", \"id\": \"91ca220e-9498-4d23-9d2e-90b9c19aca37\" } ] } } ], \"consumed\": [ { \"name\": \"test.acme.employeemanagement\", \"version\": \"1.0\", \"serviceType\": \"OData 3.0\", \"constant\": \"MyFirstModule.EmployeeManagement_Location\", \"uses\": [{ \"type\": \"entity\", \"name\": \"ManagingEmployees\" }] } ] }",
  "endpointLocationConstants": [
      "name": "MyFirstModule.EmployeeManagement_Location",
      "value": "https://hr.acmecorp.test/employeeservice/v2"

A successful PUT call results in a 200 status code and a JSON response body. To register your services, use the information in the PUTPublishedEndpoints section.

  "putPublishedEndpoints": {
    "endpoints": {
      "path": "/employeeservice/v2",
      "discoverable": true,
      "validated": true,
      "serviceVersion": {
        "version": "2.0",
        "type": "OData",
        "service": {
          "name": "test.acme.employeeinformation"
        "tags": [
            "name": "hr"
            "name": "employee"
        "securityScheme": {
          "securityTypes": [
              "name": "MxID",
              "marketplaceModuleID": "93457"
          "mxAllowedRoles": [
              "name": "User",
              "uuid": "91ca220e-9498-4d23-9d2e-90b9c19aca37"
          "contracts": [
              "type": "CSDL",
              "documentBaseURL": "https://hr.acmecorp.test/odata/test.acme.employeeinformation/v1/",
              "documents": [
                  "isPrimary": true,
                  "uri": "metadata.xml",
                  "contents": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"\" xmlns:mx=\"\">  <edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"3.0\" m:MaxDataServiceVersion=\"3.0\" xmlns:m=\"\">    <Schema Namespace=\"DefaultNamespace\" xmlns=\"\"><EntityType Name=\"Employee\"><Key><PropertyRef Name=\"ID\" /></Key><Property Name=\"ID\" Type=\"Edm.Int64\" Nullable=\"false\" mx:isAttribute=\"false\" /><Property Name=\"Name\" Type=\"Edm.String\" MaxLength=\"200\" /><Property Name=\"DateOfBirth\" Type=\"Edm.DateTimeOffset\" /><Property Name=\"Address\" Type=\"Edm.String\" MaxLength=\"200\" /><Property Name=\"JobTitle\" Type=\"Edm.String\" MaxLength=\"200\" /><Property Name=\"Salary\" Type=\"Edm.Decimal\" /></EntityType><EntityContainer Name=\"test.acme.employeeinformation/v1Entities\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\"><EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"DefaultNamespace.Employee\" /></EntityContainer></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>"
  "putConsumedEndpoints": {
    "endpoints": [
        "endpointLocation": "https://hr.acmecorp.test/employeeservice/v2",
        "consumedItems": [
            "type": "EntitySet",
            "name": "ManagingEmployees",
            "namespace": "DefaultNamespace"

API Reference