If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.
Project Settings
In the Project Settings dialog box, you can alter the settings that are applicable to the whole project:

The categories described below are available.
Configurations Tab
A configuration is a group of settings. You can define any number of configurations. The active configuration (meaning, the one that will be used when running your application) is determined by the drop-down menu in the toolbar of Studio Pro.
For more information on settings in a configuration, see Configuration.
Runtime Tab
These settings influence the behavior of the Runtime when running your application.
Static Resources from Disk
If this option is enabled, the static resources for your mobile application are downloaded as soon as you open your application rather than bit by bit as you navigate through the app. This can drastically cut down the number of network requests, as the files can be retrieved from the disk rather than from the server.
The resources are downloaded to the device once for each deployment and are reused for subsequent runs of your app. This affects a number of files, including: your theme; the JavaScript client; CSS files; and pages.
Optimize Network Calls
If this option is enabled (true by default), Mendix analyzes every microflow that can be triggered from the client to minimize the number of objects required to be sent. This speeds up your app significantly.
If you experience an issue while running your app in which objects seem to be lost, this option can be disabled to resolve that issue. If this does resolve the issue, please file a bug report so that we can fix the issue in the platform.
After Startup
Here you can select a microflow that is automatically executed immediately after the application has been started up.
There is a timeout of 11 minutes on the after startup microflow. If your after startup microflow takes longer than 11 minutes your whole app will fail to start.
After startup is designed to initialize the app and therefore runs before the app is able to respond to incoming service requests (for example, published REST services).
Before Shutdown
Here you can select a microflow that is automatically executed when a shutdown command has been given, just before the application shuts down.
Health Check
Here you can select a microflow which performs the checks on a running app that you think are required to assess the app’s health.
The result of each check is returned as a string, which is displayed in Apps. When the microflow returns an empty string, the application is healthy; otherwise, the string presents an explanation of why the application is not healthy.
This microflow gets called every 10 seconds to check if the app is still healthy. This is done by executing it using m2ee on the admin port of your app. For more information, see the section Health Check in Monitoring Mendix Runtime.
First Day of the Week
The first day of the week setting determines the first day of the week in the date picker widget.
Option | Description |
Default (based on locale) (default) | The first day of the week in date picker widgets is based on the locale of the user. |
Sunday | Use Sunday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Monday | Use Monday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Tuesday | Use Tuesday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Wednesday | Use Wednesday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Thursday | Use Thursday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Friday | Use Friday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Saturday | Use Saturday as first day of the week in date picker widgets. |
Default Time Zone
The default time zone determines the time zone for newly created users. If your application is only used in one time zone, setting this default will make sure that users of your application never have to worry about setting their time zone.
Scheduled Event Time Zone
The scheduled event time zone defines under which time zone scheduled events run. The default is UTC and this has been the case since 3.0. If you would like to run scheduled events under another time zone (such as the time zone of the company office or the project default time zone), you can select it here.
This affects time zone-related operations, such as parsing and formatting dates from/to strings and obtaining the beginning of the current day.
If you run on-premises, then you can select the time zone to which the server is set. However, please note that no guarantees are given for the whereabouts of application servers in the cloud.
Hash Algorithm
The hash algorithm is used to generate hash values for attributes of the Hashed string type, such as the password of a user. Mendix offers two recommended hashing algorithms:
Option | Description |
BCrypt (default, recommended) | Resistant to brute-force search attacks. |
SSHA256 | Salted Secure Hash Algorithm 2, digest length 256 bits. |
Mendix believes both algorithms are secure enough to store passwords within Mendix. The main difference between BCrypt and SSHA256 is that the BCrypt algorithm has been configured so that it is relatively slow on purpose, since it was designed specifically to stop brute force attacks. That’s why this results in a slight performance difference with the SSHA256 algorithm.
This performance difference is hardly noticeable to a single user when signing in (the password you enter when signing in is hashed using the selected algorithm), so in general the performance alone is not a reason to choose SSHA256 over BCrypt. This situation can change when dealing with high concurrency of hashing operations. A common example of an area where this occurs is published web services exposing operations that compute quickly, like short-running microflows.
Performance Tests
A (web service) user will sign in to execute a web service operation, wait for the operation to finish, and finally get the result back (if any).
Imagine an empty microflow that returns nothing at all exposed as a published web service. We ask one user to execute this operation as many times as they can in one minute (simulated with SoapUI). First we set the hashing algorithm to BCrypt, then we set it to SSHA256. Any extra overhead here (on top of establishing the connection, building the XML message and so forth) is basically the hashing algorithm, as the operation should take near zero milliseconds and there is no result. So that leaves only the login, or, more precisely, the hashing of the password.
Hashing Algorithm | Total Operations Executed | Operation per Second | Overhead in Milliseconds |
BCrypt | 654 | 10.88 | 91.9 |
SSHA256 | 7163 | 119.36 | 8.4 |
So 80 milliseconds per operation is not that much, right? Well, that depends on how long the operation itself takes.
Operation Duration in Seconds | Operations per Hour (BCrypt) | Operations per Hour (SSHA256) | Difference % |
0.1 | 18760 | 33210 | +77% |
0.25 | 10529 | 13932 | +32% |
1 | 3297 | 3570 | +8% |
5 | 707 | 719 | +1.67% |
15 | 239 | 240 | +0.5% |
The difference is noticeable when the operation takes less time. So if you expect a very high amount of concurrency in operations where hashing takes place (most commonly any place where login operations are involved), you might want to consider changing your hashing algorithm.
Rounding Mode
The rounding mode is used to select how to round numbers when performing calculations.
The rounding methods Half away from zero and Half to the nearest even number indicate how rounding is performed in the case of a tie (for example, 2.5).
This table presents the results of rounding the input to one digit with the given rounding mode:
Input Number | Half Away from Zero (default) | Half to the Nearest Even Number |
5.5 | 6 | 6 |
2.5 | 3 | 2 |
1.6 | 2 | 2 |
1.1 | 1 | 1 |
1.0 | 1 | 1 |
-1.0 | -1 | -1 |
-1.1 | -1 | -1 |
-1.6 | -2 | -2 |
-2.5 | -3 | -2 |
-5.5 | -6 | -6 |
Multiple Sessions per User
If this option is enabled, users can sign in multiple times through different clients (for example, desktop browser and tablet). Otherwise, an existing session for a user is signed out when the user signs in somewhere else.
Default: Yes
Uniqueness Validation
This option can have two different values: Runtime and Database. Database will be the default value.
When Database is selected, attributes and associations will be validated for uniqueness at the database level. This will ensure that the data doesn’t get corrupted even in the case of high concurrency transactions.
Database is the recommended setting, because it ensures data accuracy at the highest level.
When Runtime is selected, the uniqueness of attributes and associations is handled in the Mendix Runtime and not at the database level.
Switching Uniqueness Validation Values
You can always switch between Runtime and Database.
Switching from Runtime to Database
Moving from Runtime to Database means that the unique constraints will be added to the database and the uniqueness responsibility will belong to the database.
Before switching to the Database option, the DataStorage.EnableDiagnostics custom runtime setting can be used to generate a uniqueness violation report. The unique constraint migration will need to be done if the generated report shows violations.
For more details on migration, see Uniqueness Constraint Migration.
Switching from Database to Runtime
Falling back to the Runtime option will remove the unique constraints from the database, and uniqueness rules will not be checked at the database level anymore. Hence, data accuracy cannot be guaranteed at the highest level, especially in the case of high concurrency transactions.
Languages Tab
For more information about using different languages in your app, see Language Menu.
Default Language
The default language indicates the language that is used when a user has not chosen a language. The default language is also used as a fall-back language when a certain text is not translated to another language.
This is the list of languages in which your application will be available for users.
For each language, you can configure whether to check that all mandatory texts have a value. The default language is always checked. If a language is not checked and certain texts are not translated in Studio Pro, the default language is used as fall-back language. This means that you can run your application even though you have only partially translated your interface into a new language.
Certificates Tab
Certificates are used to connect to web services over HTTPS when the following requirements are met:
- The server uses a self-signed certificate authority, and/or
- A client certificate (certificate with a private key) is required
These certificates can be imported into Studio Pro using the Import button. Certificate authority files usually have a .crt extension, and client certificates usually have a .p12 or .pfx extension. After importing, use View details to acquire more information concerning the certificate.
Client certificates added here will be used whenever a server accepts a client certificate. If you upload more than one client certificate, one of them will be chosen based on the requirements of the server. If you need more control over client certificates, you should not upload the certificates here, but use the Runtime customization ClientCertificates, ClientCertificatePasswords, and ClientCertificateUsages settings.
When an SSLException occurs at runtime with the message HelloRequest followed by an unexpected handshake message
or when a web service does not respond (Java 6 update 21 and above) when using the imported certificates, this is caused by either the client or server not being RFC-5746-compatible.
If updating the client and server to be compatible with RFC-5746 is not feasible, the following should be added to Extra JVM parameters in the Server tab to avoid this exception:
Be warned that this does make the client-server communication vulnerable to an exploit which has been fixed in RFC-5746.
When client and server are RFC-5746 compatible at a future point in time, this JVM parameter can be removed.
For background information, see Transport Layer Security (TLS) Renegotiation Issue Readme.
Theme Tab
UI Resources Package
The look and feel of a Mendix application is governed by the UI resources package. This package supplies the project with all the required theme information accompanied by matching page templates and building blocks. The module which is designated as the UI resources package is governed by the UI resources package setting. Generally, this is automatically updated when a new UI resources package is imported. However, with this setting, the desired module can also be set manually.
Theme ZIP File
Older projects may still use a theme ZIP file as the basis for their theme. In this situation, the Theme ZIP file setting can be used to switch between any ZIP files found in the theme folder. Note that this practice is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Switching from a ZIP file to a UI resources package is straightforward:
Firstly, replace the contents of the theme folder with the contents of the desired ZIP file.
Then, use the UI resources package setting described above to select a module. Ideally, this module should only contain UI documents, such as page templates and building blocks. This will allow you to export and import the module to other projects without worrying about reference errors.
Lastly, set the Theme ZIP file setting to None.
Miscellaneous Tab
These settings determine the behavior of Studio Pro for this project. The settings apply to everyone that is working on this project.
Bundle Widgets When Running Locally
When deploying to the cloud, custom widgets are bundled to optimize client-server communication. When deploying locally, this step is skipped to accelerate startup duration. In some cases, this may obfuscate errors triggered by faulty custom widgets.
If this option is set, custom widgets will also be bundled locally. This mimics the production deployment, eliminating risk at the cost of start-up time.
Suggest Lower-Case Variable Names in Microflows
When enabled, the names that Studio Pro suggests in microflows will start with a lower-case letter instead of an upper-case letter.
Activity Default Colors
This table allows you to select a default color for each microflow activity type that is available in your project. The selected color will be used as the background color for all microflow activities of that type in your project. It is possible to override this default value for individual activities in the microflow editor. If you change the default color for an activity type, and there are activities of that type present in the project that have an individual background color specified, a dialog will be shown that allows you to apply the new default color to these activities as well.