
Last modified: August 20, 2024


Release date: May 31, 2024

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New Features

  • Text box, Text area, and Date picker widgets now offer dynamic placeholders as Text templates with parameters.
  • We added a preview of the auto-generated API documentation for published OData services to Studio Pro. This allows you to see the resulting REST endpoints of the OData service while you are modeling it.

Java 21

We now support Java 21 in Studio Pro:

  • This release ships with Java Development Kit (JDK) 21.
  • You can now configure your application to use Java 21 in the App Settings.
  • In Preferences you can configure a different JDK for each supported version of Java.
  • Targeting Java 21 allows the project to use language constructs and APIs that were introduced with Java 21.
  • Newly created projects will be configured to use Java 21 by default.

We recommend that you upgrade apps and Marketplace modules to Java 21.


  • We changed the log level of the Tasks cannot be executed anymore due to model changes message in the task queue from critical to error. (Ticket 199565)
  • We now pass a render mode to the pluggable widgets API to indicate which mode the page editor is in.
  • We added a CanApplyJumpTo attribute to the System.Workflow entity to indicate whether you can apply a jump-to option to the workflow in its current state.
  • We made some performance improvements when finding usages in protected modules.
  • We added a Support Tools submenu to the Help menu, this submenu contains the following tools: Performance logging, Profiling, and Optimize MPR.
  • We improved parameter validation while trying REST requests in consumed REST service editor (Beta). Requests having parameter values with spaces in URL will now raise errors as they do when used in microflow action.
  • We upgraded react-navigation to version 6.x.x and extended navigation transitions options for Studio Pro.
  • We added support for Hermes engine.
  • The Studio Pro version selector was visually overhauled and now supports dark and light modes.
  • Studio Pro is now based on a .NET 8 instead of .NET 6. Therefore, .NET 8 is a new prerequisite for the application. For more information, see System Requirements.
    • With the new .NET 8 update, extension developers need to upgrade their respective extensions to target the new version of the framework.
  • When using the React Client we no longer log incorrect warnings about missing imports of widgets in app_bundle_log.txt when bundling the client.
  • We improved the readability of XPath queries in the property field by trimming the spaces.
  • We updated some phrases in the XPath editor for more clarity.
  • We now support keyboard hotkeys to copy, cut, paste, undo, redo, and delete in MendixChat (Windows only).
  • We made sure that the right-click context menu with the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete options is available on the MendixChat feedback page.
  • We added rendering support for Markdown tables, code blocks, and headers in MendixChat.
  • We added a small delay before showing the MxAssist Logic Bot blue dot.
  • We fixed memory leaks that happened when closing and opening applications in Studio Pro.
  • We do not allow you to provide an invalid or duplicate request name in the consumed REST service document.
  • We made some performance improvements to several operations in Studio Pro, including renaming entities, pasting in the domain model editor, copying and duplicating documents, and importing packages.
  • We improved relay-outing in the logic editors: when adding objects to a loop, it only expands in the relevant direction(s).
  • We have made a couple of small performance improvements to the Logic Bot.
  • The menu items in the View menu are now ordered alphabetically and have individually assigned keyboard shortcuts.
  • We improved consistency checks for parameters in the Consumed REST Request (beta) microflow action. Parameters with different casing are also marked as duplicate now.
  • We added support for parameters in Path URL inside a Consumed REST service (beta) document.
  • We now support parameters for string body content in a Consumed REST service (beta).
  • We improved the Integration pane in Studio Pro. For associations between persistable and non-persistable entities where the non-persistable entity is the owner it now indicates that these are not supported. Before, these would appear supported, but using them always resulted in a consistency error.
  • We made some performance improvements when finding usages of a module.
  • In the microflow and nanoflow editors, flow lines are now rendered above other objects.
  • We improved interaction with loops in the microflow and nanoflow editors. When a loop is not selected, you can now drag a selection rectangle from inside the loop to select its containing elements. To move the loop, simply click the loop to select it and then start dragging to move it.


  • We fixed CVE-2024-33500.
  • We fixed a known issue in the new expression editor when the cursor was jumping to the end of the expression upon typing. This cursor issue could also lead to unexpected behavior with IME characters. (Tickets 205514, 216915)
  • We fixed a known issue where disabling a Scheduled Event through Model Options in the Developer Portal did not work. (Tickets 214392, 215703, 215843)
  • Killing a request now interrupts running database actions. (Ticket 202924)
  • We fixed an issue where Data Grid 2 did not show data in some columns when different columns were configured with an attribute path using the same association but different specialization or generalization entities. (Ticket 203959)
  • We fixed an issue where an error in the client occurred when a client-side expression which used a selection variable was used in a snippet. (Ticket 207899)
  • We resolved an issue causing files with special characters in their names to download with incorrect file names. (Ticket 213587)
  • We fixed an issue where the CSS of widgets was not applied properly during development when the React client was used. (Ticket 214211)
  • We resolved an issue in Document Templates that prevented custom height and width style attributes from being applied when generating HTML files. (Ticket 214622)
  • We fixed an issue with private constant values in MxBuild. It gave an error when deploying an app where the first local run configuration had a private constant value. (Ticket 214945)
  • We fixed the issue that popups in Studio Pro sometimes appeared on the wrong display. (Ticket 215250)
  • The Java API DataStorage.executeWithConnection (context, function) now properly closes the database connection when called from a Java action executed on a task queue. (Ticket 216659)
  • We fixed a regression where using Boolean microflow variables (or Boolean attributes from an object microflow variable) in an XPath constraint resulted in the runtime exception Unexpected expression in predicate position. (Ticket 216792)
  • We fixed an issue where the new expression editor was getting stuck upon selecting a long suggestion in the auto-completion popup.
  • We fixed an issue where, when migrating a column from Float to Decimal, the default value was converted to Float before being inserted, which caused improper rounding.
  • We fixed an issue in OQL where subtracting the null literal caused subsequent null literal usages to throw a parsing exception.
  • When using MySQL as the database, setting a query timeout works again.
  • We resolved an issue in Studio Pro where an error occurred when attempting to open Preferences while creating a new app.
  • We fixed an issue where aborting a workflow resulted in an error if the workflow had an ongoing activity that had just finished.
  • We fixed an issue where a pluggable widget with a selection property linked to a data source property which was not required resulted in an exception when the data source was not configured.
  • We fixed an exception that happened upon closing a non-version-controlled app (after you previously opened a version controlled app and did not restart Studio Pro).
  • We fixed an issue in the Core.RetrieveByPath Runtime API, where having a new external object and retrieving over an association from the child’s side resulted in an error.
  • We fixed an issue where Studio Pro allowed publishing an OData service that included invalid associations between readable and non-readable associations. Readable entities now only allow associations to other readable entities.
  • We fixed a positioning issue when extracting sub-microflows in a loop in the logic editors.
  • We fixed an issue where activity badges disappeared while dragging activities in the logic editors.
  • We fixed an issue where renaming a document (for example entity, association, or module) was not reflected correctly in expressions.
  • We fixed scrolling left/right when pressing Shift while using the scroll wheel.
  • We fixed an issue with the File Manager widget. The widget no longer erroneously accepts the .xls extension. If you attempt to use .xls files, they will be rejected by the widget intelligently.


  • Starting with version 10.12, we will drop support for MariaDB 10.4, as the vendor has announced the end of support for that version.

Known Issues

  • When using a microflow decision method for a multi-user task in workflows, the System.WorkflowUserTask is always empty.
  • Studio Pro on Mac loads user settings from the previous version of the application.
  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.
  • When importing Marketplace modules with Studio Pro, their version numbers do not represent the module’s version. Instead they mention the current Studio Pro version. This does not affect previously imported Marketplace modules.