
Last modified: September 1, 2024


Release date: August 7, 2024

Go to Marketplace


  • We fixed an issue where after toggling the Maia Domain Model Generation feature, a restart of Studio Pro was necessary for it to take effect.
  • We fixed the way Marketplace module versions were sourced and represented.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.
  • When importing Marketplace modules with Studio Pro, their version numbers do not represent the module’s version. Instead they mention the current Studio Pro version. This does not affect previously imported Marketplace modules.


Release date: July 30, 2024

Go to Marketplace

New Features

Domain Model Generator

We added a new experimental conversational interface in Maia for the users to describe their business model and Maia will generate entities, attributes and associations for them:

  • To enable this feature, in Edit > Preferences > New Features, turn on the Enable domain model generation (experimental) toggle.
  • To launch the domain model generation interface, the user needs to open an empty domain model and click Generate Domain Model at its toolbar. If the domain model is not empty, the button will be disabled.
  • If the user closes the attached domain model, the domain model generation session within Maia will also close.

For more information on this new Maia feature, see Domain Model Generator.

Other New Features

  • We introduced support for XPath constraints on associated entities in the offline database.
  • We added an option to define a fallback page or microflow for web navigation profiles, which will be used when trying to access a microflow or page URL that does not exist. When configured, the pop-up window with the The page you requested was not found. You are redirected to the home page message is no longer shown. Instead, the fallback microflow or page is used. If a microflow is used, it can have a parameter Path of type string which will contain the URL that could not be found.
  • We added version control status icons to the App Explorer on macOS.


  • We improved source selection for branch creation. Now, top revision is selected by default.
  • In Import Mapping, we now display the Custom name from the JSON Structure in the Call a microflow dialog box.
  • You can now specify an alternative exposed name for entities and microflows in published OData services. Clients can access the entities and microflows using a URL based on those alternative names. They do not have to conform to the OData specifications, allowing different ways of addressing entities and microflows, including delimiter-separated words (kebab-case). These names are the ones that the service’s OpenAPI document uses.
  • We improved performance when typing in the expression editor.
  • We upgraded the JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server to version 12.6.3. If you connect to SQL Server using integrated security in a module such as Database Connector, you may need to update the JDBC driver in userlib as well.
  • We now display warnings in addition to errors when Limit to current tab is selected.
  • We aligned the behavior of microflow URLs in the React client with the Dojo client. Previously, when a microflow URL was opened in the React client, it stayed in the browser as a hash (for example, myapp.com/#/my-microflow-url) until a page URL was opened. Now the hash is removed after the page is loaded.
  • When you publish a non-persistable entity, Studio Pro does not mark this entity Readable by default. This also prevents the key selector dialog box from popping up. Selecting keys is not required in this case and is not always relevant.
  • We have upgraded react-native to version 0.73.8.
  • We have upgraded react-native-device-info to version 11.1.0.
  • We have upgraded react-native-fast-image to version 8.6.3.
  • We updated the response for PUT requests to be 405 for OData services.
  • We introduced a new Java API to add necessary session cookies, so if you do not directly use the client to log in, you can use the new API instead of implementing that functionality yourself.
  • In strict mode, Studio Pro now analyzes pages with a cancel action button to ensure that only entities within editable widgets can be rolled back.
  • We merged the React client and React native client packages in the Studio Pro installation. This should reduce the amount of files shipped with Studio Pro. In the SBOM scan, now only the mendix package is visible when using either the React or the native client.
  • The External Database Connector now supports using stored procedures with parameters.


  • We fixed an known issue where Studio Pro on Mac loaded user settings from the previous version of the application.
  • We fixed an issue where cached session data was retained even after a new user logged in to offline applications. Now, the cached session data is cleared upon each login. (Ticket 201728)
  • We fixed an issue in import mapping where creating a microflow for object handling threw an exception if there were duplicate attribute names. (Tickets 201905, 217287)
  • We fixed an issue where vendorlib-sbom.json is updated unnecessarily. (Tickets 218152, 222102, 221123, 220419, 219994, 219344, 218992, 218899, 218855, 223095)
  • We fixed an error in database synchronization which affected setting an existing entity with a decimal attribute as a generalization of another entity. (Ticket 219731)
  • We fixed an issue where, in applications with both PWA and native profiles, the PWA could potentially attempt and fail to pre-cache a native page if it was reachable through subnanoflows. (Ticket 220165)
  • We fixed an issue where the Metrics.ApplicationTags configuration value was not used for some of the built-in metrics. (Ticket 220260)
  • We fixed an issue where, in some cases, an analytic scope issue was presented when a repository was corrupted or there were network issues. (Ticket 220445)
  • We fixed an issue in consumed web services in Studio Pro, where some corrupted imported WSDL files did not only give a consistency error, but also an error pop-up window.
  • We fixed an issue in the call REST service and call web service activities in Studio Pro, where setting an empty timeout expression gave an error. Now it gives a consistency error.
  • We fixed an issue in published REST services in Studio Pro, where in exceptional cases it showed an error about not being able to refresh the grid.
  • We fixed an issue where using a single underscore as the name of an element in your app model caused errors when running the app. This is now prevented by a consistency error in Studio Pro.
  • In the logic editors, we fixed an issue where some Maia suggestions could not be added to empty looped activities.
  • In the logic editors, we fixed an issue where a useless flow was left behind when deleting or detaching an object that is in a circular flow.
  • We fixed an issue when updating a consumed OData contract where a readable entity becomes a non-readable entity. Resolving this consistency error led to an error when one of the attributes had been deleted as well.
  • We fixed an issue where changing an event action or a list view on click or pull down action from a microflow to another type of action resulted in an Oops dialog.
  • We fixed an issue where the name of a userlib dependency in the SBOM was incorrect.
  • We fixed an issue in the Retrieve Workflow Activity Records activity where finished user task activities had a paused state.
  • We fixed an issue in the workflows engine where the workflow state was set incorrectly to continue when it contained failed activities.
  • In the logic editors, we fixed an issue where exposed microflows, Java actions, and JavaScript actions were not updated correctly in the toolbox.
  • We fixed an issue in the External Database Connector where the Date & Time parameter was not working for PostgreSQL.
  • We fixed an issue when an error dialog was displayed after opening an app in the Mendix Portal when the user was signed in and there was no Internet connection.
  • We fixed a memory leak that can happen in notification pop-ups, such as the pop-up that notifies about running an app.

Known Issues

  • Line endings in CSS files are not being handled properly, so when using Revert All Changes or performing other version-control operations, CSS files appear in the Changes on Disk dialog box.
    • Workaround: For details, see this section in Troubleshooting Version Control.
  • A finished parallel split path that is removed from a running workflow instance wrongly leads to a versioning conflict. Please note that “path” was called “branch” in earlier versions.
  • There is a positioning error in the logic editors when you are dragging a large element, such as a loop, into a sequence flow, it overlaps with the existing elements.
  • When importing Marketplace modules with Studio Pro, their version numbers do not represent the module’s version. Instead they mention the current Studio Pro version. This does not affect previously imported Marketplace modules.