App Repository API

Last modified: December 2, 2024


The App Repository API enables retrieving information (branches, commits) of application models stored in our Team Server.

Base URL

Below is the base URL for all App Repository API endpoints:


All available endpoints are shown in the following table:

Method Endpoint Description
GET /repositories/<appId>/info Gets repository information for an app
GET /repositories/<appId>/branches Gets a list of branches of a repository
GET /repositories/<appId>/branches/<branchName> Gets information of a branch of a repository
GET /repositories/<appId>/branches/<branchName>/commits Gets a list of commits of a branch of a repository


Authentication for the App Repository API uses a personal access token (PAT).

Generating a PAT

For details on how to generate a PAT, see the Personal Access Tokens section in User Settings. When you define the new PAT, choose at least this scope:

  • mx:modelrepository:repo:read.

Store the generated value {GENERATED_PAT} somewhere safe so you can use it to authorize your Mendix Cloud App Repository API calls.

Using the PAT

Each request must contain an Authorization header with the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}. Here is an example:

GET /repositories/d92064a5-b1fd-4be4-97db-53fc90201d1c/info HTTP/1.1
Authorization: MxToken 7LJE…vk

Error Response

Error Response Format

This is the generic error response format. The payload example format applies to any error as listed per request.


Name Value
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8


Name Type Description
errorCode String A code that can be used to look up the error.
errorMessage String A short, human-readable message explaining the error.

Payload Example:

    "errorCode": "RS400",
    "errorMessage": "Please provide valid input to execute this request. Invalid app id"

Error Codes

The service can return the following errors. In general, 4xx errors indicate that something was wrong with the client’s request, and 5xx errors indicate that something went wrong at the server side.

HTTP Status Title Detail
400 Bad Request Invalid app ID or branch name
401 Unauthorized Invalid token
403 Forbidden Access denied
404 Not Found Repository or branch not found
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong

API Calls

Retrieve Repository Info

HTTP Method: GET


Returns information about the version control repository for a Mendix app.

Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
AppId String Yes The App ID of the Mendix app for which the repository information should be returned. You can find this under Project ID in the General tab of the Settings page after you open your app in Apps.
GET /v1/repositories/c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33/info HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: MxToken hZUPhAV4ELPrRm7U7JAKf5BnxJk6q7dcsvFdw6ZR4wRYdv7egHjwHEYBwXY4RkSZrAWde3XqVAQkxZNPysvHcpquA9sK9bsKmcTN

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8

Response Payload

List of objects with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description
appId String The App ID of the Mendix app.
type String The type of repository. At the moment this is either "svn" or "git", but later on other repository types may be introduced.
url String The URL of the repository.
Payload Example
  "appId": "c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33",
  "type": "svn",
  "url": ""

Retrieve Branches

Returns information about the branches of the version control repository for a Mendix app.

The response is paginated using cursor-based pagination.

HTTP Method: GET


Path Parameter
Name Type Required Description
AppId String Yes The App ID of the Mendix app for which the repository information should be returned.
Query Parameter
Name Type Required Description
limit Integer No The number of items to return per result page. Defaults to 20 items. Maximum is 100 items.
cursor String No A cursor specifying which page to retrieve. To obtain a cursor value, see the cursors property of the response payload of this operation. If no cursor is specified, the first page is returned.
GET /v1/repositories/c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33/branches?limit=20&cursor=Rmlyc3RQYWdlQ3Vyc29y HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: MxToken hZUPhAV4ELPrRm7U7JAKf5BnxJk6q7dcsvFdw6ZR4wRYdv7egHjwHEYBwXY4RkSZrAWde3XqVAQkxZNPysvHcpquA9sK9bsKmcTN

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8

Response Payload

List of objects with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description
items Array An array of objects representing the branches of the repository. See Retrieve Branch Response Payload for the properties of a branch object.
cursors Object An object containing cursors that can be used for pagination.
cursors.first String A cursor that can be used to retrieve the first page.
cursors.prev String, optional A cursor that can be used to retrieve the previous page. The absence of this property indicates that this is the first page. String, optional A cursor that can be used to retrieve the next page. The absence of this property indicates that this is the last page.
cursors.last String A cursor that can be used to retrieve the last page.
Payload Example
  "items": [
      "name": "trunk",
      "latestCommit": {
        "id": "42",
        "author": {
          "name": "John Doe",
          "email": ""
        "date": "2021-05-31T15:00:00.000Z",
        "message": "My commit message",
        "mendixVersion": "",
        "relatedStories": [{ "id": "1234567" }, { "id": "2345678" }]
    <more items>...
  "cursors": {
    "first": "Rmlyc3RQYWdlQ3Vyc29y",
    "prev": "UHJldmlvdXNQYWdlQ3Vyc29y",
    "next": "TmV4dFBhZ2VDdXJzb3I=",
    "last": "TGFzdFBhZ2VDdXJzb3I="

Retrieve Branch

Returns information about a specific branch of the version control repository for a Mendix app.

HTTP Method: GET


Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
AppId String Yes The App ID of the Mendix app for which the repository information should be returned.
Name String Yes The name of the branch for which to return information. The name of the branch should be URL-encoded.
GET /v1/repositories/c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33/branches/trunk HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: MxToken hZUPhAV4ELPrRm7U7JAKf5BnxJk6q7dcsvFdw6ZR4wRYdv7egHjwHEYBwXY4RkSZrAWde3XqVAQkxZNPysvHcpquA9sK9bsKmcTN
GET /v1/repositories/c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33/branches/branches%2Fdevelopment HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: MxToken hZUPhAV4ELPrRm7U7JAKf5BnxJk6q7dcsvFdw6ZR4wRYdv7egHjwHEYBwXY4RkSZrAWde3XqVAQkxZNPysvHcpquA9sK9bsKmcTN

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8

Response Payload

An object with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description
name String The name of the branch.
latestCommit Object An object representing the latest commit done on the branch. String Commit ID. Will be a hash for Git repositories and a revision number for Subversion repositories. Object An object with the commit author details. String The full name of the commit author. String The email address of the commit author. String The commit date and time in RFC 3339 format.
latestCommit.message String The commit message.
latestCommit.relatedStories Array An array of related user story IDs, if available.
latestCommit.mendixVersion String, optional The Mendix version used to make this commit, if available.
  "name": "trunk",
  "latestCommit": {
    "id": "42",
    "author": {
      "name": "",
      "email": ""
    "date": "2021-05-31T15:00:00.000Z",
    "message": "My commit message",
    "mendixVersion": "",
    "relatedStories": [{ "id": "1234567" }, { "id": "2345678" }]

Retrieve Commits

Returns information about the commits of a specific branch of the version control repository for a Mendix app. Commits are returned in reverse chronological order, starting from the head of the branch all the way to the first commit of the repository.

The response is paginated using cursor-based pagination.

HTTP Method: GET


Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
AppId String Yes The App ID of the Mendix app for which the repository information should be returned.
Name String Yes The name of the branch for which to return information. The name of the branch should be URL-encoded.
Query Parameters
Name Type Required Description
limit Integer No The number of items to return per result page. Defaults to 20 items. Maximum is 100 items.
cursor String No A cursor specifying which page to retrieve. To obtain a cursor value, see the cursors property of the response payload of this operation. If no cursor is specified, the first page is returned.
GET /v1/repositories/c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33/branches/trunk/commits?limit=20&cursor=Rmlyc3RQYWdlQ3Vyc29y HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: MxToken hZUPhAV4ELPrRm7U7JAKf5BnxJk6q7dcsvFdw6ZR4wRYdv7egHjwHEYBwXY4RkSZrAWde3XqVAQkxZNPysvHcpquA9sK9bsKmcTN
GET /v1/repositories/c0af1725-edae-4345-aea7-2f94f7760e33/branches/branches%2Fdevelopment/commits?limit=20&cursor=Rmlyc3RQYWdlQ3Vyc29y HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: MxToken hZUPhAV4ELPrRm7U7JAKf5BnxJk6q7dcsvFdw6ZR4wRYdv7egHjwHEYBwXY4RkSZrAWde3XqVAQkxZNPysvHcpquA9sK9bsKmcTN

Response Headers

Name Value
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8

Response Payload

List of objects with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description
items Array An array of objects representing the commits of the specified repository branch. String Commit ID. Will be a hash for Git repositories and a revision number for Subversion repositories. Object An object with the commit author details. String The full name of the commit author. String The email address of the commit author. String The commit date and time in RFC 3339 format.
items.message String The commit message.
items.relatedStories Array An array of related user story IDs, if available.
items.mendixVersion String, optional The Mendix version used to make this commit, if available.
cursors Object An object containing cursors that can be used for pagination.
cursors.first String A cursor that can be used to retrieve the first page.
cursors.prev String, optional A cursor that can be used to retrieve the previous page. The absence of this property indicates that this is the first page. String, optional A cursor that can be used to retrieve the next page. The absence of this property indicates that this is the last page.
cursors.last String A cursor that can be used to retrieve the last page.
  "items": [
      "id": "42",
      "author": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": ""
      "date": "2021-05-31T15:00:00.000Z",
      "message": "My commit message",
      "mendixVersion": "",
      "relatedStories": [{ "id": "1234567" }, { "id": "2345678" }]
    <more items>...
  "cursors": {
    "first": "Rmlyc3RQYWdlQ3Vyc29y",
    "prev": "UHJldmlvdXNQYWdlQ3Vyc29y",
    "next": "TmV4dFBhZ2VDdXJzb3I=",
    "last": "TGFzdFBhZ2VDdXJzb3I="